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Alsan 601 Roof Waterproofing Systems - A liquid-applied polyurethane membrane for use as a waterproofing layer on new or existing flat or pitched roofs with limited access and for waterproofing balconies, terraces and podiums.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Alsan 770 - A reinforced polymethyl methacrylate waterproofing kit for use as a liquid-applied roof waterproofing on flat, zero-pitched and pitched roofs with limited access.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Alsan 770/870 RS - For use as waterproofing and wearing surfaces on car park decks
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Antirock Bridge - A reinforced SBS-modified bitumen waterproofing membrane for use on concrete decks of highway bridges.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Antirock Trafficked Deck Waterproofing System - A polyester reinforced modified bitumen membrane for use as a protected waterproofing system overlaid with a suitable wearing course on trafficked decks.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
CCPI Bitumen
Soprema UK
CCPI Product
Certificate type
COLPHENE MEMBRANE SYSTEMS - A range of polymer-modified bitumen membranes for use in external post-applied damp proof and waterproofing applications in below-ground concrete structures
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
COLPHENE PRE-APPLIED MEMBRANE SYSTEMS - A range of polymer-modified bitumen membranes for use in externally pre-applied damp proof and waterproofing applications and as gas-resistant membranes, in below-ground concrete structures.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Duo High Tech Waterproofing Membranes - Waterproofing Membranes, comprising polyester/glass composite reinforced polymer-modified bitumen, for use in waterproofing in flat and pitched roofing.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Duoflex Roofing System - For use as a waterproofing for inverted roofs, green roofs, blue roof specificiations in combination with a stormwater management system, and protected roofs with limited access, in flat, including zero fall, roof specifications
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Duoflex Waterproofing System - For use in forming a waterproof sandwich membrane on new or existing horizontal surfaces in above-ground and basement constructions, or to form a damp-proof membrane on solid floors
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Flagon EP/PR and EP/PR-F Roof Waterproofing Systems - TPO roofing membranes for use on flat and pitched roofs with limted access in mechanically-fastened, fully-adhered, loose-laid and ballasted roof garden and green roof specifications
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Flagon EP/PR EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Flagon EP/PV and EP/PV-F Roof Waterproofing Systems Glass-reinforced thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) membranes for use as waterproofing on flat or pitched roofs with limited access.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Flagon PVC EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Flagon SFc, SFb, SV and Sb Roof Waterproofing Membranes - Fully bonded and loose-laid and ballasted reinforced PVC membranes, for use on flat and pitched roofs with limited access in exposed, protected, inverted, roof garden and green roof applications.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Flagon SR, SRF, SR SC and SR DE Roof Waterproofing Systems - Reinforced PVC membranes, for use as mechanically fastened and fully adhered applications on flat and pitched roofs with limited access in exposed, protected, inverted and green roofs
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
ISOLAIR AND PAVATHERM-COMBI SARKING BOARDS - Wood fibre material of different densities for use as insulating sarking boards on pitched roofs of dwellings and other buildings with similar temperature and humidity conditions.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Isolair And Pavatherm-Combi Sheathing Boards - Wood-fibre insulation boards for use as external thermal insulating sheathing boards on new and existing timber- or steel-frame walls or masonry walls, in domestic and non-domestic buildings.
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
PAVATEX Dry process wood fibre insulation EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Sopralene Flam 180 AF EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Sopralene Flam 180 TF EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Sopralene Flam and Sopralene Techno Roof Waterproofing Membranes - for use as waterproofing on flat, protected zero fall roofs or pitched roofs with limited access and blue roof specifications
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
SOPRALENE FLAM GARDEN 250 AF - Sopralene Flam Garden 250 AF, a polyester-reinforced SBS modified bitumen waterproofing membrane, for use on flat and zero fall roofs in green roofs, and in flat, zero falls, and pitched green roof specifications
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Sopralene Flam Garden 250 AF EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Sopralene Optima C3 GMF EPD
Soprema UK
Certificate type
Sopralene Optima Roof Waterproofing Membranes - for use as roof waterproofing on flat, protected zero fall roofs, and pitched roofs with limited access and blue roof specifications, in combination with an attenuation system
Soprema UK
BBA Agrément Certificate
Certificate type
Soprema UK
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
Certificate type
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