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TCB - Cavity fire barrier for timber frame

Verified by manufacturer 4 months ago


ARC Building Solutions Limited Variant:
Product certifications:
  • IFCC


    Certificate type

Cavity barrier for timber frame construction

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+44 (0)113 2529428 Website


  • For fitting within a timber frame cavity.
  • Specified in semi-detached houses, apartments and major projects.
  • Ideally suited for providing a cavity barrier within the external wall cavity, in line with a separating wall or floor, and around window and door openings, as specified in Approved Document B.


Cavity fire barrier designed to be compression fitted within a timber frame cavity. In vertical applications, both flanges are fixed; in horizontal applications, only the top flange should be fixed. The flanges are fixed to the frame using clout nails at 150 mm centres.

The polythene encapsulation offers on-site weather protection but can be cut away without affecting the barrier’s performance.

It restricts the spread of smoke and flames within timber frame cavity walls, as well as minimizing the effect of flanking noise pollution at wall junctions. It is manufactured from low-resin, non-combustible rock fibre mineral wool insulation and is sleeved in polythene for on-site protection.

This product restricts the spread of smoke and flames within the cavity of timber frame walls, while also minimizing the effect of flanking noise pollution. 

Features and benefits:

  • Up to 60 minutes of fire integrity.
  • Horizontal and vertical options.
  • Can be used around window and door openings.
  • Specified in terraced, semi-detached, apartments and major projects.
  • Meets requirements of Robust Detail Part E and Approved Document B.
  • Maximum cavity width available: 150 mm.
  • Easily installed.
  • Third-party certificated by IFC.

General information







Rock fibre mineral wool


1200 mm


50 mm

55 mm

60 mm

65 mm

70 mm

Show more


65 mm

75 mm

150 mm

250 mm


Pr_25_80_81_51 Mineral wool fire-stoppingPrimary


F30/18 Cavity closers

F30/180 Cavity closers

SKU Code

TCB50, TCB55, TCB60, TCB65, TCB70, TCB75, TCB80, TCB85, TCB90, TCB95, TCB100, TCB105, TCB110, TCB115, TCB120, TCB125, TCB130, TCB135, TCB140, TCB145, TCB150, PWTCB50, PWTCB55, PWTCB60, PWTCB65, PWTCB70, PWTCB75, PWTCB80, PWTCB85, PWTCB90, PWTCB95, PWTCB100, PWTCB105, PWTCB110, PWTCB115, PWTCB120, PWTCB125, PWTCB130, PWTCB135, PWTCB140, PWTCB145, PWTCB150, TCBTT50, TCBTT55, TCBTT60, TCBTT65, TCBTT70, TCBTT75, TCBTT80, TCBTT85, TCBTT90, TCBTT95, TCBTT100

Specification data - Mineral wool fire-stopping




To BS EN 13162.

Fire performance

To BS EN 13501-1, Euroclass A1.


0.037 W/mK.


Rock fibre mineral wool.



Cavity width

100 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

From timber to brickwork.


115 x 250 x 1200 mm.

Sustainability data


Rock fibre mineral wool

Product certifications








TCB Data Sheet

TCB Data Sheet

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