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Insulated DPC - Thermal cavity closer

Verified by manufacturer 4 months ago


ARC Building Solutions Limited Variant:

Thermal cavity closer for window and door reveals

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+44 (0)113 2529428 Website


For closing cavity around window and door reveals. Is a thermal cavity closer designed to close the cavity around window and door reveals in conjunction with a return block, fitting between the return block and inner edge of the outer skin of brickwork. The polyethylene foam insulation will help prevent cold bridging and eliminate moisture, mould and staining from around windows and doors, while the DPC is embossed to assist mortar adhesion.


A thermal cavity closer designed to close the cavity around window and door reveals in conjunction with a return block, fitting between the return block and inner edge of the outer skin of brickwork. The polyethylene foam insulation will help prevent cold bridging and eliminate moisture, mould and staining around windows and doors, while the DPC is embossed to assist mortar adhesion.

It is easily installed as the brickwork progresses and before the window or door is fitted.

Features and benefits:

  • Closes cavity around window and door reveals.
  • Prevents cold bridging.
  • Insulated with polyethylene foam.
  • Use in conjunction with a return block.
  • Conforms to BRE guidelines for thermal insulation.
  • BRE Green Guide 'A+' rating.
  • Manufactured under ISO 9001- and ISO 14001-certified 'Quality and Environmental Systems'.

General information




1200 mm


165 mm

225 mm


17 mm


Pr_25_80_81_51 Mineral wool fire-stoppingPrimary


F30/18 Cavity closers

F30/180 Cavity closers

SKU Code


Specification data - Mineral wool fire-stopping


0.039 W/mK.


Polyethylene foam and DPC.


10 m (foam and DPC).

Foam fill

17 mm thick.


100 mm / 165 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Foam / DPC.

Sustainability data




Insulated DPC Data Sheet

Insulated DPC Data Sheet

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