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ProTherm RockFace A2 Upstand Insulation

Verified by manufacturer 1 month ago

Radmat Building Products Ltd Product certifications:
  • BM Trada

    Certificate type

  • BBA Agrément Certificate

    BBA Agrément Certificate

    Certificate type

Non-combustible upstand insulation board.

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Used to thermally insulate and protect upstand walls in inverted flat roof systems.

For use with inverted roofing waterproofing such as PermaQuik PQ6100, EshaFlex, EshaUniversal and ParaFlex.

For a comprehensive NBS J31 specification contact Radmat Building Products.


ProTherm RockFace A2 is a non-combustible Upstand thermal insulation board.

Features and benefits:

  • Classified Euroclass A2-s1,d0 to BS EN13501-1:2018 by WarringtonFire under classification report no. 19808F dated 10/10/2019.
  • Building Regulation Approved Document B volume 1 – dwellings and volume 2 - non-dwellings compliant solution for buildings over 18 m high in England.
  • Technical handbook – domestic Annex 2.C and Technical Handbook – non-domestic Annex 2.F compliant solution for buildings over 11 m high in Scotland.
  • Manufactured with non-combustible stone wool it will not develop smoke or promote flame spread, even when directly exposed to fire.
  • It also repels and drains water away from the product, and will completely dry out while maintaining its original physical properties.
  • Stone wool and factory laminated to a 6 mm thick weather resistant high impact facing board.
  • Available in a range of thicknesses.
  • ProTherm RockFace A2 has a Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), a Global Warming Potential (GWP).
  • Certificates: ISO 9001@2008 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 :2004 Environmental Management System, EPD as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804.

General information





Manufacturer guidance







2000 mm


26 mm

36 mm

46 mm

56 mm

66 mm

Show more


1200 mm

Warranty description

40 year


Pr_25_57_06_50 Mineral fibre slab insulationPrimary
Pr_25_57_06_53 Mineral wool insulation


J31/334 Mineral wool insulation

J42/425 Mineral wool (MW) insulation

J41/26 Thermal insulation

J42/27 Thermal insulation

J31/26 Thermal insulation

J21/25 Warm deck roof insulation

Specification data - Mineral fibre slab insulation


Test standard to EN ISO 1716: 2010 and 13823: 2010+A1:2014. Classified to BS EN 13501-1:2018.

Thermal conductivity (maximum)

W/mK. = 0.30/0.038.

Manufacturer guidance

Facing/ Stone wool insulation:

Thickness (minimum)

56 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

50 mm.

116 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

110 mm.

142 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

136 mm.

Manufacturer guidance

Overall thickness specified for main value, Stone wool insulation thickness alone in respective guidance (allows 6 mm for the facing board).


1320 kg/m³.


High performance, heavy duty, exterior grade fibre-cement sheet with grey skin.

Fire performance

A2-s1, d0.

Guidance for specification option:

Classified Euroclass A2-s1,d0 to BS EN13501-1:2108 by WarringtonFire under classification report no. 19808F dated 10 10 2019.

  • A2 = limited combustibility.
  • s1 (smoke) quantity/speed of emission = absent or weak.
  • d0 = no dripping.

Ozone depletion potential


Global warming potential


Green guide rating


Length x width

2000 x 1200 mm.


kg = 35.9/48.12/56.

Manufacturer guidance

(board/ m2 ) RF56/ RF116/ RF142:

Flexural strength

18 MPa.

Manufacturer guidance

(average Parallel and Transverse)

Compressive Strength (at 10% deformation)

30 kPa.

Manufacturer guidance

BS EN 826

Nominal density

110 kg/m³.

Manufacturer guidance

Stone wool only - BS EN 1602:

Water absorption

Water repellent, to ASTM E136.


13 kPa.


Manufacturer's standard.

Guidance for specification option:

Install ProTherm RockFace A2 upstand board after completion of the PermaQuik PQ6100 or EshaFlex inverted roofing system.

ProTherm RockFace A2 upstand board is bonded to the waterproofing using an Insta-Stik bead it is also trapped at the base by the horizontal ProTherm insulation board. As long as the ProTherm RockFace A2 upstand boards are well protected no additional attachment method is required unless the ProTherm RockFace A2 upstand board is more than 3 times the height of the horizontal ProTherm insulation board.

Where the ProTherm RockFace A2 is more than 3 times the height of the horizontal ProTherm insulation board, and less than 750 mm in height, the ProTherm RockFace A2 upstand board must be trapped at the base by the horizontal ProTherm insulation board and have continuous retention across the top face of the board.

Where the ProTherm RockFace A2 Board exceeds 750 mm above the roof finishes and is trapped at the base by the horizontal ProTherm insulation board the ProTherm RockFace A2 Board must be either:

  • Bonded with INSTA-STIK Roofing Adhesive applied in 19-25 mm beads at 300 mm centres for the full height of the ProTherm RockFace A2 Board AND have a single DDS fixings (or equal approved) installed through the centre of the ProTherm RockFace A2 Board a minimum of 75 mm from the top of the ProTherm RockFace A2 Board.
  • Mechanically fixed directly to the upstand wall at 600 mm centres using Speedline DDS fixings (or equal approved).

Where it is necessary to cut ProTherm RockFace A2 upstand board to size use a TCT saw (suitable PPE must be used including a face mask to guard against dust). 



Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture


A1-A3 (production stage)

Normalised unit

Declared unit



Manufacturer guidance




Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

60 %

Product certifications

BM Trada

BM Trada

Short Form Classification Report No. 19808F

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Agrément Certificate

97/3336 PermaQuik PQ6100


ProTherm RockFace A2 Product Data Sheet

ProTherm RockFace A2 Product Data Sheet

ProTherm RockFace A2 Fire Certificate

ProTherm RockFace A2 Fire Certificate

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