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Pavatex Pavafix (60/20_40/150)

Verified by manufacturer 10 months ago

Pavafix 20_40

Soprema UK Variant:

Acrylkate adhesive tape.

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For permanent sealing of Pavatex membranes and wood-fibre boards indoors and outdoors.

  • PAVAFIX 60: For gluing foils.
  • PAVAFIX 20_40: For gluing connections.
  • PAVAFIX 150: For bonding ridge, valley, edge and board joints.


An all-round acrylate adhesive tape with very high adhesion and good resistance to ageing and water. It can be exposed to the weather for up to three months. When gluing to porous or mineral contact surfaces, a preliminary coating of Pavabase or Pavaprim should be applied.

Features and benefits:

  • High adhesive strength, stable shape, cannot be over-stretched.
  • Colour matched to the facade membrane.
  • Withstands three months of exposure to the weather.

General information


Acrylic adhesive


Manufacturer guidance

Pure acrylic adhesive on a plastic carrier.


60 x 25 000 mm

150 x 25 000 mm


Pr_35_90_87_69 Polymer-based adhesive sealant tapesPrimary


P10/10 Loft insulation

P10/125 Insulation laid between ceiling ties/ joists

P10/140 Insulation fitted between rafters

P10/15 Insulation fitted between rafters

P10/165 Insulation to eaves

P10/170 Insulation to loft access hatches

P10/185 Soffit insulation

P10/20 Insulation to loft access hatches

P10/212 Insulation fixed across inner face of stud walling

P10/217 Insulation slabs fixed to backing wall

P10/220 Sound insulation within timber framed separating wall

P10/240 Insulation fitted between floor joists

P10/250 Insulation supported between floor joists

P10/310 Air and vapour control layer

P10/40 Insulation fitted betweenor to the face ofstuds

P10/42 Mineral wool insulation slabs fixed to backing wall

P10/45 Insulation laid between floor joists

P10/50 Insulation supported between joists

SKU Code


Product range

Pavatex Tapes and Seals

Specification data - Polymer-based adhesive sealant tapes


Pure acrylic adhesive on a plastic carrier.


60 x 25 000 mm


0.3 mm.

Installation temperature


Temperature resistance

-40 to +80°C.

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