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illbruck ME060 A2 FR AVCL - Laminated Fire Vapour Control Layer

Verified by manufacturer 6 months ago

illbruck – a brand of Tremco CPG UK Ltd

The purpose of ME060 A2 FR AVCL is to provide a physical air and vapour-tight separation layer of low combustibility to prevent unwanted moisture vapour transiency.

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Suitable as a vapour control layer in lightweight steel framed walls, timber framed walls, volumetric buildings and other offsite construction models. ME060 is terminated within the reveal and sealed to the structure. Use a separate purpose-made internal perimeter sealing membrane such as illbruck ME480 to close the tolerance gap between the glazed frame, structure and vapour control membrane to comply with the new Part L: 2021 "Conservation of Fuel and Power" of the Building Regulations and BS 5250 2021 "Management of moisture in buildings- code of practice".


ME060 A2 FR AVCL has a Class A2-s1,d0 Reaction to Fire according to EN 13501-1 and is highly suited to “Relevant Buildings” where there is a requirement to comply with Approved Document B, Part B4, Regulations 7 or other buildings that are being treated with equal “fire sensitivity”.

ME060 is used in conjunction with illbruck ME355 A2 FR Sealing Tape to close the perimeter joints and overlapping seams. Tremco TF448 double-sided tape or SP025 Fire Membrane Adhesive are used to support and bond the membrane sheet to the timber or metal stud work. The combination of materials forms a homogenous Vapour Control Barrier on the warm side of framed walls and some solid walls or precast concrete walls where provision is made for a sacrificial internal cavity or services void.

Features and benefits:

  • Air and vapour tight; can be used to comply with Passive Haus standards.
  • 95% heat reflection. Provides significantly improved energy efficiency.
  • Durability - Aluminium, glass fibre reinforced membrane ensures long lasting strength and durability. 

For Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets, please refer to the illbruck website Download Centre.

General information





Glass Fibre






50000 mm


1200 mm


0.1 mm

Warranty description


Manufacturer guidance

Any product which has been applied (a) in accordance with Tremco CPG UK Ltd written instructions and (b) in any applications recommended by Tremco CPG UK Ltd, but which is proved to be defective, will be replaced free of charge.


Pr_25_57_65_60 Plastics sheetsPrimary


H92/780 Air and vapour control layer

P10/310 Air and vapour control layer

P10/60 Air and vapour control layer

Product range

Fire Rated Vapour Control Membrane (VCL)
Vapour Control Layers

Specification data - Plastics sheets


Glass fibre, aluminium foil.


Protection layer.


To BS EN 13859-1.

Third-party certification

Effectis-France Certificate no. EFR-22-001944 May 2022, in accordance with BS EN13501-1 Reaction to Fire Class A2-s1, d0.

Performance characteristics


Tensile strength (minimum)

To EN 12311-2, ~ 960 N/50 mm (MD); ~ 950 N/50 mm (CD).

Tear resistance

To EN 12310-1, ~150 N.

Water vapour resistance (minimum)

>10 000 MN·s/g.

Guidance for specification option:

To EN 1391, >10 000 MNs.g. After aging: To EN 1391-B/ EN 1296, >75% of original value.

Fire performance

To EN 13501-1, Class A2-s1, d0.

UV stabilization

9 months full exposure.

Environmental performance requirements


Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions level (maximum)




Physical properties



Silver/ white.

Weight (minimum)

140 g/m².



Thickness (minimum)

0.1 mm.

Width (minimum)

1200 mm.

Roll length (minimum)

50000 mm.


Guidance for specification option:

illbruck method statement strictly adhered to. This needs to be obtained by the contractor. Memco TF448 Double-Sided Bonding Tape, available in 20 or 50 mm width, is used in combination with ME060 A2 Vapour Barrier Pro to provide bonding to the stud work framing & Sealing all terminated membrane edges and joining overlapping seams is accomplished with ME355 FR Sealing Tape. The TF 448 Tape can alternatively be substituted with the illbruck SP025 Fire Membrane Adhesive.

illbruck ME480/ME481 or ME322 Internal Foil Tape 100mm is recommended for forming the final connection between the ME060 A2 Vapour Barrier Pro and the internal face of the window frame.


With separate paste adhesive and sealing tapes.

Water vapour permeability

To EN 1931, equivalent thickness layer sd value 2000 m.

Air permeability

To EN 12114, ~ <0.1 m³ /m² h @ 50Pa.

Temperature resistance

-35°C to +180°C.


Cutting shears.

Stout seam roller.

Long flat straight edge.

Tape measure.

Laser or chalk line.

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Sustainability data

Country of product manufacture



Glass Fibre


Illbruck ME060 EPD Certificate

Illbruck ME060 EPD Certificate

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