Case study
Case study
The performance of laminated safety glass made with different types of interlayers was investigated using the ball drop tests according the DIN52338 standard. The tests were carried out independently at the Friedmann & Kirchner institute (F&K). According to the norm, 500 mm x 500 mm of LSG samples have been tested with a 1 kg weight ball. These tests were done to evaluate the performance of LSG at cold temperatures. The samples were exposed under the colder climate conditions of 0 °C, -20 °C and -40 °C prior to performing the ball drop tests. evguard® laminating film and the combination of evguard®/MPE has successfully passed the test at all 3 testing temperatures. It has been confirmed that evguard® and evguard® MPE interlayers are premium products for safety and security applications.
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ISO 9001
ISO 50001 Folienwerk Wolfen
DIBt General Building Authority Approval
BRE Certification Folienwerk Wolfen