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Novia 1200 Gauge Polythene Vapour Control Layer Datasheet

Technical data sheet

Novia 1200 Gauge Polythene Vapour Control Layer Datasheet

by Novia Ltd

Novia 1200 VCL is a high specification, blown polythene material, suitable for use as a vapour control layer within the walls of frame constructions, or where control of the passage of water vapour is required. This product also performs the additional function of an air-leakage barrier, to prevent losses due to unwanted convection flows. We advise the use of Novia butyl and metallised BOPP tapes to ensure a complete barrier integrity throughout the entire life of the product. Novia 1200 VCL should be used in combination with Novia breather membranes to provide an air-tight and vapour resistant system. Novia 1200 VCL is fully CPR compliant and is CE Approved to EN 13984:2013.

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