Bespoke Sink Resource Area
Pre-designed Sink Resource Area Configuration
Wall And Floor Fixed Cloak Room Benching With Shoe Shelf And Peg Rail (WA Series)
Wall And Floor Fixed Cloak Room Benching With Shoe Shelf, Peg Rail And Shelf Over (WAS1 Series)
Support Legs
Freestanding Bench With Independent Peg Rail (WA/FS Series)
WB Peg Rail - Coat clothes hook rail/ peg rail.
Double Island Bench Unit with Peg Rail (A Series)
Investment bank project, Lockers
Hillside School
Cheadle Hulme Sports Pavilion
Ysgol Bro Alun, Gwersyllt
Cheadle Hulme Sports Pavilion
Ysgol Bro Alun, Gwersyllt
Honiton Swimming Pool
Cheltenham Tigers Rugby Club
Ysgol Bro Alun, Gwersyllt
Olga Primary School
Manor Street Medical Centre
Glangwili General Hospital
Hillside School
Ysgol Bro Alun, Gwersyllt
Olga Primary School
Bridglea Pupil Referral Unit
Cheadle Hulme Sports Pavilion
Ysgol Bro Alun, Gwersyllt
Verulam School
North Chadderton High School, Oldham