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Terrace Access Achieved Using Box Rooflight To Highlight Ocean Views

Terrace Access Achieved Using Box Rooflight To Highlight Ocean Views

Glazing Vision Ltd

Glazing Vision’s three-wall box rooflight has provided a rooftop with more de rigueur, and one which takes advantage of the spectacular views overlooking the Perth shorelines.Keen to unlock and utilise the space on top of this newly built residential home, and further add value to this property, an innovative “glass box” was introduced to provide easy access to the roof terrace.Luxurious, modern and upbeat, this new build property has been carefully created with family life in mind. The floor plan involves family separation and considered zoning of the property.The ground floor provides a secluded escape from the excitement of the first floor, with a detailed layout which enables the clients to relax. A big theatre room and access to the garden offers a chilled out environment, hidden away from neighbours.The first floor is created for living in, with a completely open planned lounge, diner and kitchen. Set higher up, it allows for views across the beach and over the garden courtyard. Thus, it was important to ensure that high quality glazing was specified throughout to make the most of the wonderful views.Tasked with sourcing and installing the windows and doors on this modern new build property, Next Generation Glass director Steve Payne mentions how the client had come to them enquiring about skylights. After a lot of research into the different profiles available in Australia and after various different drawings and ideas, the outcome wasn’t looking good.It was a visit to the UK which led Steve to Glazing Vision, thankful of a recommendation from a contact of his. “Since my first contact, we decided it was a great product and became a distributor of Glazing Vision products in Australia”.After discussing the details of the job, a three wall box rooflight was recommended, helping to provide access to the clients roof terrace and providing wonderful views of the majestic presence of the Indian Ocean in the background.“It really is a great product and all that see it are in awe of it” explains Steve Payne, director of Next Generation Glass.The Glazing Vision three-wall box rooflight is fixed to your existing building structure, thereby facilitating the full use of the roof top terrace but operates in the same way as our freestanding box rooflight. The sleek aluminium framework and perfectly edged glass-to-glass joints create a stunning contemporary finished design which reflects the style of this property.This home’s rooftop terrace is the culmination of meticulous tweaking of the planning codes, and the reward is breath-taking views of Perth, with a beautiful backdrop of the ocean behind. It was in fact these planning codes which guided them towards the three-wall box rooflight, as the extra head height was required when coming up the stairs. Also allowing the homeowner to climb the stairwell whilst the rooflight is retracting into its open position, without having to ‘bow their head’.Fitted with minimal and contemporary outdoor furniture to increase the sense of openness. The new roof top allows the homeowner an additional ‘room with a view’, perfect for entertaining or for relaxing and enjoying the stunning views on offer.Having completed their first project with Glazing Vision, Steve Payne mentions how easy the whole process was, and that most of the hard work was undertaken by Glazing Vision. It was a simple installation process for a company like Next Generation Glass who are used to cranes in their scope of works.
Kettering Station Case Study

Kettering Station Case Study

Twinfix Limited

Twinfix have been working their magic to help Network Rail restore Kettering Railway Station to its former glory. They have been helped in this project by the Railway Heritage Trust (RHT). The Railway Heritage Trust was created in 1985 by British Rail on the advice of railway heritage campaigners following the destruction of Derby Midland Station. The RHT is an independent company which assists the operational railway in its preservation and upkeep of listed buildings and structures. Network Rail and National Highways (Historic Railways Estate) sponsor the work of the RHT which currently holds an annual budget for restoration work, ensuring that high quality and the best materials are used to restore and preserve assets. Kettering station was opened in May 1857 by the Midland Railway, on a line linking the Midland to the Great Northern Railway at Hitchin. The Midland later gained its own London terminus at St Pancras Station. In 1857 the leather trade was in recession with over half of Kettering’s population on poor relief. The railway enabled the town to sell its products over a much wider area and restored the town’s prosperity. Originally the station had a single platform but in 1879 the station was quadrupled, and three new platforms were built. The Midland Railway commissioned waiting rooms, cast-iron columns, spandrels, and canopies for the new platforms to match the original 1857 design by Charles Henry Driver. In the 1970s, the glass canopies became a maintenance headache for British Rail, who proposed removing the glazing along with the cast-iron column heads and replacing it with sheeting. Thankfully, Kettering Civic Society intervened and saved the canopies and columns. 50 years later these important architectural elements needed some refurbishment but faced another threat. The Midland Mainline electrification programme meant that structural changes would be needed to the canopy structures to allow the overhead line electrical equipment to be installed above the tracks. Once again, the canopies were under threat but this time it was Twinfix which came to the rescue. Twinfix, the Warrington based pioneers of polycarbonate were the specified experts in the Network Rail business plan for the station refurbishment. Having already helped bring new life and importantly light into old stations as part of refurbishment work, Network Rail stipulated using Twinfix’s polycarbonate roofing panels and their mounting system to keep the overall aesthetics of the station but add a much-needed resilience to the canopies.  Twinfix recommended their Multi-Link-Panel glazing with 6mm solid clear polycarbonate to help the restoration project. The Multi-Link-Panel is an innovative, modular system that is incredibly quick to install and outperforms more traditional systems in terms of cost, performance, and appearance. Multi-Link-Panel canopies consist of pre-assembled modular glazing panels, manufactured to size for each individual project. Each panel comprises aluminium structural bars that are glazed with lightweight, yet tough, solid polycarbonate. The aluminium can be powder coated to a range of colours for a rust and maintenance-free life. As panels are pre-assembled in a controlled factory environment possible contamination and errors in installation caused by on-site cutting of the glazing sheet are avoided. These properties can result in saving two thirds of the time taken to install traditional split bar glazing systems. This can save on labour costs and drastically reduce any necessary premises shutdown time required while work is carried out overhead.  The team at Everlast roofing who installed the Twinfix Multi-Link-Panel were a great partner in this installation process and this partnership resulted in a great finished roof.Handling during installation is easier and safer than with traditional glass systems as panels are constructed from materials that are both strong and light in weight. The reduction in weight compared with glass systems has the added benefit of lowering the overall weight of the roof construction, decreasing the stresses on the existing fabric of a building, especially important where a roof refurbishment is being undertaken. It is this weight reduction that removed the need for reinforcement of the original columns and resulted in the restoration remaining faithful to the original design. As Twinfix manufacture the multi-link panel system they are in an ideal position to be able to help with designing out potential problems. Each roofing system is unique and bespoke, so Twinfix took advantage of their deep understanding of their product and the legislation covering such projects and added access hatches to the canopies which allow access above the glazing for maintenance, finally curing that 50-year-old headache. Vicky Evans, Director at Twinfix said; “The result of the restoration is truly breath-taking. Kettering Station is now awash with natural light and the platforms are a light airy place to wait for a train and shelter from the elements.” Tim Hedley-Jones, Director of the Railway Heritage Trust, says of the project: “It’s a great example where the use of modern materials helps to protect and sustain a truly beautiful historic station. Our grants have helped Network Rail to preserve Kettering Station using Twinfix technology, to continue to make it fit for purpose for today’s rail passengers.” So, if Charles Henry Driver were able to see the station today, he would instantly feel a sense of familiarity and be proud of the restoration work on this piece of railway treasure. CREDIT: Photographs taken by Paul Childs, Spheroview
Vario by VELUX - Country Kitchen Extension Transformed with Natural Light

Vario by VELUX - Country Kitchen Extension Transformed with Natural Light

VELUX Company Ltd

We met digital content creator and charity ambassador Sally, in her gorgeous detached house in the English countryside in Surrey. Sally, her husband Gav, their three sons, dog and cat live in a beautiful cottage with lots of outdoor space for football, dens and four chickens (all named Barbara). They’re an active, outdoorsy family who love embracing nature, from scuba diving to surfing Cornwall’s finest beaches.Over the years they have built two extensions to their house. In the most recent extension project, Sally chose to illuminate the end of her gorgeous country kitchen/diner with a Vario by VELUX bespoke rectangular rooflight, so we went to visit her for a cuppa and a lovely chat about her impressions and experience on the importance of daylight. Sally, what a bright and stunning space you have in here. Could you please tell us more about your extension project?"We love this house; it has plenty of space and we absolutely love the country lifestyle. We bought a house 12 years ago and that time it was much smaller. The first big extension we did was 9 years ago, but we didn't quite get what we wanted as the building restrictions at the time were very strict.The key thing for us was to bring the light in. A wall of glass made perfect sense, but as the extension has a flat roof, we also started to think about what was above. In a room like this, I think the roof should be seen as the fifth wall.”Your original plan was to put a glass lantern in the extension. What made you change your mind and choose a flat glass rooflight instead?“Initially we thought we would put a glass lantern in like everybody else and it didn’t even occur to me that I could have anything else until I was invited to a rooflight launch event by Vario by VELUX. At the event, I completely fell in love with the idea of having a rooflight in my house. I got all the information and, after I realised that even a modern flat rooflight comes with an upstand and you also get the height of the roof built in, which would also give the room the height we wanted, and that the cost would be less than having a lantern of the same size and with no breaks in the glass, choosing a flat glass rooflight was a no-brainer! What do you love most about owning a bespoke rooflight?“It’s so cool and yet functional. Rooflights brings so much more light in than you would get from a normal side window and the fact is that daylight does make you feel better, especially in winter. On top of that, the customer service was excellent, there is always a backup call from Vario by VELUX to make sure you are ordering the right window, they hold your hand through the whole thing and the whole process of designing and ordering was made fun and easy. They helped me with things like setting the window at a slight angle, so the rain just runs off and we don’t end up with a swimming pool situation on the roof! It’s a really hands on, personal service from a small team, but backed by a big name like VELUX so you know you can really trust them. It’s like the gold standard of roof windows.”How did you perceive the installation process of the rooflight?“The process was really simple, easy and quick. Our constructor was provided with all the information they needed to know, in order to put the rooflight in. Our bespoke rooflight was delivered in 6 weeks and we rented a small crane for a day to lift it in. The crane was literally tiny, it fitted through our side gate. Then it was simply a matter of dropping it into the opening and letting the builders do their thing to seal it in. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous on the installation day as the dog insisted on sitting under the opening and it was very windy, but it all went very well. That moment when the hardboard comes off and you get your first glimpse of the sky above, it’s just magic.”Do you think changing your house has improved your everyday life?“Extending the house, and how we use it, has changed the way we live, the way we work and the way we relax. Having an extension, an extra room, the flow and the light we wanted has definitely increased the value of the house but also the saleability of the house. How many older properties have flat roof extensions and haven’t put in a rooflight? There must be loads and they’re definitely missing a trick. We wanted to build personality and I believe that with the extension and bespoke rooflight we got exactly what we wanted. With more daylight and space, I feel more active, I feel more awake, I feel fresher, I get things done. It has definitely changed the way we live.”
The Cheng Yu Tung Building, Jesus College

The Cheng Yu Tung Building, Jesus College

Axter Ltd

Projects of complexity that demand innovative solutions to technically challenging interface design often deliver exceptional buildings. As a shining example, Axter recently completed the roofing systems for The Cheng Yu Tung Building, a landmark project for Jesus College in the heart of Oxford City.Systems in useStarcoat® PMMAForce Dalle®Excel®Cityflor®OverviewThis project required Axter’s extensive range of materials and methods combined to complete the multifaceted interfaces and deliver the demanding architectural design, whilst achieving the project’s ambitious goals.Founded in 1571, and with original buildings from this date, Jesus College is based in the centre of this diverse and historic city. With the development of the Cheng Yu Tung Building the college has undertaken its most significant transformation since the early 18th century.Combining new graduate accommodation, indoor and outdoor communal spaces, state-of-the-art teaching and meeting facilities with the latest digital technologies, this £36m innovative development is intended to have significant impact on the college faculty and students’ learning experience.Axter worked with architects MICA from early in the process, helping to specify solutions that would realise the design vision of lead architect Mandy Franz.“We’d worked with MICA before on a number of projects - including Keble College, University of Oxford - so they knew us and trusted us to add value through being involved with the design,“ comments Axter's Regional Sales Director, Matthew Saunders. “However, this project was a significant step up in complexity, with approximately 18 separate roof areas in total to complete. Looking at the main quad alone there is a raised area, numerous external stairways and walkways to waterproof as well as further raised terraces and inaccessible roof sections. Fortunately, we had significant experience to bring to this challenge.”Sustainability was the client’s major focus from the start, with the college already utilising ground source heat pumps, photovoltaic panels, and a heat recovery and cooling system to ensure zero carbon building operations, as well as reviewing all construction waste to ensure minimum diversion to landfill. We supported this aim working with main contractor BAM Construct UK to carefully plan and schedule the waterproofing systems to be installed, identifying the material composite of each roof to maximise efficacies in installation and logistics.The College’s key priority was to achieve a sustainability-focused design to reduce their carbon footprint. Naturally, this contributed to the challenges of the scheme, such as the additional fire safety requirements in response to the timber-framed construction. To help deliver the College’s ambitions, Axter supported the client’s design team by providing expert knowledge, understanding and application of the current regulations.Tapered roof insulation was used to support energy efficiency and drainage requirements, with bituminous waterproofing throughout. In keeping with the college’s sustainability mission, the main quad features a blue roof system to attenuate rainwater drainage. Other roof areas are finished with wildflower meadows. A combination of exposed and buried waterproofing membranes were consequently required, with additional complexity created by the range of different materials and surfaces involved.“Normally, if our membrane is marrying up to a vertical wall, we would see it come up as a visible detail,” continues Matthew, “but the beautiful Clipsham stonework used for the building façade wasn’t compatible with the typical detailing. We were also challenged by the desired architectural intent to defend the historic aesthetic of the stone, so we created a bespoke solution that has the required guaranteed watertightness whilst also delivering the architectural vision.”Additional challengesThe project started in 2020, just as the UK was trying to navigate the guidelines for operating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Matthew explains: “there were still restrictions in place, such as a general 2-metre distancing requirement, which was challenging in the tighter spaces, for example corridors where you literally couldn’t pass another person. We had an unusually hot summer also, which wasn’t helpful when you have workers in full PPE using 1,400-degree butane torches where use of naked flame was permitted in accordance with NFRC Safe2Torch guidance.”The overall scope of the project, which encompassed multiple terraces at different levels and a mixture of concrete, CLT and steel frame structural composites, was a defining characteristic. “This was a large-scale development to begin with,” adds Matthew. “Furthermore, the university emphasised from the start the centrality of the significant sustainability objectives, and MICA had ambitious solutions in mind in terms of the materials used. Our job was to accommodate these various requests while keeping in mind all of the regulatory and compliance requirements. Achieving those without exception, for a large number of surfaces, does become more challenging where each part of the project has several ambitious aspirations intersecting with one another. Fortunately, we are known for always rising to a challenge.”SolutionsThe pandemic accelerated the shift to a range of technological solutions replacing traditional or face-to-face approaches. Systems were evolved for everything from distancing to digital rather than traditionally signed delivery acceptance.“As a manufacturer, we don’t have to be on site every day,” notes Matthew, “but traditionally we would attend fairly frequently, as well as meeting regularly with partners to agree and then oversee various aspects of the project plan. Fortunately, Axter was already moving towards solutions such as virtual meetings, so we simply shifted much more quickly to those approaches, using them wherever possible.“I think one advantage we have is the breadth of the product range we design. We can offer clients such as Jesus College a full system approach involving multiple solutions, to ensure we use the right system for the right application on each occasion. Our accredited installers are carefully vetted and trained by us, and have worked with us for long enough to know our products inside out.”The range of products we are able to offer, all developed in-house, does testify to the culture of Axter. Comments Matthew: “We are very much a technically-oriented company and that runs through every aspect of our work and our staff. Our sales team are all very aware of the products on that level, they aren’t selling products they don’t fully understand the technical details of. Our long-term partners know that what we offer them is reassurance that, from early-stage design meetings through to completion, whatever challenges they put to us, our response will be considered and robust in terms of quality and compliance.”Systems and products usedExternal stair cores used Axter Starcoat PMMA liquid waterproofing membranes.For the main quad and some lower areas, our innovative Force Dalle warm roof solution was used.Our Excel reinforced waterproofing membranes were used as an exposed membrane finish, with a tapered insulation to ensure the falls and consequent drainage characteristics required by BS 6229.Axter’s Cityflor warm living roof membranes were used as buried applications in several roof terraces, again with tapered insulation.Self-adhesive membranes were used where necessary to ensure compliance with NFRC Safe2Torch Guidelines, especially required due to the timber elements.Acknowledgments"To deliver the increasing demand on a building’s performance specification, combined with the seamless aesthetics of contemporary architectural design, an advanced understanding of technical detailing is required in the design and construction process. The design criteria have also resulted in an extensive range of engineered systems on the market to provide certified, technical solutions for multifaceted interfaces.Working directly with the designers and product manufacturers, we prioritise a full system approach to the weather-tightness of the building, focusing on durability, termination and compliance with current regulations. I have worked with the team at MICA Architects and Axter’s Matthew Saunders on a number of challenging projects, including The Cheng Yu Tung Building, Jesus College, and the HB Allen Centre, Keble College. Matthew Saunders has always been a key consultant for the technical specification of above ground waterproofing systems and the buildings’ thermal performance. He’s an expert in technical detailing and advisor on the materials required to deliver the optimum waterproofing system for the building."Eric O’Hare, Design Manager, BAM Construction www.bam.co.ukWith special thanks to: Tomasz Zozak, who provided the photographs, and BAM Construction Ltd.
Nando's Restaurant, Swindon

Nando's Restaurant, Swindon

AluK (GB) Ltd

Installed by WD Group for main contractors RG Carter, the curtain walling was an integral part of architects Stride Treglown’s vision for the landmark structure, which also features a flying roof. It features AluK’s SL52 flexible capped curtain walling system throughout, with an entrance door fabricated using the suited GT55TB door system. The diagonal design and irregular angles meant that AluK had to create a solution with multiple transom and mullion sections which was cost effective, while still being true to the aesthetic and meeting the static considerations and performance requirements laid out.
Walkie Talkie Building

Walkie Talkie Building

Sika Sarnafil

At a dizzying 160m (525ft) tall, London’s distinctive Walkie Talkie building required an exceptional roofing solution. Designed by architect Rafael Viñoly and costing over £200 million, 20 Fenchurch Street is a 34-storey commercial skyscraper in London, known as the ‘Walkie Talkie’ building due to its top-heavy form. It is designed to have a BREEAM excellence rating. Sarnafil G410-12EL single ply provided the perfect solution to this design criteria, thanks to its excellent flexibility and weldabilty, while offering outstanding resistance to weathering, including permanent UV irradiation.
The Copperworks in Leeds required a floor refurbishment over some 30000 square metres - Sherwin-Williams Resucoat HB product provided the solution.

The Copperworks in Leeds required a floor refurbishment over some 30000 square metres - Sherwin-Williams Resucoat HB product provided the solution.


This foundry was previously known as the Leeds Copperworks and has played host to industrial breakthroughs, royal visits, and was the workplace of a 5,000 strong workforce before it closed in 1980. Preparation included diamond grinding and shotblasting. Solution Resuprime OT oil-tolerant primer was applied to prevent delamination. This was finished with two coats of Resucoat HB, a high-build, low odour, epoxy resin industrial floor coating for high impact and wear resistance. Outcome The site has been refurbished with buildings re-roofed and re-clad and a modern warehousing and distribution facility created.
Decorative and seamless flooring supplied for atrium area to Radclyffe School

Decorative and seamless flooring supplied for atrium area to Radclyffe School


A new flooring finish was required for the atrium in the Radclyffe School in Oldham, Greater Manchester. Because the atrium floods this area of the school with so much light through a Perspex roof, it meant that whatever was chosen had to be UV stable, hard wearing and safe. The system also had to be economic, hard-wearing, easily cleaned, have low odour during application and chemical resistance, slip resistance and non-dusting. Sherwin-Williams’ technical flooring experts looked at their diverse range of Resuflake options for this specific application covering 800 sq metres.


Tata Steel

Gateway 12 is multi-million pound industrial development on a c.16-acre site located three miles to the South West of Gloucester, adjacent to the A38 dual carriageway and just one mile form Junction 12 of the M5.For the main structure of the buildings Trisobuild® R32 was used for the roof and Trisobuild® C32 was installed vertically on the walls; Trisobuild® HR50 was used horizontally at the higher level for the soffits in Merlin Grey. The offices area wall elevations were constructed using Trimapanel® insulated panel system.
Kresen Kernow - Riverstone Ultra

Kresen Kernow - Riverstone Ultra

Spanish Slate Quarries UK Ltd

Kresen Kernow is the state-of-the-art facility that houses the world’s largest collection of Cornish documents, books, maps, and photographs, dating from 1150 to the present day.The site provides a suite of public search rooms, conservation and preservation workshops, exhibition spaces, education rooms, and associated staff and volunteer facilities, while a new two storey extension provides archive storage in closely controlled environmental conditions, designed to BS5454 conservation standard.For the roof, the building’s designers wanted the closest match possible to Delabole – the indigenous Cornish slate that’s now extremely difficult to source.
Papworth Hospital

Papworth Hospital

Shield Membranes Ltd

The new hospital was designed to combine a highly efficient clinical layout with a stunning external appearance. Set in beautifully landscaped grounds, it captures the essence of the original tuberculosis hospital that is today’s pioneering heart and lung treatment and transplant centre of excellence.The 40,000sqm hospital has 310 beds, six operating theatres and six catheterisation labs.Shield Membranes supplied materials for all external areas, including two of our BBA accredited ShieldTEC Hotmelt and ShieldSEAL Liquid Applied waterproofing systems as well as our ShieldBROWN living roof system.
Bespoke Glazed Access - Stratton House, London

Bespoke Glazed Access - Stratton House, London


Surespan is increasingly being asked to provide specialist glazed access and ventilation solutions. Project:The architects working on a project at Stratton House in London, approached Surespan to design and manufacture a“bird wing” style, double-leaf glazed ventilator with concealed operating gear from below. Surespan was chosen for its expertise in producing bespoke products.Product:The operation of each leaf ensured maximum airflow into the building below and smoke release in the event of a fire. Measuring 2500 x 2000mm and polyester powder coated white to match existing building roof furniture.
Islington Square, London

Islington Square, London

The Outdoor Deck Company Ltd

The Outdoor Deck Company are delighted to have started work at Islington Square. Located in the heart of Islington, Islington Square is set to become one of London’s newest residential neighbourhoods. The former Edwardian Mail Centre and Post Office buildings are being transformed into a selection of apartments, maisonettes and penthouses including high-end retail units and restaurants. The Outdoor Deck Company have been commissioned to supply and install premium grade Ipe timber decking for the eleven Penthouse roof-top gardens, which include `endless` swimming pools and private decked entertaining areas.
Mass Rapid Transit: Fall Protection System Required for Rooftop

Mass Rapid Transit: Fall Protection System Required for Rooftop

MSA Safety (Latchways) – Fall Protection

The MRT project is a planned 3-line mass rapid transit system with a total of 101 stations. Klang Valley MRT is poised to be the backbone of the public transport system in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and is expected to become operational in phases and save 280 million man hours annually in commuter travelling time. The roofs required engineered horizontal lifeline systems for workers to be kept safe while performing periodic maintenance tasks. These systems had to be robustly designed to arrest a worker’s fall and also protect the building envelope from damage in the event of a fall.
Outstanding new care home features Neaco balustrade and balconies

Outstanding new care home features Neaco balustrade and balconies


Neaco’s structural glass balustrade and Juliet balconies are adding a touch of contemporary style in keeping with the outstanding modern design of a new £6m care home in Brighouse. Providing 61-bed luxury accommodation, Bridge House was designed by SS+A Architects and constructed by Marshall (Building Contractors) Ltd of Elland on behalf of the Fisher Care Group. The collaboration has delivered an exceptional scheme which maximises the elevated views from the spectacular ridge-top site. Neaco’s structural glass balustrade was specified for external terraces and the roof garden, enabling residents to take in the panoramic outlook.
Union Wharf, Greenwich, London

Union Wharf, Greenwich, London


Union Wharf is a two tower residential development in Greenwich, London. A 23-storey Roof garden makes the most of the breath-taking views of the London skyline.Designing and specifying products for a 23-storey high terrace comes with some key issues which must be addressed. One of which, the Terrafina decking overcame due to its easy clip system making it a doddle to install and overcome this problem.Another, was to ensure a solid base for the artificial grass and planters to be fixed to. This was however, something Raaft had planned for and the Floor structure panels was an easy solution to this.


Troldtekt A/S

London’s new Design Museum has been created within the shell of the original Commonwealth Institute, well known for its distinctive copper covered, hyperbolic parabolic roof. With the emphasis on the display and teaching of design, the priority for designer John Pawson and Dutch architects OMA was equally about the building’s new reconfigured interiors and the design and performance of the products used. For example, the Museum’s galleries are arranged around an oak and marble lined atrium with floors covered in pale grey terrazzo while Troldtekt acoustic panels tie spaces together with a visually attractive textured surface.
hardwood Timber Tiles with self-levelling pedestals on terrace

hardwood Timber Tiles with self-levelling pedestals on terrace

Wallbarn Ltd

Roof terrace on the third floor of a residential block. The customer wanted a floating deck but was keen to source decking that could be easily installed. They needed to deal with a slope and variation in the surface, as well as easy access to a drain. Wallbarn recommended their Cumuru hardwood timber tiles which being 500mm x 500mm x 30mm, which are highly portable and perfect for low threshold retro-fits. To deal with the variation in surfaces around the deck, we recommended laying the timber tiles onto our ‘Balance’ self-levelling pedestals. Total installation time: 3 hours
2-6 Cannon Street, London

2-6 Cannon Street, London

The Outdoor Deck Company Ltd

2-6 Cannon Street is a high-end new build commercial office building located in the City of London. The Outdoor Deck Company were commissioned by Frosts Landscape Construction to supply and install the GRAD decking and rail systems, which were supported by the Buzon DPH pedestal system. This was a particularly challenging project as powder coated steel planters were strategically located in the middle of the roof terrace so installation had to be carried out around the numerous planters. Timber decked steps and ramps were also part of the overall terrace design.
One Hyde Park, London

One Hyde Park, London

The Outdoor Deck Company Ltd

One Hyde Park is a major residential and retail complex located in Knightsbridge, London. The development includes three retail units totaling 35,800 m2 and 86 residential properties with prices starting at around £20 million. The Outdoor Deck Company supplied and installed premium grade Ipe timber decking to all roofs across all four buildings. The deck boards were supported by 28,000 DPH Buzon pedestals. The project was a success and the Outdoor Deck Company were proud to be involved in installing their first-class products to one of London’s most prestigious developments.
Novotel London West

Novotel London West

Buzon UK Ltd

Novotel London West is located in the centre of Hammersmith. The scope of works undertaken by Buzon UK included the supply and installation of the DPH support pedestal system. The DPH system offers uninterrupted adjustability and support loads in excess of 1000kg per pedestal - perfect for high traffic areas. On this project the pedestals support 800sqm of porcelain pavers providing absolute stability and a perfectly flat finish on an uneven roof base area. The Buzon ALUrail system was also installed in certain sections of the project where the positioning of small tile cuts and ramped areas were required.
Selfridges, London

Selfridges, London

Buzon UK Ltd

Selfridges is one the UK’s most famous high-end department stores founded in 1908. It’s Grade II listed flagship store is located on London’s Oxford Street. Buzon UK were commissioned to supply and install over 200sqm of the Buzon ALUrail and pedestal system to the newly renovated roof terrace area. The ALUrail installation system offers a complete structure for the raised installation of outdoor spaces. The system can be used for various substrates, 20mm porcelain, concrete and natural stone pavers. Practical and functional, the ALUrail system can be used where the void is limited.
Old War Office, London

Old War Office, London


The 760,000 sq ft development will bring the Old War Office back into use, creating a world class 5-star hotel and 85 apartments. Works will include developing a six storey basement and constructing a three storey roof extension. The venue has been designed by UK-based EPR Architects, with the hotel interiors designed by New York-based designer Thierry Despont, and the residences by 1508 London. A1 Fire Rated Breather and Vapour FR Membranes were used to protect the insulation and building interior, maximizing its energy efficiency and value.
St Margarets Head Railway Tunnel

St Margarets Head Railway Tunnel

Cordek Ltd

The now disused St Margaret’s Head Tunnel was a structure originally formed as part of the Dunfermline to North Queensferry railway line, providing a link to the ferry service until the opening of the Forth Bridge in 1890 and remaining in limited use for freight until 1954. The vaulted roof and brick lined tunnel is located 15 metres below the A900 trunk road and the B981, adjacent to the northern approach to the Forth Road Bridge. Cordek were asked to supply a structural fill solution, encapsulated within a protective membrane to fill the entire cavity of the tunnel.
Manor Farm

Manor Farm


The construction of a new pig unit has enabled Anthony Robinson to build on the early success of his new pig finishing business. Profile 6 roofing sheets were used on the build to help with insulation and reduce the high levels of condensation to ensure optimum pig performance, and help reduce the build-up of dust and air-borne bacteria. As such, a raised, protected open ridge has been installed on the build to help draw in fresh air from the sides of the shed, forcing stale air up and out through the top of the building.
Big Yellow Chiswick

Big Yellow Chiswick

Euroclad Group Ltd

LINEAR Facades, an Elite System roof, fabricated perimeter closures and feature details have all been manufactured by Euroclad and installed on the flagship Big Yellow store in Chiswick. The attractive store, which opens at the end of April 2012, sits alongside a key gateway into London and is a highly visible structure, standing out due to the vibrant colours and flowing lines of the Euroclad products that have been installed. 2500m² of LINEAR Rainspan, as well as the entire feature details, such as the soffits and bull noses were supplied. Wall System - LINEAR Rainspan & Euroseam
Mary Tavy Hydro-Electric Power Station

Mary Tavy Hydro-Electric Power Station


England’s first hydro-electric power station has fitted Eternit’s fibre cement Profile 6 sheeting as part of major refurbishment work.Built in 1932 and based in Tavistock, Devon, Mary Tavy Hydro-electric Power Station generates enough electricity for 2,500 homes, and was once the largest hydro-electric scheme in England.It is owned and operated by South West Water, who took the decision to specify Profile 6 sheeting after realising that the original fibre cement sheets used for the roof of the turbine hall had lasted for over seventy years.
Butlins Wave Hotel

Butlins Wave Hotel

Fixfast Ltd

Following the success of the Shoreline and Ocean hotels at Butlins’ Bognor Regis Resorts, the Butlins Wave Hotel is the newest addition, with the widest range of accommodation options. All three have been waterproofed by the Roofline Group. Cefil single-ply roofing membrane covers tapered insulation, with Fixfast tube washers and fasteners holding it all in place against the prevailing sea winds."We always get good service from you guys - that's the main reason we've stayed with you all these years"Bryan Lock - Project Manager at Roofline Group Ltd
Fontwell Racecourse

Fontwell Racecourse

Fixfast Ltd

This visually stunning building, constructed for Northern Racing Ltd, provides twelve corporate hospitality boxes, hospitality lounges and a glass-fronted restaurant which provides an exceptional view of the track. The DrillFast Lacquered fasteners fit perfectly into this luxury environment, being colour matched precisely to the scheme and with a neat low profile finish. The use of genuine A2 stainless steel also makes this construction a real investment for the future of the racecourse and facilities."No problems, no complaints - always served us well"Sue Jenkins - Buyer at Southern Industrial Roofing Ltd
Abu Dhabi International Airport

Abu Dhabi International Airport

Jotun A/S

Abu Dhabi International Airport’s Midfield Terminal Complex (MTC) is set to be the largest airport terminal under one roof. The airport is spread over a vast area of 34,4 km2, and this development will dramatically increase passenger capacity to over 30 million. Terminal spaces of this size have to withstand high temperatures in the event of fire, and with major foot traffic, floor coverings and walls must be hard-wearing, hygienic and offer outstanding aesthetic appeal. For protective and powder coatings, to ensure the project was first-class right from the start, the specifiers turned to Jotun.
Continuous atrium rooflight using 60 panes of glass for Milton Park - Abingdon

Continuous atrium rooflight using 60 panes of glass for Milton Park - Abingdon

Lamilux Rooflights Ltd

The LAMILUX Glass Roof PR60 was designed and installed as a continuous atrium using 60 panes of glass covering an area of 14m X 15m. The framing detail ensured a seamless transition to the wall abut at the head, whilst sitting on perimeter supports at the verge and cill. High performing glazing with double silver coating prevents overheating in addition to the glazing designed to be walked on for cleaning and maintenance purposes. LAMILUX were able to provide a better solution than the original concept by using larger panes arranged in four flush tiers installed with a 3° surface inclination.
St George Wharf - Connecting Glass Facades

St George Wharf - Connecting Glass Facades

J & P Building Systems

St George Wharf consists of 750 apartments and offices, cafés, restaurants, a health and fitness centre as well as an international hotel. The project centres around 5 towers ascending in steps up to the 22nd storey. The top levels, directly under the striking wing-roofs, consist of penthouse suites with sea-green glass facades. Due to the fantastic location of St. George Wharf a complex has been created, which offers a high level of exclusivity, convenience and comfort. JORDAHL® supplied anchor channels JTA for connecting the elements of the glass façade.
Kingspan insulates beachfront Grand Design

Kingspan insulates beachfront Grand Design

Kingspan Insulation

A range of premium and high performance products from Kingspan Insulation has been installed on a stunning new beachfront home on the Isle of Wight, featured on Grand Designs. This includes Kingspan Kooltherm K8 Cavity Board, which was used to insulate the majority of the walls throughout the property, and Kingspan Kooltherm K7 Pitched Roof Board, which was were applied to the ground floor overhang. With thermal conductivities as low as 0.020 W/m.K, the products delivered the required thermal performance with a slim build-up, helping to maximise space within the rooms.
Network Rail: London Bridge Station

Network Rail: London Bridge Station

MSA Safety (Latchways) – Fall Protection

Network Rail has redeveloped the 180-yearold London Bridge station – the fourth busiest station in the country with over 54 million passengers passing through every year. To redevelop such a vast, complex site Network Rail required a team that would work together with one goal in mind and add value by presenting viable solutions. Eurosafe chose the MSA Latchways Constant Force Post (CFP) cable system for a complete rooftop fall protection solution. It is the only system approved by Kalzip, who supplied the roof at London Bridge.
Linden Herritage - Listed Building

Linden Herritage - Listed Building

Metrotile UK Ltd

Northampton-based building specialists Linden Heritage specialise in the external and internal renovation of Period and Listed buildings, just part of a wide-reaching portfolio that includes feature both New Build and Refurbishment projects.As period properties can be a stringently traditional arena when it comes to the choice of building materials used (due to strict planning requirements), it may come as a surprise to note that Linden Heritage are proud users of Metrotile Lightweight Roofing Systems – a material that prides itself on being an evolution of the very ‘traditional’ materials required by listed buildings.



A  £253m contract by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) for a newly built resettlement prison in Wellingborough. The project was the first in a series of schemes to be undertaken as part of the MoJ's wider Change, Strategy and Planning Directorate within HMPPS. The aim of the project was to reform and modernise the prison estate making it more efficient, safer and focused on supporting rehabilitation. Working closely with the design team of Kier's and our approved contractor Deane Roofing and Cladding it was clear that the mission to build thirteen buildings and 1,680 prison cells in just 45 weeks meant that programming and speed of installation was key to the success of this project.

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