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Tanking Membrane Newton HydroCoat 103 2K - High Performance Cementitious Coating

Verified by manufacturer 8 days ago

Newton Waterproofing Systems Product certifications:
  • DoP


    Certificate type

Cementitious waterproofing membrane with high adhesion that can be applied very quickly by airless spray. HydroCoat 103 is capable of resisting extremely high positive and negative water pressure.

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Suitable for the internal and external waterproofing of concrete and steel elements of water-retaining and water-resisting structures such as reservoirs, water tanks, below ground structures, podium decks and parking areas.


A two-component, thixotropic, cementitious modified polymer waterproofing membrane with high adhesion.

Capable of resisting extremely high positive and negative water pressure, HydroCoat 103 2K forms a hard, highly alkaline coating with a degree of elasticity which has greatly enhanced chemical resistance and so is particularly suited for the protection of concrete within sulphate-contaminated ground.

It has excellent resistance to the ingress of acid gases, moisture and chlorides to enhance the durability of reinforced concrete and protect highway and coastal structures from chloride attack. HydroCoat 103 2K is reinforced over static joints and at details and changes of direction with HydroCoat 912-RT.

Features and benefits:

  • Very waterproof: Resistant to 10 bar positive and negative pressure.
  • Quick application in one coat to horizontal surfaces.
  • Non-toxic when cured.
  • Sprayable: Up to 2 m² per minute is possible.
  • Hard, durable and UV-stable trafficable finish.
  • All year-round application to damp substrate.
  • Can be applied at temperatures as low as 5°C.
  • Very low VOC content.
  • Very high diffusion resistance to carbon dioxide gas and chloride ions; equivalent to 100 mm of concrete cover.
  • Excellent adhesion to sound prepared concrete substrates and steel.
  • Thixotropic – can be applied at 1 mm to vertical surfaces.
  • High build coating of 2 mm eliminates the incidence of small defects seen within thinner membranes.


  • Ready for next coat: At 5°C: After 80 minutes; at 10°C: After 60 minutes; at 15°C: After 50 minutes; at 20°C: After 40 minutes; at 25°C: After 33 minutes.
  • To be kept rain-free: At 5°C: For 2 hours; at 10°C: For 2.5 hours; at 15°C: For 2 hours; at 20°C: For 1.5 hours; at 25°C: For 1.5 hours.
  • Ready for temporary traffic/ protection boards: At 5°C: After 24 hours; at 10°C: After 24 hours; at 15°C: After 22 hours; at 20°C: After 20 hours; at 25°C: after 18 hours.
  • Ready for floor/ hosepipe test: At 5°C: After 8 days; at 10°C: After 7 days; at 15°C: After 6 days; at 20°C: After 5 days; at 25°C: After 4 days.
  • Fully cured: After 28 days.

General information





Guidance for specification option:

Matte grey, hard membrane.



Guidance for specification option:

High performance liquid waterproofing membrane.



Manufacturer guidance

2 mm thick liquid waterproofing membrane.





Warranty description

Ten year

Guidance for specification option:

When specified, installed and protected in accordance with the Data Sheet and Application Guides, is fully and permanently isolated from UV light and physical damage or wearing, and only to those substrates confirmed within, Newton 103-S has a service life that can be equal to the design life of the structure


Pr_20_31_03_96 Waterproofing mortar admixturesPrimary


J31/12 Inverted roof coating

J10/110 Proprietary mortar

J31/130 Inverted roof coating

SKU Code


Product range

Liquid Waterproofing Membranes

Specification data - Waterproofing mortar admixtures

General requirements

Admixtures generally.

Performance requirements

To BS EN 1542.

Third party product certification

DWI regulation 31 approved. CE marked, and manufactured in accordance with EN 1504-2: 2004.

Density / Specific gravity


Shelf life

12 months.

Yield per kg

0.55 L.

Pot life at 20°C and relative humidity of 40%

30 minutes.

Application rate - in one or two coats

3.9 kg/m².

Application temperature

+5°C to +35°C.

Service temperature

-15°C to +180°C.


Low - characterised as polymeric.

Adhesion to concrete

To BS EN 1542, >2.07 MPa.


To BS 6319-7:1994, 2.66 MPa.



Compressive strength - 1 day

To BS 4551, >10 MPa.

Compressive strength - 7 days

To BS 4551, >30 MPa.

Hardness (28 days)

To BS EN ISO 868:2003, >75 Shore D.

Compressive strength - 28 days

To EN 12190 and BS 4551, >40 MPa.

Water vapour resistance - Sd value

To BS EN ISO 7783-2, 0.91 m.

Water vapour resistance - Mu value

455 µ Calculation from SD value.

Water vapour resistance

4.55 MNs/g Calculation from SD value.

Water resistance - Positive and Negative

To DIN 1048, 10 Bar.

Reaction to fire classification

To BS EN 13501-1, A2-s1, d0.

Thermal compatibility

To EN 13687-1, 3.5 MPa.

UV Resistance - Stable but will discolour

To UNI EN ISO 11507:2007, 50 years.




Two-component, thixotropic, cementitious modified polymer.


To BS EN 1542, BS 6319-7:1994, BS 4551, BS EN ISO 868: 2003, BS EN ISO 7783: 2011, BS EN 13687-1, BS 4551 and BS EN 1770.



Guidance for specification option:


Special order.

Guidance for specification option:

Coloured UV stable protective coatings available, consult manufacturer for details.

Capillary absorption

To BS EN 1062-3, <0.1kg·m²h^-0.5 Class III.

Adhesive bond

To BS EN 1542, ≥ 2.0 MPa.

VOC content


CO2 permeability – Combined Average

To EN 1062-6, 50 m.

Guidance for specification option:

2 mm equivalent to 100 mm of concrete.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom



Guidance for specification option:

High performance liquid waterproofing membrane.



Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

0 %

Product certifications



HydroSeal 103 2K DoP


HydroCoat 103 2K - TDS

HydroCoat 103 2K - TDS

Case studies

Waterproofing a Luxury London Hotel

Waterproofing a Luxury London Hotel

Waterproofing Retaining Basements on a Sloping Site

Waterproofing Retaining Basements on a Sloping Site

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