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RonaScreed FastDry Prompt | Fast Drying Screed Additive

Verified by manufacturer 20 days ago

Bonded screed

Ronacrete Ltd Variant:

Fast drying screed additive reduces the drying time of screed from months to days allowing early overlaying with moisture-sensitive floor coverings.

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  • Suitable for use as an admixture to reduce drying time in cementitious levelling screeds and fine concretes for bonded, unbonded and floating screeds. 
  • Suitable for moisture sensitive floor coverings.


RonaScreed FastDry Prompt is a fast-drying additive for site batched screeds used to quickly reduce the level of retained moisture within the screed. This allows floor coverings to be laid over the screed much sooner than with conventional screeds.

RonaScreed FastDry Prompt gains strength quickly, permitting early access by following trades. Drying of screeds incorporating RonaScreed FastDry Prompt is influenced by heat generated during curing, meaning drying of thicker screeds is faster per mm.

Features and benefits:

  • Concrete colour with variable texture according to finish applied.
  • Enhances early strength gain, enabling earlier trafficking.
  • Ready to overlay with floor finishes after eight days at 50 mm thick in good drying conditions; rate of drying extends for screeds thicker than 50 mm.
  • Minimum application thickness: 35 mm bonded, 50 mm unbonded and 65 mm floating.

Application (bonded screed):

  • Prepare substrate in accordance with instructions.
  • Prime substrate with Ronafix or cement slurry.
  • Apply screed with maximum layer thickness 50 mm.
  • Apply multiple layers wet on wet, or prime between layers.
  • Polythene cure for 24 hours, then air cure.

General information










Pr_20_31_03_77 Set-accelerating, water-reducing and plasticizing concrete admixturesPrimary


M10/195 Proprietary screeds to BS EN 13813

M10/19 Proprietary screeds to BS EN 13813

M10/130 Proprietary quick drying levelling screeds

M10/115 Cement:sand levelling screeds

M10/120 Fine concrete levelling screeds

M10/110 Bonded cement:sand levelling screeds

M10/7 Proprietary quick drying levelling screeds

M10/4 Cement:sand levelling screeds

Specification data - Set-accelerating, water-reducing and plasticizing concrete admixtures

Setting time

4–6 days.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Ready to overlay with floor finishes at 50 mm thick screed, in good drying conditions.
  • Rate of drying extends for screeds thicker than 50 mm.

Application thickness

35 mm.


Ronafix or cement slurry.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom


RonaScreed FastDry Prompt Data Sheet

RonaScreed FastDry Prompt Data Sheet

Case studies

Heathrow Airport

Heathrow Airport

21 Moorfields

21 Moorfields