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Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus Premium - Rigid Foam Insulation Panel for Roofing

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

Proteus Waterproofing Third party certifications:
  • EPD


    Certificate type

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management

    Certificate type

A high performance expanded polystyrene rigid foam insulation panel for a variety of roof types.

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+44 (0)1268 777871 Website


  • Inverted flat roofs
  • Terrace roofs
  • Blue roofs
  • Green roofs
  • Promenade roofs
  • Podium decks


Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus Premium is a high performance expanded polystyrene rigid foam insulation panel for a variety of roof types. Available in a range of thicknesses from 50 to 240 mm.

Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus Premium offers a market leading declared thermal conductivity of 0.031 W/m·K to deliver high performance solutions, reducing thicknesses and thresholds in any application.

Manufactured from an innovative expanded polystyrene (EPS) with low water absorption properties.

Features and benefits:

  • EPS Plus 'Premium' is BREEAM A/A+.
  • Reduction in thicknesses, thresholds and tolerances with EPS Plus 'Premium'.
  • Suitable for nearly all building construction and civil engineering applications.
  • Constant thermal conductivity across all board thicknesses.

General information






Expanded polystyrene (EPS)




1200 mm


1200 mm


50 mm

55 mm

60 mm

65 mm

70 mm

Show more

Warranty description



Pr_25_71_63_26 Expanded polystyrene (EPS) boardsPrimary


Q37/310 Inverted roof insulation

J31/331 Expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation

J41/410 Expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation

J31/26 Thermal insulation

SKU Code


Specification data - Expanded polystyrene (EPS) boards

Third-party certification

Compliance ETAG 031 and BDA Certified.

Compressive strength (minimum) at 10% compression

200 kN/m².

Thermal conductivity (maximum)

0.031 W/m·K.


50 mm.
55 mm.
60 mm.
65 mm.
70 mm.
75 mm.
80 mm.
85 mm.
90 mm.
95 mm.
100 mm.
105 mm.
110 mm.
115 mm.
120 mm.
125 mm.
130 mm.
135 mm.
140 mm.
145 mm.
150 mm.
155 mm.
160 mm.
165 mm.
170 mm.
175 mm.
180 mm.
185 mm.
190 mm.
195 mm.
200 mm.
205 mm.
210 mm.
215 mm.
220 mm.
225 mm.
230 mm.
235 mm.
240 mm.

Face size (nominal length x width)

1200 x 1200 mm.




250 kN/m².

Water absorption


Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom


Expanded polystyrene (EPS)

Embodied carbon

A1-A3 (production stage) as defined in BS EN 15804

130 kg CO₂ eq/m³

Guidance for specification option:

  • nominal density: 30 kg/m3


There are multiple options to process Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus 'Premium' at its end-of-life stage:
- Re-working or Griding: Non-contaminated EPS can be recycled back into new polystyrene.
- Melting: EPS can be melted down to its un-expanded state and then extruded to make other items such as plant pots, coat hangers and a wood substitute. In this form, EPS can be used as part of a mixed plastic waste to make items such as park benches and road signs, ensuring the plastic materials have a long and useful life.
- Energy Recovery: This involves the recovery of energy, usually from incineration.
- Landfill: EPS waste is inert and non-toxic, which gives stability to landfill sites. It also aerates the soil, encouraging plant growth on reclaimed sites.

Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

0 %

Third party certifications


Third party certifications



EPD - Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus Premium

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management


Product Data Sheet - Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus Premium

Product Data Sheet - Proteus Pro-Therm EPS Plus Premium

Case studies

Case Study - Proteus Pro-Felt® - City Tower

Case Study - Proteus Pro-Felt® - City Tower