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PFC Corofil Linear Gap Seal Strips CLGS

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

PFC Corofil Fire Stop Products Product certifications:
  • UL-EU Certified

    UL-EU Certified

    Certificate type

  • CCPI Product

    CCPI Product

    Certificate type

Stone wool strip installed in rigid wall and rigid floor constructions to maintain the fire resistance of the separating element.

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+44 (0)20 8391 0533 Website


PFC Corofil Linear Gap Seal Strip CLGS is designed and tested to close linear gaps in rigid walls and rigid floors. It can be installed horizontally in floors, vertically in walls and horizontally at the junction between the head of a rigid wall and rigid floor, or horizontally at the junction at the head of a rigid wall and the underside of a steel beam protected with gypsum based beam encasement system.


PFC Corofil Linear Gap Seal Strip CLGS is supplied pre cut in 1m lengths to suit joint widths up to 200mm and depths from a minimum of 100mm. Tested to EN 1366-4, PFC Corofil Linear Gap Seal Strips CLGS will provide up to 120 minutes fire integrity and insulation performance.

Features and benefits:

• Suitable for linear joints up to 200mm wide

• Suitable for lateral movement joints up to 100mm with ≤25mm extension in both rigid floors and rigid walls

• Can be used in rigid floors, rigid walls, and to the underside of a steel beam protected with gypsum based beam encasement system

• Provides fire resistance performance of up to 120 minutes integrity and insulation

• 3rd party certification; UL-EU Certificate UL-EU-01229-CPR

General information






1000 mm






Pr_25_80_81_51 Mineral wool fire-stoppingPrimary


P12/160 Linear gap sealing

SKU Code


Product range

Linear Gap Seals

Specification data - Mineral wool fire-stopping





Fire performance

Up to two hours (120 minutes).

Guidance for specification option:

To EN 1366-4, dependent on joint size and substrate, consult manufacturer's literature for more information.

Joint size

Guidance for specification option:

Insert requirement; pre-cut to suit joint width..

Third-party certification


Sustainability data



Product certifications

UL-EU Certified

UL-EU Certified

PFC Corofil Linear Gap Strips CLGS - UL-EU Certificate: 01229-CPR

CCPI Product

CCPI Product

001700043/1225 - Linear Gap Seals


TDSCLGS PFC Corofil Linear Gap Strips CCLGS Datasheet [Rev 1.7]

TDSCLGS PFC Corofil Linear Gap Strips CCLGS Datasheet [Rev 1.7]

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