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As a primer for steelwork intended for use in a wide range of environmental conditions, including offshore, chemical and petrochemical plants, industrial buildings, pulp and paper mills, power plants and bridges. Suitable for overcoating within seven hours in most climatic conditions. Provides quick cure even at low temperatures often encountered in maintenance painting. It can also be used as a primer for substrates other than blasted steel, e.g. stainless steel, alloys etc. Not intended for use as a primer for steelwork which may be subjected to continuous immersion conditions.

Intercure 200HS will normally be applied to suitably prepared steel, e.g. blast cleaned. However, if necessary, application over prefabrication blast primers can be performed. Consult International Protective Coatings for further details.


Intercure 200HS is a zinc phosphate epoxy primer/intermediate.

Features and benefits:

  • Fast drying.
  • High solids.
  • Low VOC.
  • Barrier protection.
  • Low temperature cure and rapid overcoating properties.
  • Complete with MIO, Intercure 200HS can speed up production and throughput in fabrication shops.

General information



Guidance for specification option:









Pr_35_31_68_66 Powder coatingsPrimary


G10/630 Galvanizing plus site-applied

G10/635 Thermally sprayed zinc coating plus site-applied

G10/638 Shop priming

G10/640 Shop painting

G10/643 Protective painting

G10/65 Shop priming for

G10/650 Site painting

G10/660 Shop plus site painting

G12/20 Shop priming

G12/30 Proprietary members

G12/330 Proprietary metal members

G12/650 Shop priming

SKU Code


Specification data - Powder coatings

Powder formulation

Suitable for industrial environment.

Guidance for specification option:

Intended for use in a wide range of environmental conditions including offshore, chemical and petrochemical plants, industrial buildings, pulp and paper mills, power plants and bridges. 


Application of powder coating.

Product Reference

Intercure® 200HS

Wet film thickness (minimum)

188–250 μm.

Guidance for specification option:

Microns wet.

Dry film thickness

150–200 μm.

Guidance for specification option:

Microns dry.

Top coat

Intercure 420HS.

Interfine 629HS.

Interfine 878.

Interfine 979.

Intergard 345.

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