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illbruck ME501 DUO HD Intelligent Membrane

Verified by manufacturer 4 months ago


illbruck – a brand of Tremco CPG UK Ltd Variant:
Product certifications:
  • BBA Agrément Certificate

    BBA Agrément Certificate

    Certificate type

An air and water tight membrane with variable vapour permeability for connection between the external perimeter of the window, door or curtain wall frame and the backing wall substrates.

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Applied to principally to the external perimeter of windows doors and curtain walling or over other linear construction joints. Often accompanied by illbruck ME508 Duo EW/F applied to the internal perimeter for a complete perimeter seal . ME501 Duo HD may also be used internally for difficult details, or where the width of the membrane exceeds the available sizes of Me508 Duo EW/F. Please consult illbruck for advice.


ME501 Duo HD is a highly water tight and airtight "intelligent" membrane with reactive and variable vapour control. ME501 Duo HD provides a high performance seal to the external perimeter joints between the window, door curtain wall and the external construction reveal. The membrane is suitable for external and interior use and provides an air and weathertight but breathable seal. The standard version is bonded on both edges with illbruck SP525 Polymer Hybrid adhesive sealant or another sealant specified by illbruck for difficult substrates. 

Features and benefits:

  • Complies with principle of ‘inside tighter than outside’ in order to facilitate efficient vapour control - avoids interstitial condensation.
  • Excellent drying potential.
  • High strength, tear resistant.
  • UV stable; will tolerate up to 12 months direct exposure prior to covering.
  • Membrane can be applied before or after window installation to suit on-site details and programming.
  • Also available in a self-adhesive option (ME501 VV) and with gasket options for fixing to the profile.

For Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets, please refer to the illbruck website Download Centre.

General information













25000 mm


0.6 mm

Warranty description


Manufacturer guidance

Any product which has been applied (a) in accordance with Tremco CPG UK Ltd written instructions and (b) in any applications recommended by Tremco CPG UK Ltd, but which is proved to be defective, will be replaced free of charge.


Pr_25_57_65_60 Plastics sheetsPrimary


H11/772 Curtain walling joint assembly sealants

L10/75 Sealant joints

L10/810 Sealant joints

L20/80 Sealant joints

L20/820 Sealant joints

Product range

Window Perimeter Sealing Membranes (External)
Window Perimeter Sealing Membranes (Internal)
i3 - 3 level sealing system

Specification data - Plastics sheets


Non-woven polyester fleece and microporous polyethylene laminate.

Performance characteristics


Water vapour resistance (minimum)

To BS EN 1027, variable sd-value 0.3 m to 20 m.

Guidance for specification option:

Vapour resistance 1.5MNs.g to 99MN.s.g.

Fire performance

To EN 13501-1 Class E; to DIN 4102, Class B2.

UV stabilization

12 months.

Third-party certification

British Board of Agrement Certificate.

Guidance for specification option:

12/4891 (i3 System) and product sheet 4 12/4891.

Physical properties



Anthracite/ dark grey.



Thickness (minimum)

0.6 mm.

Width (minimum)

Slit to width 60–1500 mm.

Roll length (minimum)

25 m.



Manufacturer guidance

In strict accordance with manufacturers' method statement. Applied with the textured face outermost. Application always starts at the cill or threshold. Do not over apply the specified paste adhesive. Window, door and curtain wall applications-Minimum bond to glazing frame is 20 mm. Minimum lap and bond to backing wall/substrate is 50 mm. When applied as linear construction joint seal the membrane should be applied equal distant over the joint with a 50/50 lap to the corresponding substrates and a minimum bond of 35 mm, 50 mm preferred

Air permeability

To BS EN 1026, <0.1 m³/m².hr@50Pa.

Resistance to water penetration

Resistance to driving rain to BS EN 1027, 1200 Pa; Resistance to liquid water penetration to EN 1928, Class W1.

Guidance for specification option:

Weathertight against driving rain.

Application temperature

+5° to +40°C.

Service temperature

-40°C to +80°C.

UV resistance

12 months full exposure.


12 months in cool dry conditions.


Cutting shears.

Seam roller.

Tape measure.

Retractable bladed knife.


Plain - bonded with SP525 on both edges.

Product certifications

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Certificate ME508 and ME501 Duo Window Membranes

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