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For sealing interfaces to provide airtight or weather tight seals.

For interior and exterior applications ME220 EPDM is typically bonded to the glazed frame and backing substrate with illbruck OT015 EPDM Paste Adhesive. For interior applications, the ME220 VV self-adhesive variant is preferred.

OT015 EPDM Paste adhesive and Acrylic self-adhesive may require the application of primer and or the creation of an isolation layer before bridging across overspilled or smeared silicone sealants. When using a paste adhesive do not no exceed the proportions specified by illbruck. Consolidate all bonds regardless of variant in use by applying firm pressure and roiling over the top of the membrane with a seam roller. Do not apply in temperatures below 5°C and rising. 

 The self-adhesive version appended 'VV' may not suit some PVCu profiles when used as an external perimeter sealing membrane. Do not use the 'VV' version in areas prone to standing water or areas where prolonged wetting occurs without sufficient drying periods. Use the plain version bonded with OT015 where such conditions exist.


An EPDM-based membrane used for sealing interfaces to provide airtight or weather tight seals. Used for weather sealing the exterior side of the connecting joint between a window or facade construction and an adjacent structure (e.g. wall, concrete panel, steel frame, etc.) or to provide an internal airtight barrier in a similar detail.

Features and benefits:

  • High resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Excellent movement capability in both transverse and longitudinal direction with excellent material recovery after elongation.
  • Excellent weathering, ageing and UV radiation resistance.
  • Excellent moisture vapour barrier.

For Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets, please refer to the illbruck website Download Centre.

General information








25000 mm


1500 mm


0.75 mm

Warranty description


Manufacturer guidance

Any product which has been applied (a) in accordance with Tremco CPG UK Ltd written instructions and (b) in any applications recommended by Tremco CPG UK Ltd, but which is proved to be defective, will be replaced free of charge.


Pr_35_90_33_22 Door and window weatherstrips and sealsPrimary


L10/75 Sealant joints

L10/810 Sealant joints

L20/80 Sealant joints

L20/820 Sealant joints

Product range

Window Perimeter Sealing Membranes (External)
i3 - 3 level sealing system

Specification data - Door and window weatherstrips and seals


Weather seals.

Classification grades (minimum)


Category of use

Type W.

Working temperature range

Grade 5.


To suit doors.
To suit windows.









Manufacturer guidance

In strict accordance with manufacturers' method statement. Application always starts at the cill or threshold. Do not over apply the specified paste adhesive. Window, door and curtain wall applications-Minimum bond to glazing frame is 20 mm. Minimum lap and bond to backing wall/substrate is 50 mm. When applied as linear construction joint seal the membrane should be applied equal distant over the joint with a 50/50 lap to the corresponding substrates and a minimum bond of 35 mm, 50 mm preferred.


Not required.

CT113 Contact adhesive.

Guidance for specification option:

Diluted with AW421 solvent at ratio of 1:3.


0.75 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

As standard.

1.20 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Special order only.



Manufacturer guidance

Available 50–1500 mm in 50 mm increments. Insert requirements.

Self-adhesive strips

Not required.


Manufacturer guidance

Acrylic and butyl self-adhesive strips for fixing to frame and construction substrate. Maximum membrane width of 300 mm.

Also available as ME220 VV with full face self-adhesive backing.

Gasket for locating to profiles


Guidance for specification option:

  • Groove depth (minimum): 6.5 mm.
  • Groove width: 3–5 mm.


Guidance for specification option:

  • Groove depth (minimum): 4.0 mm.
  • Groove width: 5–7 mm.


Guidance for specification option:

  • Groove depth (minimum): 4.0 mm.
  • Groove width: 7-10 mm.


Guidance for specification option:

  • Groove depth (minimum): 4.0 mm.
  • Groove width: 13–15 mm.

Manufacturer guidance

For low temperature or wet weather applications, or if mechanical retention for the membrane is preferred, there are four gasket options which can be used in conjunction with a suitable groove on the frame profile. Membranes with gaskets can be supplied with or without a butyl self- adhesive strip for fixing to the structure (standard format is without adhesive).


To DIN 53504, > 6.5 N/mm².




To DIN 53504, > 5 MPa.

Guidance for specification option:

At 300%.

UV resistance

To DIN 53504, Excellent.

Vapour resistivity

To DIN 52615, 32 000 µ.

Moisture vapour permeability

sd (0.7 mm thick): 24 m.

Air tightness

To EN 12207, > Class 4.


To EN 12208, > Class 9A.

Resistance to wind load

To BS EN 12210, > Class 3.

Puncture resistance

To BS EN 12730, >250 N.

Guidance for specification option:

Dynamic puncture resistance (BS EN 12691, 10 mm punch): Tight.

Temperature resistance

-40 to + 130°C.


Cutting shears.

Retractable bladed knife.

Seam roller.

Tape measure.

Fire resistance

To DIN 4102-1, B2.

Product certifications

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Certificate ME220

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