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illbruck (ME014) FR Breather Membrane (Black) Class B, W1

Verified by manufacturer 4 months ago

illbruck – a brand of Tremco CPG UK Ltd Product certifications:


    Certificate type

A monolithic permanently UV stable air and water tight Breather Membrane to provide protection to the built up wall layers in a closed, open or partially open façade.

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Applied over thermal insulation (mineral wool) or directly to sheathing boards or other substrates with a confirmed low reaction to fire of at least Class A2-s1,d0.

illbruck (ME014) FR Breather Membrane Black now supplied with with t high-strength acrylic self-adhesive strips for easier installation. Vertical and perimeter joining seams are sealed with illbruck ME316 sealing and joining tape.

Ensure that applicators obtain a fully detailed application method statement before commencing work.


(ME014) FR Breather Membrane (Black) is a monolithic specially coated air, watertight and UV stable non-woven polyester-based Breather Membrane that achieves a Class B-s3,d0 Reaction to Fire according to BS EN 13501-1 and is highly suited to applications in buildings that have been classified as "Relevant Buildings" as defined in Approved Document B, April 2019.

Often used in conjunction with the slit width membrane variant, (ME010) FR Window Membrane, to provide fully compatible and integrated building protection wrap around the external backing wall in a framed and sheathed construction.

Features and benefits:

  • Permanently UV-resistant.
  • Reaction to Fire B-s3, d0 to BS EN 13501-1.
  • High range of in-service temperature resistance.
  • Highly vapour open.
  • Non-branded, plain black finish - particularly suitable for visible applications.
  • Airtight and weather tight.

For Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets, please refer to the illbruck website Download Centre.

General information











50000 mm


1500 mm


0.5 mm

Warranty description


Manufacturer guidance

Any product which has been applied (a) in accordance with Tremco CPG UK Ltd written instructions and (b) in any applications recommended by Tremco CPG UK Ltd, but which is proved to be defective, will be replaced free of charge.


Pr_25_57_10_94 Vapour-permeable sheetsPrimary


H92/785 Breather membrane

P10/65 Breather membrane

P10/320 Breather membrane

Product range

Fire Rated Breather Membranes

Specification data - Vapour-permeable sheets


Specially coated Polyester hydrophobic non-woven textile.



Third-party certification

MPA Hannover 201173 (2020): Reaction To Fire. MPA Hannover 215717 (2021): SKZ Wurzburg EN 1928 & EN 11984 Resistance to Water Penetration.

Weight (minimum)

To EN 1849-2, 160g/m².

Thickness (minimum)

To EN 1849-2, 05 mm.



Manufacturer guidance

ME010 UV & Fire Breather Membrane is unfurled and applied directly from the log to the substrates. The membrane is secured with tape to the structure and overlapping seams to create a homogenous and continuous protection layer. Applications should start from the bottom of the building and work upwards overlapping subsequent horizontal and vertical layers by a minimum of 100 mm. Perimeters and overlapping's seams are sealed with illbruck ME315 Total Protection Tape or other tape specified by illbruck. Some details e.g. floor junction or solid walls may require the use of illbruck SP025 Fire Membrane Adhesive in addition to the ME315 Total Protection Tape.

Reaction to fire

To BS EN 13501-1, Class B s3,d0.

Guidance for specification option:

Applied in contact with a substrate such as mineral insulation with a density of ≥ 25 kgm³, affixed with small metal fixings or sealed to substrates with no air gaps which have a minimum reaction to fire of Class A2-s1,d0.

Resistance to water penetration

EN 1928 (EN13859-2) Class W1 watertight after 2 hours, EN1928 (EN13984) Type A- Class W1 watertight after 24 hours, EN 1027 Resistance to Driving Rain at 600Pa.

Vapour diffusion

To EN ISO 12572, 0.04 m.

Air permeability

To EN 12114, ≤ 0.1 m³/m².h. 50Pa.

Service temperature range

To EN 13859-1, -40° to +150°C.

UV resistance

To EN 13859, Permanent.

Elongation at break

To EN 11311-1, approx. ± 30/35%. EN 1297/1296; After Ageing >75% of as new.

Tear resistance

To EN 12310-1, approx. 100/120N ± 15%.


Tape measure.

Cutting shears.

ME315 protection tape or other illbruck specified sealing/bonding tape.

Sustainability data

Country of product manufacture


Product certifications



ME010 EC1 Plus Certificate


ME010 Declaration of Performance

ME010 Declaration of Performance

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