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EcoRight Lime Putty

Verified by manufacturer 8 days ago

EcoRight Limited

Non-hydraulic (a fat or pure) lime putty produced from slaked high calcium quicklime (CaO).

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Suitable for repairs to historic buildings and construction of ecologically sound modern buildings. It can be mixed with aggregates to produce Coarse and Fine Stuff mortars and special lime plasters and renders etc.


EcoRight Lime Putty is a non-hydraulic (a fat or pure) lime putty produced from slaked high calcium quicklime (CaO). Its appearance is that of a smooth sticky white mass similar to common toothpaste. It is usually packaged in an airtight manner to prevent setting and often there is excess water to separate the putty from any air in the packaging container (especially when in tubs).

Features and benefits:

  • Ideal for the repair of historic buildings.
  • Can be reworked up to the point of set.
  • Will keep indefinitely as long as the container is air tight and evaporation of moisture does not occur.
  • Mortars made with it are breathable and enables moisture to evaporate.
  • Can be used as a plain or coloured lime wash.

General information






Non-hydraulic lime

Guidance for specification option:

Non-hydraulic (a fat or pure) lime putty produced from slaked high calcium quicklime (CaO).


Guidance for specification option:

Delivered to site in either 1 tonne or ½ tonne IBC’s and 20 kg tubs.


Pr_20_31_12_57 Non-hydraulic lime puttiesPrimary


Z21/310 Lime:sand mortar mixes

Z21/310 Lime:sand mortar mixes

H51/585 Cement:lime:sand mortar jointing

H51/585 Cement:lime:sand mortar jointing

M20/310 Lime:sand

M20/110 Cement:lime:sand

M20/57 Lime:sand

M20/10 Cement:lime:sand

Specification data - Non-hydraulic lime putties

Lime putty type

Slaked high calcium quicklime to EN 459 and BS 890:1995.

Maturation conditions

Sealed containers with a covering of water.

Guidance for specification option:

EcoRight Lime Putty matures and improves with age if kept

in sealed containers with a covering of water. It should be

protected from heat and frost. Properly stored lime putty

should not deteriorate in any way regardless of length of

time stored.

Maturation period before use (minimum)

Seek instruction.