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EcoPoint Pointing Mortars

Verified by manufacturer 8 days ago

EcoRight Limited

Hydraulic lime mortar for pointing and re-pointing with gun injection tools.

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Suitable for use in in standard re-pointing and primarily pointing with grout bag or gun injection for brick cladding panels.


EcoPoint can be produced in a variety of strengths and earth tone colours using dried sands, natural hydraulic lime, calcium lime, natural pigments and specialist water retention admixtures.

Features and benefits:

  • Complies with the durability requirements of BS 5628: Part 3:2001.
  • Sand BS EN 13139: 2002.
  • Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) BS EN 459: Part 1: 2001.
  • Calcium Lime BS EN 459: Part 1: 2001.
  • Pigments BS EN 12878.
  • Admixtures BS EN 934.
  • Consistent formulation for application by gun or grout bag injection.
  • Suitable for most re-point applications and pointing brick and stone cladding panel systems.
  • Pointing guns are available from EcoRight, consult manufacturer.
  • Improved aesthetics through correct choice of sands.
  • Choice of colours (bespoke colours available to order).
  • Reduction in wastage, savings on material cost.
  • Improved productivity, savings on labour cost.

General information



Guidance for specification option:

Choice of colours (bespoke colours available to order) consult manufacturer for options.


Hydraulic lime


Manufacturer guidance

EcoPoint can be produced dried sands, natural hydraulic lime, calcium lime, natural pigments and specialist water retention admixtures.




Pr_20_31_53_42 Injection mortarsPrimary


Z21/310 Lime:sand mortar mixes

Z21/310 Lime:sand mortar mixes

M20/57 Lime:sand

M20/310 Lime:sand

H51/585 Cement:lime:sand mortar jointing

C41/820 Pointing

H51/585 Cement:lime:sand mortar jointing

M20/110 Cement:lime:sand

C41/820 Pointing

M20/10 Cement:lime:sand

Specification data - Injection mortars

Mix type

Batched dry hydraulic:lime:sand.


Guidance for specification option:

Choice of colours (bespoke colours available to order). Consult manufacturer for options.

Mortar mix


Guidance for specification option:

Eminent hydraulic.

Lime : sand - 1 : 2.

Durability designation

To BS 5628, (iii) at 91 days; (ii) at 28 days.

Manufacturer guidance

Mortar mix durability designation.

Mortar designation

HLM 5.

Manufacturer guidance

Hydraulic lime mix designation.


5.0 N/mm².

Manufacturer guidance

At 91 days.

Durability Class
