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Aluminium Kalzip/ FalZinc Foldable Roof System - Traditional Roofing System

Verified by manufacturer 4 days ago

Non-ventilated Aluminium Foldable Roof

Kalzip Ltd Variant:
Product certifications:
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management

    Certificate type

  • ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management

    Certificate type

  • BBA Agrément Certificate

    BBA Agrément Certificate

    Certificate type

Kalzip Foldable Aluminium is the ideal material for traditional roofing techniques. Almost any shape can be formed.

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Falzinc is a corrosion resistant aluminium strip and sheet for roof coverings. Falzinc is suitable for a wide range of applications including private housing construction, public buildings, historic buildings, sports and leisure facilities, commercial buildings as well as urban renewals and regeneration schemes.


Falzinc is a corrosion resistant aluminium strip and sheet for roof coverings. Falzinc is suitable for a wide range of applications including private housing construction, public buildings, historic buildings, sports and leisure facilities, commercial buildings as well as urban renewals and regeneration schemes.


Core of sea-water resistant aluminium alloy with a pre-patinated zinc surface to both sides. This metallic surface layer has the ability to protect areas of the surface damaged during seam forming or installation.


Falzinc is supplied with a protective film. This protects the surface against dirt and damage during storage and installation.


Falzinc can be processed with all devices and machines that are commonly used.

Longitudinal joints:

The types of joints commonly used are:

  • Double Standing Seam.
  • Batten rolls.
  • Angled Standing Seam (steep inclines only).

Roof Structures and Ventilation:

Falzinc is suitable for covering ventilated roof structures. The advantage of this roof construction is that minor amounts of moisture that might penetrate into the roof structure from the inside of the building due to an ineffective vapour control layer, will be safely carried off in the ventilation cavity. Falzinc is also suitable for covering non-ventilated roof structures if the vapour control layer prevents moisture penetration of the construction.

Roof Pitch:

The recommended minimum roof pitch for Falzinc coverings is generally 7°. With appropriate additional sealing measures, lower roof pitches down to 3° are technically possible.

Support Structure:

Falzinc must be fully supported throughout its entire area. The deck must be even and suitable for the attachment of clips using nails and screws.


Separation or ‘slip’ layers are used to:

  • Prevent corrosive influences from aggressive wood protection agents or alkaline influences from fresh concrete or mortar.
  • Aid movement due to thermal expansion/ contraction.

Length of strip:

For normal installation, this is limited to 10 m, with use of appropriately designed fixing components. Length up to 15 m is possible; above that transverse joints are required, the design of which depends upon the roof pitch.

Cover Width:

The cover width of the installed strip is the coil width minus side laps. For a coil width of 600 mm with a double standing seam fold, the two side laps would be 35 mm and 45 mm. The overall cover width would therefore be 520 mm with a double standing seam height of 25 mm.


Standing seams joints are fixed with clips folded into the seam. For Falzinc, clips are one-part or multi-part stainless steel (at least 0.4 mm thickness). Fixing must to allow for thermal expansion. The number of clips required differs according to wind loads. Maximum distance between clips is 500 mm.

Features and benefits:

  • Very high corrosion resistance.
  • Light weight.
  • Ease of handling and installation.
  • Optimised properties for skilled metalworking.
  • Can be combined with construction materials of aluminium, titanium and zinc.
  • Highly distinctive, traditional weathered zinc appearance.
  • Lowered weather erosion rate than zinc.
  • Excellent durability due to the sea-water resistant aluminium base material.
  • Fully demountable and recyclable.
  • Aluminium sheets are manufactured in accordance with BS EN 485, BS EN 507, BS EN 515 and BS EN 573.

General information







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Zinc plated



Guidance for specification option:

Sea-water resistant aluminium alloy EN AW-3005 with a prepatinated zinc surface to both sides.







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Warranty description



Ss_30_40_50_10 Aluminium sheet fully supported roof covering systemsPrimary


H72/520 Aluminium strip/ sheet

H72/110 Aluminium sheet fully supported roof covering

Specification data - Aluminium sheet fully supported roof covering systems


Foldable roof system.

System manufacturer

Kalzip Ltd.


Structured breather membrane (supplied by others).

Guidance for specification option:

Vapour permeable layer with structured texture to disperse residual moisture.


Manufacturer's standard.

Air and vapour control layer

Manufacturer's standard.

Guidance for specification option:

To be used on the warm side of the insulation.


Existing roof boarding.

Guidance for specification option:

Preparation may be required to make good. Consult manufacturer for details.


Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

Sheet underlay



Delta Trela Plus.

Guidance for specification option:

For non-ventilated builds, Delta Trela Plus must be used.


Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

Manufacturer guidance

Membranes are recommended if plywood is used as a substrate.


Clout nails.


Aluminium long strips.

Guidance for specification option:

Available up to 15 m in length.

Aluminium traditional sheets.

Guidance for specification option:

Available in lengths of 2000–6000 mm.

Manufacturer guidance

Sea-water resistant aluminium alloy with a 5 µm pre-patinated zinc surface to both sides. Supplied in a protective film for protection against dirt and damage during storage and installation.

Longitudinal joints



Standing seam joints - double.
Standing seam joints - angled.
Batten roll joints.

Manufacturer guidance

Spacing of joints is dependent on coil width, joint type, gauge and project specific exposure conditions. To be determined by Contractor.

Fixing standing seam joints

Stainless steel clips.

Guidance for specification option:

For traditional standing seam.

Fasteners to substrate

Stainless steel fixings.

Cross joints



Not required.

Guidance for specification option:

For long strip applications.

Single-lock welts.

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

Manufacturer guidance

Spacing: 10 m maximum.

Eave details



Standing seam eaves terminations.

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

Ridge and hip details



Batten roll ridges and hips.

Guidance for specification option:

Ventilated ridge.


Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

System accessories

Not required.
SikaFast 5211 fast-curing two-part structural adhesive.

Guidance for specification option:

To be used for sealing/ joining where required.

Note: Sika AD prep can be used prior to application of adhesive where required. Consult manufacturer for details.

Verge detail

Standing seam termination.

Batten roll termination.


Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.


EN AW-3105.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Alloy designation: Al Mn0.5Mg0.5 EN AW 3105 in accordance with BS EN 573-3.
  • Temper: H111.

Sheet width

600 mm.

670 mm.


Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

Sheet thickness

0.7 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Suitable for folding and forming work.

1 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Suitable for coverings and flashings.

Sheet length


Manufacturer guidance

Up to 10 m.  15 m can be achieved using manufacturer's guidance.


Titan silver.


Guidance for specification option:

Additional colour options, consult manufacturer.

Roof pitch


Guidance for specification option:


Side laps

35 and 45 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Two side laps.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture




Guidance for specification option:

Sea-water resistant aluminium alloy EN AW-3005 with a prepatinated zinc surface to both sides.



Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

Guidance for specification option:

Recycled aluminium weather sheet.

Expected Life


Product certifications

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management

Kalzip ISO 9001

ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management

ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management

Kalzip ISO 45001

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Agrément Certificate

Kalzip 08 4571 Falzinc and AluPlus Zinc Product Sheet 1


08/4571 Falzinc and Aluplus Zinc

08/4571 Falzinc and Aluplus Zinc

Kalzip Foldable Aluminium Brochure

Kalzip Foldable Aluminium Brochure

Kalzip foldable aluminium

Kalzip foldable aluminium