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Basement Waterproofing, Gas Proofing Solutions, Damp Proofing.

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Britain's biggest domestic basement?

Britain's biggest domestic basement?


Combining all three types of waterproofing system (Types A, B and C) supplied by Triton Systems, at the time of construction this project was believed to be the UK’s largest domestic basement. The three storey habitable space below ground was retrofitted under the existing property, and extends beneath the new build adjacent luxury apartment blocks.
Ground Gas Barrier for Almshouses

Ground Gas Barrier for Almshouses


Triton products, including liquid applied TT Vapour Membrane, were specified to form a ground gas barrier system in the redevelopment of listed almshouses situated in close proximity to a landfill site.
ICF Waterproofing case study: Structural waterproofing products from Triton Systems have been specified for one of the largest ICF construction dwellings ever built in the UK.

ICF Waterproofing case study: Structural waterproofing products from Triton Systems have been specified for one of the largest ICF construction dwellings ever built in the UK.


The 2,500m2 basement extends beyond the property where a blue-green roof will be created over a suspended podium deck to form part of the garden. The Triton team worked closely with waterproofing and blue-green roof design specialists, EPG, to create a waterproofing strategy and utilised a comprehensive Construction Quality Assurance protocol agreed between Triton and EPG. The Triton team had been called in by main contractor, Era Build Ltd, to replace a previous supplier who had been unable to provide a warranty. After detailing was complete; Triton Approved Contractor, Cast Contracting Ltd (CCL), installed the systems.
Triton Supplies Type C Waterproofing For Landmark London Scheme

Triton Supplies Type C Waterproofing For Landmark London Scheme


The White Collar Factory will be a mixed-use are of workspace, residential and retail, designed by architects, AHMM. The development, sited on London's City Road, comprises a new 16-storey office tower, a new public square and refurbished existing buildings to the rear. The new 2-storey basement has been waterproofed using a Type C system applied internally, to provide drained protection in accordance with BS 8102: 2009. The waterproofing was supplied by Triton Systems.
Triton Systems Specified For Underground Car Park Upgrade

Triton Systems Specified For Underground Car Park Upgrade


Triton Systems supplied waterproofing systems specified by waterproofing design specialists, Ink Technical Services, for the upgrade to a below ground car park in North London. BS 8102 (2009) recommends the involvement of a waterproofing specialist at the design stage of any below ground waterproofing project. Involving an expert at this stage also minimises the risk of system failure in the future.
Triton watertight concrete waterproofs lift shafts

Triton watertight concrete waterproofs lift shafts


Triton Systems approved contractor, British Damp Proofing, installed products supplied by Triton Systems to waterproof two lift shafts in a development of 25 dwellings. Triton Bentonite Membrane was used to waterproof the lift slab base and kicker, which were poured using concrete made waterproof with Triton TT Admix. Triton's Adcor waterbar was then installed on to the kicker.
TT Admix Specified For Major New Build Construction

TT Admix Specified For Major New Build Construction


Triton has supplied 3,280kg of TT Admix, its BBA certified concrete waterproofing system, to a prestigious new build project in West London. The project is a new car dealership situated between the M4 flyover and the site of Brentwood FC's new stadium. The construction comprises a watertight concrete base with welded sheet piled walls and a watertight concrete capping beam to provide a Type B integral waterproofing solution to BS 8102 (2009). On top of the slab is a steel framed structure.
Type C waterproofing system for Notting Hill basement

Type C waterproofing system for Notting Hill basement


Triton approved contractors, Advance Property Preservation, installed a Type C (BS 8102 2009) structural waterproofing system in the construction of a luxury domestic basement. The property is a late Victorian, six-bedroomed detached home in Notting Hill, London.
Waterproofing experts seal leaky basement

Waterproofing experts seal leaky basement


Waterproofing and damp proofing specialists, Severn Damp & Timber Preservation, installed a range of Triton Systems’ waterproofing materials to deal with water ingress around two skylights, formed within the concrete roof deck over a basement that extended into the garden of a domestic property. 
Watertight Concrete Basement For Luxury Wembley Development

Watertight Concrete Basement For Luxury Wembley Development


Two 20 storey buildings, one a hotel and the other a luxury residential and commercial apartment block, have been constructed near Wembley Stadium. Triton Systems was appointed by the main contractor, Donban Construction, to supply a watertight concrete system for the large underground car park which will serve both buildings.

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