Saint-Astier® limes and mortars have been produced by the same families and from the same quarry since 1851. The mineralogical characteristics of the raw materials, the manufacturing process, and the quality controls are such that users are assured of consistent performance of the products. The experience acquired over the years is shared with the user through the assistance available from the Technical Department and from carefully chosen specialist distributors, able to assess the type of lime mortar, plaster, render or paints required. This is especially important in conservation and restoration, where mortars should be project-specific in order to ensure their compatibility with existing materials and the fabric of buildings.
Saint-Astier ST.ONE® Repair Mortar Dry Ready Mix
Lime Thermal Insulation Render NOVASKIN - Insulating Lime Render
COULINEX® Grouting mortar - Lime Grouting and Injection
Saint-Astier® NHL 5 - Tradi 100 - Lime binders - Cement-Free Natural Hydraulic Lime