British Board of Agrément (BBA)
British Board of Agrément (BBA)
IndiNature innovates and manufactures bio-based construction materials.
Made from local crops - industrial hemp and flax - our natural fibre insulations capture a net amount of carbon and result in zero waste.
Our insulation batts are durable and soft to the touch, they are easy to build with and also provide passive regulation of temperature and humidity for added indoor comfort and health.
IndiTherm flexi-batts and rigid thermal acoustic IndiBoards are available separately, and together they create IndiBreathe, a full construction insulation system.
Based in the Scottish Boarders, Jedburgh our first high-capacity natural fiber insulation production line is running..
Working with distribution partners across the UK, IndiTherm is now available to order at scale in a range of sizes designed to meet UK project specifications. IndiBoards and the full IndiBreathe system will follow by Autumn 2023.
IndiSilence® - Acoustic Insulation Roll / Slab
IndiBoard® - Hemp Insulation Board
IndiBreathe Flex® - Hemp Insulation Batt
IndiTherm® i-Joist Backer Blocks - Hemp Insulation Backer Blocks
IndiTherm Tech Sheet
IndiTherm Declaration of Performance
IndiTherm Install Guide
IndiTherm - Data sheet