Major Project Enquiries
Edward Rea
Major Projects Manager
Technical Queries
Greg Waring
Technical Manager
Technical Queries
Chris Beck
Technical Support Manager
Project Enquiries
Stuart Richardson
General Manager
For the waterproofing / Gas Protection and corrosion protection of concrete structures
Edward Rea
Major Projects Manager
Greg Waring
Technical Manager
Chris Beck
Technical Support Manager
Stuart Richardson
General Manager
Declaration of Performance (DoP)
British Board of Agrément (BBA)
Cementaid’s simple-to-use technical products enable concrete designers and users to maximise the performance, durability and profitability of their structures by giving their concrete enhanced properties and abilities.
These range from specialised resistance to salts or acids, integral waterproofing and corrosion-proofing and Gas Resistance concrete, extreme resistance to abrasion or impact, dusting, staining or weathering, or any one of a dozen properties where higher performance qualities are desired. Cementaid enhanced concretes deliver better performing, more durable structures, built faster and requiring little or no maintenance, at optimally low cost.
Cementaid’s range of waterproofing, gas and radon protection solutions are practical and time-proven to produce truly damp-proof, highly durable concrete which can be used either as stand-alone protection (or part of dual protection systems, when required).
Caltite modified concretes have a successful track record of over 60 years of helping designers, developers and owners waterproof and protect concrete structures, even under the most aggressive and corrosive conditions.
To arrange a lunch and learn or presentation at your office or online (via Zoom, Teams), please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Cementaid are dedicated to the service of our customers and their projects through Technical Service and Production Centres in major cities throughout Australia, South-East Asia, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, and since 1995.
Caltite (30 Ltrs) - Designated Concrete
Caltite (3CC PB - 15 Ltrs) - Water And Corrosion Resistant Admixture
Caltite (Aquapel - 8 Ltrs) - Water and Vapour Proofing Admixture
Caltite GR (30 Ltrs) - Gas Resistant Concrete Admixture
Caltite Solutions for Waterproof Concrete - Caltite Systems
Cementaid’s Gas Strategy Report Process
Radon and Methane Permeability Tests
Cementaid Standard Joint and Bolt-Hole Details