RIBA CPD Provider
RIBA CPD Provider
The International EPD System
Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance
Burmatex® is a UK manufacturer of creative flooring: contract carpet tiles, planks and sheets, offering a high quality range covering tufted, structure bonded and fibre bonded carpets, supported by specialist barrier and entrance matting products. Focusing on innovative design and flexible manufacturing, Burmatex® products offer creative yet practical choices to architects, specifiers, end users and contractors across a wide variety of sectors including education, leisure, accommodation, commercial interiors, healthcare and public buildings.
vibe® - carpet tiles
dapple® - carpet tiles
balance grid® - carpet tiles
osaka carpet tiles fitted at the Wolfson Centre in Bradford Hospital
Sainsbury’s Head Office Transformation
burmatex® 2024 Product Catalogue, carpet tiles, carpet planks
multilevel loop carpet tiles brochure
Burmatex sustainability and environmental statement