Product catalogue
Product catalogue
Metal Solutions offer a complete range of precoated aluminium that captures the colour pigments and textures of real zinc, copper and other finishes. The result of this is a realistic and aesthetically pleasing product, all for the fraction of the cost of more expensive materials. Also available are zinc red, zinc blue & zinc green.
Traditional Textures Precoated Aluminium Intalok ® (Interlocking Reveal Rainscreen Facade Panel) - Pre-coated Aluminium
Traditional Textures Precoated Aluminium Fully Supported Batten Roll Roof And Facade Cladding - Aluminium Fully Supported Batten Roll
Traditional Textures Precoated Aluminium Fully Supported Standing Seam Roofing & Cladding - Standing Seam Roofing/ Cladding
Traditional Textures Precoated Aluminium Fully Supported Snaplock ® Standing Seam Roofing & Cladding - Standing Seam Roofing/ Cladding
Traditional Textures Precoated Aluminium Fully Supported Roofing and Facade Cladding Shingle - Roofing and Facade Cladding Shingle
Traditional Textures Precoated Aluminium Rainwater Drainage System - Aluminium Rainwater Drainage System
Topclip Capping System
Zintek - The Coloured Ones
Metal Solutions Rainwater System
Zintek Installation Manual