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Sustainable Resilience for Reinforced Concrete Structures (Parking Structures / Multi-Storey Car Parks)

White paper

Sustainable Resilience for Reinforced Concrete Structures (Parking Structures / Multi-Storey Car Parks)

by C-Probe Systems

A PDF, which includes case studies, casting a spotlight on corrosion management for parking structures. Many ageing parking structures are not properly serviced and maintained, causing disruption and closure. C-Probe Systems can offer low carbon, smart products that create a Corrosion Management System (CMS) for the protection and service life tracking for both multi-level and underground parking with buildings above, helping to extend their service life and increasing durability. The PDF looks closely at the use of LoCem® +chase® which is a low carbon cement alternative (AACM), that also acts as an ICCP anode for reinforced concrete structures.

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