Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Leviat
Large panels of masonry or panels with openings can often be difficult to justify structurally. The traditional solutions have been to either increase the thickness of the wall or introduce an additional masonry pier. Ancon AMR Bed Joint Reinforcement and Ancon Windposts are designed to provide additional lateral support for panels of masonry. Windposts can be installed into either the inner leaf of blockwork or into the cavity leaving the blockwork undisturbed. Ancon AMR is a fabricated and flattened stainless steel or carbon steel reinforcement which locates in the bed joint to strengthen a wall. Parapet Posts are used as vertical support for brickwork in parapet panels.
Ancon WP1 Windpost System
Ancon Parapet Posts
Ancon WP3 Windpost System
Ancon WP2 Windpost System
Gauge Tape
Reinforcing Large Format Stack-Bonded Masonry - Ancon AMR Masonry Reinforcement
Non-Drill Fixings
Corner Guards