Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Bauder Ltd
Restoring a current flat roof; your roof could possibly be experiencing challenges that a visual appraisal may not always detect. Technical testing methods determine the scope of works required and provide graphic evidence of a roof’s condition. This information can inform decisions about how to action any defects and extend the life of your roof.
BauderEXTENSIVE PLANTsubstrate UK Native Plug Plant Green Roof System, Flat Roof
Bauder EGV 35 TF underlayer
Bauder LiquiTEC Roof / Terrace Inverted Roof System - Cold Applied
Bauder Thermoplan FPO Warm Roof System - Adhered
BauderPVC NLF-R 50 Emergency Overflow
BauderTEC KSO ALP SN Capping Sheet - Polymer Bitumen Capping Sheet
BauderGLAS Inverted Insulation
Bauder JFRI PREMIUM+ Inverted Insulation
Bauder waterproofing systems are now CCPI verified.
BauderECO FF - Technical Data Sheet
Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing - Bauder brochure
Reinforced Bitumen Membrane Systems - Bauder brochure