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Manufacturers of plastics cellular pavers

Classification Pr_25_93_60_61.

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Showing 1-7 of 7



Creative Geosynthetic Engineering

Geosynthetics Limited

Geosynthetics Limited

Creating Innovative Solutions with Outstanding Products

Grass Concrete Ltd

Grass Concrete Ltd

Grass Concrete Limited was formed in 1970 at the height of the modular system build boom. Its mission from day one was to change the mindsets of designers and developers away from an often dull norm that was increasingly ruinous to the environment. It questioned existing construction methods and championed the use of systems more sympathetic to our environment; key to this process was its then new Grasscrete invention. Grass Concrete Limited was one of the early pioneers of using re-cycled materials in paving systems at a time when “re-cycled” was sometimes disdainfully viewed as being a potentially inferior “second hand”.

Hahn Plastics Ltd

Hahn Plastics Ltd

Preserve natural resources

SureSet Resin Systems

SureSet Resin Systems

Paving the way since since 1997

GCL Products Ltd

GCL Products Ltd

Specialists in Permeable Paving and Products for Groundworks, Construction & Landscaping

Castle Composites

Castle Composites

Solution for every Surface

Showing 1-7 of 7