Our clients sought to transform the derelict barns into a Passivhaus home that’s manageable in scale and cost-effective to operate. Their vision included a sustainable living space, a workspace, and a vegetable plot merging with the wildflower meadows and countryside beyond.
The energy-efficiency goal was to create a high-performing home that minimises environmental impact, meeting the stringent requirements of Passivhaus certification. The initial state of the buildings posed a significant challenge, with the barns in a severe state of disrepair, one reduced to a ruin with only rudimentary wall structures standing.
GBS98 Triple Glazed Timber Inward Opening Window
Erneley Close EnerPHit
Low Energy Self-Build, Suffolk
‘Woodlands’ Oak Frame Passivhaus B&B, Malvern
The Hen House, Sheffield
Bolsover Model Village
University Arms Hotel
Lorraine Road
Vauxhall Primary School