Fashion retailer Schustermann & Borenstein GmbH offers a unique selection of
renowned national and international designer brands all over Europe. With rising
sales in 27 countries, made almost exclusively via the internet, the company has
simply outgrown its current premises, and had to look at expanding its facilities
to cope with future growth. BestSecret, the company‘s E-commerce subsidiary,
in particular is in need of larger premises, with continual need to grow and
expand their facilities to cope with growing customer demand. For this reason,
the company made the decision to relocate its headquarters to the newly
developed commercial district of Grub in Poing near Munich, and build new
administrative offices with adjoining logistics centre.
Aluminium Kalzip FC Façade Rainscreen System - Rainscreen System
Kelvin Hall, Glasgow
South Bristol Skills Academy
SSE Hydro Arena, Glasgow
Stephenson Quarter Newcastle upon Tyne
Vita Ruskin Square
Urbanest, Vauxhall
Blackwall Reach
Thames Park School