Koster flooring products were chosen to protect the floor for this change of use garage from vehicle storage to a workshop. The garage has a single skin wall with no insulation and an uneven floor. The floor area was primed then leveled using Koster SL Premium followed by two coats of Koster EM-VS. Kiln Dried Silica Sand was spread between the coats to provide a non-slip surface.
Insulation, stud walls and work areas were then completed with materials and equipment being moved or dragged across the coated floor. Koster EM-VS is scratch resistant and therefore prevented any damage from occurring.
Internal Basement Slab Waterproofing and Vapour Barrier System - Koster VAPlite.
Expansion Joint Sealing with Koster FS Sealants
Epoxy Floor - Koster CT 215 Universal Floor
Koster Repair Mortar R4
Liquid Vapour Barrier for Concrete Floors - Koster VAP I 2000
Flat roof overlay at historic lighthouse. Koster TPO Membrane.
Schneider Electronics Factory - Koster Flooring Systems
Glasgow Underground. Koster Injection Systems.
Koster Flooring Systems, 96 Middlesex St. London
Koster Flooring Systems, 96 Middlesex St. London
Aintree Racecourse - Koster Flooring Systems to Grandstand
Koster Flooring Systems - Protection to Concrete bund
Kenwood Warehouse - Concrete floor repairs, for heavy traffic areas
Schneider Electronics Factory - Koster Flooring Systems
Koster Flooring Systems, 96 Middlesex St. London
Aintree Racecourse - Koster Flooring Systems to Grandstand
Restoration of the foundations at a wind energy plant
Schneider Electronics Factory - Koster Flooring Systems
Koster Flooring Systems, 96 Middlesex St. London
Aintree Racecourse - Koster Flooring Systems to Grandstand
Koster Flooring Systems - Protection to Concrete bund
Schneider Electronics Factory - Koster Flooring Systems
Koster Flooring Systems, 96 Middlesex St. London
Aintree Racecourse - Koster Flooring Systems to Grandstand
Koster Flooring Systems - Protection to Concrete bund
Koster Flooring Systems, 96 Middlesex St. London
Park Plaza Hotel in London
Aintree Racecourse - Koster Flooring Systems to Grandstand