Millbury Nursing Home is a purpose-built residential nursing home.
The Development will consist of a new fully serviced single storey extension which will double the capacity taking it from 66 bedrooms to 132.
The works consist of a new extension incorporating 66 single bedrooms with associated nursing accommodation, visitor accommodation, administration and staff areas, dining & living facilities & all associated accommodation to ground floor level with associated alterations to elevations. Being able to deliver this extension quickly and with minimal disruption to the current residents was of the upmost importance.
energystore TLA® + - Insulation
Energystore TLA® (Thermal Lightweight Aggregate)
Mungret Gate Housing Development - Case Study
64 Princes Street, Edinburgh - Case Study
Chichester House - Case Study
Galliagh Community Centre - Case Study
baseTherm® 200 Floor Insulation Project | Kill Co Kildare
Case Study - Proteus Pro-Felt® - City Tower