Certificate type
This version of the third-party certification is no longer available. View latest
Certificate type
This certificate has been archived and is no longer valid.
Knauf Performer: PC-50-055-6-1-15-MP-25
Knauf Wall Liner: WL-900-12.5-MP-0 / WL-600-12.5-MP-0 / WL-300-12.5-MP-0
Knauf Performer: PC-50-055-6-2-12.5-MP-0
Knauf Performer: PC-50-055-6-1-15-MP-0
Knauf Direct Bonding: DB-12.5-MP - Wall Lining System
Knauf Performer: PC-146-055-6-2-15-MP-0
Knauf Performer: PC-92-070-4-2-15-MP-0
Knauf Performer: PC-70-055-6-2-15-MP-25