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Pronteau commissioned for Eco Water Tower Project

Pronteau commissioned for Eco Water Tower Project

Abode (Part of Norcros Group (Holdings) Ltd)

Abode was the tap designer of choice to inject eco-luxe convenience to a unique water tower restoration project in Castle Acre, Norfolk with Pronteau: a high-specification range of steaming hot water taps. Paul Illingworth, Design Manager at Abode says, “We were delighted to be a part of this project alongside property owner Dennis Pedersen and Tonkin Liu Architects, as they meticulously came together to reimagine a derelict industrial water tank into a contemporary, family home. Dennis purchased the water tower at auction for £20,000 in 2015, and then project-managed all the building work himself to save money and realize Tonkin Liu’s architectural vision with the help of a local builder. Following the addition of a new CLT timber tower and careful infilling, the original water tank is now an open-plan kitchen living space complete with Pronteau Propure 4 IN 1 steaming hot water tap in ultra-fashionable Urban Copper finish. As the property needs to cater to a family of four, the additional breakfast room on the second floor, is also designed with a Pronteau Propure 4 IN 1, to ensure the height of convenience, design continuity and eco luxury in the modern home and living space.”  The 160 sqm Water Tower project, is testament to the increasing demand and complexity in personalised building projects across the UK. As the trend for flexible kitchen living is a key focus for today’s multi-generational homes, homeowners want to make sustainable choices wherever possible. Pronteau by Abode is the ideal way to combine high function design with a superior style, heightened level of safety and sustainable consideration in reducing the consumption of plastic bottled mineral water.  “We believe that safety goes hand in hand in interior design and construction, which is why we continually invest in new product development to ensure our designs are fit for purpose. As a practical example, our exclusive Filter Recycle Scheme enables end users to return redundant filters directly to us for recycling.”
Eden at New Bailey

Eden at New Bailey

Viritopia Limited

Eden at New Bailey, aka A3 Salford located in Salford, Manchester is Europe's largest living wall. The living wall wrapped on all elevations across the façade was designed, supplied and installed by Viritopia.The living wall is designed with modular plants with an ivy veil with a mix of trailing and climbing plants, almost acting as a camouflage to the building as a whole. The species of ivy has been carefully selected for its hardiness and seasonal appearance. This living wall will absorb and filter the pollution and carbon in the atmosphere, enhance biodiversity, attenuate rainwater, reduce noise and provide biophilic benefits for the health and wellbeing of the users.This 3,900m2 green façade has a 20,000 litre self-sufficient rainwater harvesting tank, helps control the urban heat island, and took around 10 months to install. Eden is also increasing the BNG by 174% with this project, with over 16 tonnes of soil and 33 different plant species and 350,000 plants in total helping it along the way.
ABG blueroof - Rooftop Stormwater Attenuation, St James Quarter, Edinburgh, UK

ABG blueroof - Rooftop Stormwater Attenuation, St James Quarter, Edinburgh, UK


St James Quarter is an impressive new galleria retail shopping centre and residential development that rejuvenates a large area of the New Town in Edinburgh city centre. The site was formerly occupied by a dated 1960s era shopping precinct, and with the exception of the John Lewis store, all of these old buildings have now been demolished to make way for the new development. The £1 bn project creates 850,000 sq. feet of new retail space, with a capacity for 80 units focussed on high-end retail alongside the Bonnie & Wild’s Scottish Marketplace and Food Hall.Such a large city centre development is subject to strict planning conditions for the management of surface water. The Water Environment Regulations3 (CAR regulations, Scotland) require all surface water from new developments to be attenuated and treated by a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) before it is discharged into the water network. The aim of SuDS is to mimic natural drainage, encourage infiltration and attenuate hydraulic impacts to minimise downstream flood risk. Excavating underground storm water storage tanks to control surface water run-off was not possible since three levels of basement parking are incorporated beneath the retail centre. Even where possible, basement tanks are comparatively expensive compared to roof level attenuation systems, with high spoil disposal costs, increased safety risks arising from the excavation activities and a large carbon footprint incurred as a result of the number of additional site vehicle movements.The proposals for drainage and SuDS at the St James Quarter development were mainly focussed on the large 15,000m2 catchment area on roof level 5, with 4,734m2 of 80mm deep attenuation void capacity installed by ABG’s installation division ABG Installs. The blueroof system treats and restricts storm water that deluges onto the roof before it is gradually released over a number of hours via outlet control and filtration chambers to the underground drainage system.The attenuation and restrictor chambers on level 5 (east and west of the soon to open central circular W hotel building) and onto balcony areas 1 and 2 at the front and back of the upper apartment buildings, are supplemented with an additional of 2,280m2 of ABG Roofdrain geocomposite, installed at the base of rooftop planters to provide a connected drainage and irrigation / reservoir layer as part of the landscaping design.ABG calculated and designed the required attenuation capacity, including a new diffuser chamber solution to control water outflow at downpipes.
New Air BP Jet Fuel Station - plank gratings

New Air BP Jet Fuel Station - plank gratings

Elefant Gratings T/A PcP Gratings Ltd

This project involves the partners Fremek AB, Totech AB and PCP A/S.Fremek is a workshop company in Dals-Långed that is certified according to EN-1090, EXC1, EXC2 and EXC3. Fremek specializes in welding, cutting, painting and assembly of large projects throughout Sweden.PcP’s solution includes CUBE® gratings and treads for a modern design and ladder systems for worker safety. Fremek and Totech chose PcP’s solution to install a new fuel station for Air BP, one of the world’s largest aviation suppliers.Project criteria - Slip-resistant steel platformFor this project, Air BP required an anti-slip platform due to the use of oil during maintenance.Although the platform is new construction, it was erected on an existing outdoor structure with nothing but a roof and fuel tanks. Thus, there were specific dimensions required.Therefore, PcP provided a more efficient fuel station platform and a safe working environment for personnel carrying out aircraft maintenance.The project had a strict timeline of 10 weeks as the construction had to be finalised before winter.Fremek was responsible for designing the air-plane fuel station and for sourcing the correct materials. Fremek contracted Totech for the works. Totech has more than 25 years of experience managing complex projects for a range of industries and, therefore, extensive knowledge of industrial construction and of which materials to use.PcP has delivered gratings to Fremek in several previous projects. Totech, therefore, approached PcP to showcase gratings with high slip-resistance for the platform. Totech seeked to use standard sizes to meet customer requirements of lead time and budget. At this point, Totech discovered that PCP also could provide handrail and ladder systems.Project solution - CUBE gratingsThe PcP CUBE® gratings, treads and toe-plate were provided for the platform in standard sizes. For easy access to the platform, PcP provided fire escape ladders and safety handrails. PcP CUBE® gratings and treads benefit from outstanding high PTV slip-resistance reducing trip and fall risk, lightweight but strong and fitted perfectly into the existing construction from the ground to roof.Fremek installed the platform, and the workers on-site made cut-outs to suit various plant equipment. Additionally, PcP provided escape ladders to mount on fuel tanks. In case of fire incidents/emergencies, enabling workers to escape rapidly.
ABG blueroof, Rooftop Stormwater Attenuation, FoSS Building, Sheffield, UK

ABG blueroof, Rooftop Stormwater Attenuation, FoSS Building, Sheffield, UK


The 16,500m2 new Faculty of Social Sciences building is designed to meet the future growth demands of the department up to the year 2035 and creates a world class, BREEAM outstanding building that encourages collaboration and enhances the Faculty’s reputation for excellence in teaching and research.The landscape design for the new University of Sheffield building set out to create a large area of public realm on the social sciences campus, with provision for sustainable drainage systems including extensive use of tree pits and rain gardens. As part of the SuDS design specifications, a Blue Roof stormwater drainage system was considered as an alternative option to underground attenuation tanks to keep surface water run-off within the discharge consent.ABG were able to demonstrate that specifying a shallow Blue Roof attenuation layer involved much lower carbon emissions than excavating underground storage tanks.The volume of vehicle movements required to install underground stormwater attenuation compared to the ABG blueroof system was calculated (delivered from ABG’s factory based 25 miles away), and a carbon footprint saving of 59% was estimated. The reduction in construction emissions was deemed particularly important given the site’s proximity to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.The 108mm ABG blueroof system design was fitted over a 4,500m2 roof catchment area by the ABG Installs team over a period of 8 weeks. The inverted roof system build-up includes a 245mm XPS insulation installed onto the waterproofing with a Water Flow Reducing Layer (WFRL) above. The ABG Deckdrain 4mm geocomposite drainage layer is installed above a 100mm void former, wrapped in a Terrex NW20 geotextile layer to prevent debris entering the drainage voids. The roof build-up is completed with a surface finish combination of stone ballast and 63mm pavers.For the majority of the year, the roof drains into the rainwater outlets as normal, however during prolonged spells of heavy rainfall the void formers begin to temporarily attenuate the stormwater. During storm periods the rainfall outflow rate is slowed using 13 stainless steel restrictor chambers, positioned above each rainwater outlet.This controls the volume of water that is able to discharge from the roof during the storm, minimising surface water run-off and reducing the risk of flooding in the local area. The system is calculated to only reach maximum attenuation volume during a 1-in-100 year storm event, as calculated using the Flood Estimation Handbook rainfall data for Sheffield, plus 40% allowance for climatic change. The system features an integrated overflow outlet in the event a storm occurs that exceeds this designed capacity.
Creamery production facility uses FasTop

Creamery production facility uses FasTop


Wensleydale Cheese has been made in Wensleydale, Yorkshire since 1150 when monks settles and lived at monestary at Forsnear Hawes. Today cheese is till handcrafted with the original recipe at the two Wensleydale Creamery sites using milk from local cows.Wensleydale Creamery required floor finishes throughout production floors which would be hygienic and very durable to provide a long term solution. Excellent chemical resistance was required against regular spillages from dairy produce such as whey.Dairy production procedures mean that floors are subjected to heavy duty use and impact from fork lift trucks and storage equipment.SystemThe system chose was FasTop TG69 polyurethane floor screed which has been applied throughout the two creamery sites. The system provides a completely seamless finish which is ant-slip even in wet conditions and which can be cleaned to the exacting conditions required in a modern food factory.Coved skirting has been formed around perimeters of all production and storage areas to create a 'tanked' finish which can be cleaned with hot water processes such as steam cleaning. The product has been tested and certified by Campden BRI as a non-taint product and is certified by HACCP as a food grade material.
Ellis Guilford School

Ellis Guilford School

KWC DVS Limited

Ellis Guilford has over 1,300 hard-working and enthusiastic students studying under their roof. The school promotes a supportive and engaging environment where pupils can express their individuality, ambition, and drive. The school was looking for a washroom revamp that would keep with the school’s core values. Inspired Washrooms, a Nottingham-based fit-out company, designed a set of vibrant, contemporary, and practical washrooms with a range of specified KWC DVS products. The full range of products provided are as follows: • 4 x SOLX2400 Washtroughs with four wash places • 8 x DRYX600 Hands-in dryer Our Miranit range is durable and stylish. Our High Speed “Hands-in” hand dryer is suitable for wall mounting and made of an antibacterial ABS plastic, ideal for educational environments where a pupil’s hygiene and safety are paramount. Silver in colour, the dryer is modern in design, with an impressive drying time of 7-10 seconds, which is beneficial in areas of frequent use. The product is easy to clean and maintain thanks to an auto shutdown after 25 seconds feature and a separate water tank. Chris Kightley, Managing Director of Inspired Washrooms, commented, “We work with KWC DVS on a recurrent basis and can always count on them to provide us with quality products. A trusted partner, we’ve worked on many projects together. Their Miranit composite range and their Hands-in dryer were perfect for the colourful and functional washroom refurbishment the school was after.”
Commercial to Residential Basement Conversion

Commercial to Residential Basement Conversion

Delta Membrane Systems Ltd

Commercial to residential, it may be last orders for some of our great British pubs, for other’s its discovering exciting ways of transforming commercial structures into luxury residential dwellings.  The growing trend of converting old inns offers new homes a unique history whilst being packed with character and features.Delta Registered Installers, Advance Property Preservation Ltd were engaged to assist on a troublesome vaulted basement to a property, based in central London which had already been converted into high living accommodation.Just off the basement area were two large vaults around 12m long. Made from brick barrel construction, this below ground space had previously used for storing kegs of ale!One of these vaults had previously been converted into a spa area with jacuzzi and steam room, the other was used as a storage area. The owners had previously had the storeroom tanked with a Type A, render system, however this approach repeatedly failed, allowing for substantial water ingress which was causing damage to items stored in this area.With Structural Waterproofing one of the major contributors to project failure lies with the design. When hiring contractors, ensure the design, procurement of materials and installation is undertaken by one specialist will naturally reduce these known and associated risks. A specialist contractor will always be able to offer quality assurances.
Leonardo Helicopters

Leonardo Helicopters

Fixfast Ltd

Based in Somerset, aerospace company Leonardo's large new logistics hub combines 8 warehouses onto one site, maintaining Leonardo's fleet of helicopters alongside component storage. A range of environmentally friendly features have been included as part of the task to weave sustainable practice into the building: rainwater harvesting tanks, full LED lighting, a heat recovery system, and electric charging points for EVs. This innovative facility translates into reduced operating costs for Leonardo, whilst maximising helicopter component logistics worldwide.ChallengeIndustrial roofing and wall cladding experts ABS Elbrow were contracted for the construction of the building envelope. This included installing the Firth Steels Protex system using A2/304 stainless steel bi-hex moulded MatchFast fasteners in a range of colours, to fix back the twin skin roof and wall construction. SolutionFast to install, with UV resistant colour heads, these fasteners simplify on-site installation: looking good at the same time. MatchFast fasteners are available in 3 grades of steel, including A4/316 grade for maximum corrosion resistance, and with a range of drillpoints to suit a variety of applications - including light and heavy steel, timber, and stitchers for end and side lap details. "This was a large project for us with the added challenge of a fast-paced installation programme. We needed to be sure that we used a reliable supplier that was able to ship large quantities of fixings & mastics etc, at short notice. Fixfast didn't let us down and proved to be an invaluable part of the supply chain."Vince Cook - Contracts Coordinator at ABS Elbrow
JACKOBOARD® Knutsford Swimming Pool Project

JACKOBOARD® Knutsford Swimming Pool Project

BEWI UK Construction

This amazing swimming pool refurbishment project in Knutsford, Cheshire was undertaken by Abstract Pools Ltd. Tiles from Designworks and more than 100 JACKOBOARD® construction boards were used.Manufactured with an extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam core and a special coating on both sides, JACKOBOARD® construction boards form an ideal base for tiling. The surfaces of the JACKOBOARD® system provide an extremely strong bond and can be used on virtually any substrate. The boards are waterproof, thermally insulating, truly lightweight and very strong. This combination of characteristics makes them ideal for pool hall work. The result of this refurbishment is absolutely stunning and the owners of the property are delighted unsurprisingly.The owner was abroad while the renovation was carried out. The pool was situated in the basement of the house and had been left empty for a few years. The contractor was tasked with refurbishing the pool hall and bringing it back to life. They stripped everything back to the existing substrate, and then rendered and screeded the pool itself, the jacuzzi and the pool surrounds.A new steam room was added, using JACKOBOARD®. All of the pool hall walls were lined with JACKOBOARD®, ready to receive tiles. All tiles on this project were supplied by Designworks Tiles, the specialists in tiles and mosaics for swimming pools and spas. The tiles used on the project were Ezarri Lisa Black Mosaic for the pool tank, District Grey 1200x600x10mm for the pool hall walls, District Dark Grey for the pool coping tiles and District silver 600x600x10mm for the pool floor surround
SOLUTIONS | Cairns Regional Council Vertical Expansion Stormflow Joints Replacement Project

SOLUTIONS | Cairns Regional Council Vertical Expansion Stormflow Joints Replacement Project

Five Star Products

Date of Project: September 2017Project Owner: Cairns Regional CouncilProject Contractor: Waterstop Solutions Pty, LtdProject Engineer: Cairns Regional Council Market/Environment WastewaterSubstrate: ConcreteSize of Project: 12 x 2m joint replacementTHE CHALLENGEThe joints on a municipal wastewater treatment tank had degenerated to the point where repairing and resealing were necessary. Cairns Regional Council required a product with a fast cure time and rapid compressive strength gains.Five Star® SolutionFive Star Structural Concrete® V/O was selected due to its rapid set and high early strength gains; it reaches 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa) within three hours. This rapid strength gain allowed for the repaired joints to be resealed with minimum turnaround time in preparation for the installation of a joint sealant system.ABOUT FIVE STAR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE® V/OThis is a high-strength, rapid-setting, one-component, permanent concrete repair material for vertical and overhead structural repairs.It produces a repair that is dimensionally stable, develops an integral bond to existing concrete, and restores structural integrity within hours of placement.Provides increased corrosion protection to steel-reinforced structures with migrating corrosion inhibitor technology and very low chloride ion permeability. Moisture-sensitive coatings can be applied in 8 to 24 hours.Can be troweled vertically or overheadOne product for thin and thick placementExcellent freeze/thaw resistanceOutstanding corrosion resistance for protection and rehabilitation
New Brabantia headquarters has a sustainable eye-catcher with living green walls

New Brabantia headquarters has a sustainable eye-catcher with living green walls


The new headquarters of interior design brand Brabantia in Valkenswaard was recently completed. Several green living walls have been installed in the office, contributing to the company’s sustainable image. The entire office was built according to the BREEAM standard, designed by Gert Jan Kruijning of AA Architects. The vertical greenery in the building was installed by Ten Brinke Interieurbeplanting.Sustainable DesignBrabantia’s new head office was built climate-neutral according to BREEAM standards. The building’s skeleton is made entirely of wood. The green walls in the office bring in the more natural look and also provide many benefits such as oxygen production and an improved indoor climate.Thomas Deenen, Commercial Director Brabantia Benelux & DACH: ‘Implementing vertical greenery in the design was an idea of the architect, following Brabantia’s requirements. The requirements were; lots of green, sustainable, pleasant atmosphere and a natural transition from outside to inside. The green living walls are a real eye-catcher, a real image-defining part of the interior. The vertical green looks very nice, gives a warm and natural feeling and a fresh smell’.Innovative and sustainable green wall systemThe green walls were installed by Mobilane dealer Ten brinke Interieurbeplanting using the LivePanel Indoor system. LivePanel Indoor is an innovative and sustainable system in the field of vertical greenery. It is suitable for installation against new and existing walls. It is possible to water the green walls manually, automatically or by means of a tank. For the walls at Brabantia, automatic watering was the option chosen.A century of quality and designBrabantia started out in 1919 as Van Elderen & Co in Aalst, producing milk churns, jugs, sieves and funnels. Over the years, Brabantia has grown into a global interior design brand, known for its smart and stylish household products.Client: BrabantiaArchitect: AA ArchitectenConstruction period: 2022Installation: Mobicare
Oval Village, London

Oval Village, London


A modern and green Mixed-Use project where people can live, work, shop, and play.  Oval Village is a major regeneration project in the South of London. It will include modern apartments, many new work opportunities, and aim to re-green the area resulting in better biodiversity.The first phase includes the apartment blocks Phoenix Court, Juniper Gardens and The Pinnacle offering modern homes with one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments. Between the buildings, landscaped gardens will offer room for relaxation and some of the buildings also provide access to private roof terraces. Residents will have a magnificent view over the Kia Oval cricket stadium and London’s iconic skyline. The project includes many sustainable initiatives such as attenuation rainwater tanks and recycled rainwater irrigation of green areas. A site-wide district heating network connected to solar panels and a super modern ventilation system shall secure low energy use whilst providing optimal indoor climate control. The space saving FloSet® Compact valve set is installed on each apartment’s FCU to handle heating and cooling duties. The FloSet® Compact was chosen as it is the smallest FCU valve set in the market for pressure independent automatic balancing and flow control. Each FloSet® Compact includes a FlowCon By-Pass Mini with only a 40 mm center distance, a FlowCon Venturi Metering Station, and a FlowCon PICV. The valve set is fitted directly over the FCU drip tray. The valve set offers 5 different operation modes. These include normal operation, back flushing, forward flushing, coil isolation/system flush and full isolation. The FlowCon PICV insert solution provides flexibility in all project stages from selection, setting and commissioning to servicing. All-together a compact and smart solution providing optimal indoor comfort, reduced energy consumption and a better building CO2 footprint.
Erith and East Ham Fire Station

Erith and East Ham Fire Station

Langley Waterproofing Systems Ltd

The purpose: Energy savings of £¼million over 20 years at just two of its sites are predicted to be achieved by London Fire Brigade through effective roof refurbishment using our Roofing Solutions. The brigade identified that the roofs at Erith and East Ham Fire Stations were in need of refurbishment. Numerous intermediate repairs had already been undertaken. An efficient solution was needed to help London Fire Brigade optimise best value in its asset management and reduce its requirement for planned- or unplanned- maintenance.London Fire Brigade therefore turned to Currie & Brown construction management consultants to oversee the design and execution of the refurbishment projects under a contract management framework agreement in place between the two organisations. We was called in to assess the roofs and advise on a course of action. Data driven roof condition reports from surveys were taken across the two premises. We highlighted that the roofs were beyond economical repair and needed new waterproofing and insulation- a U value of 5.00W/m2K was discovered in one roof area, against the Regulatory threshold of 0.35W/m2K and best practice 0.18W/m2K. Our solution: We advised that in the main, overlaying of the existing roof covering with CP-20 Paracoat Cold Polyurea Liquid System (warm roof) application was the most-efficient and cost-effective solution.The over-laying using the CP-20 system satisfies London Fire Brigade’s policy of preference for flame-free, with no roof replacement needed this minimised waste to landfill.Our Approved Contractor CWG Group won the contracts to undertake the upgrading, working to Langley’s detailed individual specifications for each site.At East Ham Fire Station, four main roof areas plus a separate ancillary building were addressed.LangGuard free-standing safety rail was installed around the perimeter of roofs 1 and 4.The final touch for the field roof area was provided with Paracoat Fast SF slip-inhibiting finish to agreed walkway areas.At Erith Fire Station, the refurbishment involved upgrading two roof areas including a rooftop tank room and adjoining canopy of corrugated PVC over the Station building, and a separate stores roof.
Floor Refurbishment | Sopro VS 582 Leveller and Mesh | Ciaran McAteer Contractors

Floor Refurbishment | Sopro VS 582 Leveller and Mesh | Ciaran McAteer Contractors

SMET Building Products Ltd

Tricky floor refurb? Our Smet Supported Partner, contractor, Ciaran McAteer uses a practical solution for the professional flooring contractor or tiler.  VS 582 is a self-levelling smoothing screed with excellent mouldability for laying to falls. A flexible, self-levelling, mouldable, rapid-set, cementitious, fibre-reinforced surface filler, with 2-in-1 formulation for simultaneous levelling and creation of falls. Excellent workability and mouldability because you also have the flexibility of adding water.It’s strong, with a compressive strength after 28 days: approx. 35 N/mm² (as levelling coat laid to falls), dries quickly and is pumpableBenefits of Sopro VS 582:3 – 70 mm coat thickness For floors, indoors and outdoors2-in-1 formulation: suitable as self-levelling filler and for laying to fallsCompressive strength after 28 days: approx. 35 N/mm² (as levelling coat laid to falls)Flexural tensile strength after 28 days: approx. 7 N/mm² (as levelling coat laid to falls)Self-levellingOutstanding mouldability when laid to fallsQuick-dryingFlexible, fibre-reinforcedPumpableSuitable for timber flooringSuitable for floor heating systemsLong working life: 30 – 40 minutesWalkable after 2 – 3 hoursNo client is too large or too small, SMET delivers another innovative, showcase flooring solution. Click here at other jobs using our Sopro levellers.SMET is renowned for its comprehensive range of professional CE marked, EPD certified products. The SMET flooring range includes; calcium sulphate-based screed binders, self-smoothing calcium sulphate-based screeds & compounds, cement-based screed binders, self-smoothing cement-based screeds, lightweight flowing screeds, professional tiling materials & tools, tanking and wet-room solutions, barrier coats, primers & bonding agents; for any domestic, commercial, industrial or design-flooring use.Suffice to say, the SMET product portfolio includes a German-made floor solution for any new or repair flooring requirement. Get in touch for your upcoming floor screed or tiling project.
LIDL North Hykeham | SMET Bauprotec Render Spec | Adston Construction

LIDL North Hykeham | SMET Bauprotec Render Spec | Adston Construction

SMET Building Products Ltd

Smet Supported Partner, Adston Construction, machine applied the LIDL External Render System onto Poroton blocks consisting of a Base Coat of Bauprotec 850 M – Lightweight Lime Cement Render, Façade System Primer and a Finish Coat of Mineral Finish Coat. The Plinth Render used is Bauprotec SLP – Lightweight Plinth and Tanking Render. Key Coat: Change of substrate concrete/steel pillar/Poroton block or mass concrete: Bauprotec RHS was used.The Internal Render System specification onto Poroton blockwork consists of Single Coat: Bauprotec 850 M, Lightweight Lime Cement Render. A smooth finish is required in the sales area, so either 850M steel trowelled smooth or skim finished. Key Coat: Change of substrate concrete/steel pillar/Poroton block: Bauprotec RHS used.The LIDL render system, available from SMET:Bauprotec 850 M is a factory-produced Lightweight Lime Cement Render, specially designed for machine or hand application produced to EN 998-1: 2010 and is CE Marked.Bauprotec RHS is a CE Marked, factory-produced highly polymer-modified render specially designed for hand and machine application produced to EN 998-1: 2010.Mineral Finish Coat – K is a CE marked, factory-produced, mineral-based, high-quality finish-coat render, specially designed for hand and machine application to EN 998-1, 2010.CASEA Bauprotec SLP is a CE Marked, factory-produced Lightweight Sand & Cement Render specially designed for hand and machine application produced to EN 998-1: 2010.The special render properties; lightweight, low thermal conductivity, high yield, and Smet Supported Partner superior technical backup, are key factors in choosing SMET. SMET is committed to delivering consistently superior quality, German-made Render Systems to Lidl Plastering and rendering/plastering Contractors across the UK and ROI. If you need to speak to us - click to contact SMET.All LIDL spec SMET Render System products are available from Smet Building Products Ltd, which ensures the contractor has a superior level of technical backup in the machine application of the LIDL specification.
Southern Water Otterbourne

Southern Water Otterbourne

Polyroof Products Ltd

Working with Williams Roofing Contractors Ltd of Eastleigh, Hampshire, the winning project involved the refurbishment of a large water treatment plant that imposed stringent environmental and performance requirements.The outstanding workmanship and attention to detail by the Polyroof approved contractor during this large scale installation allowed this project to really stand out from the crowd. The below is a case study for this LRWA award-winning project, highlighting the many challenges and how they were overcome through innovation, workmanship and product choice.The SolutionFollowing a survey of the roof area conducted by Williams Roofing and Polyroof Technical Services, a detailed report was carried out after which a bespoke specification was produced and handed to the client. This document detailed a comprehensive set of recommendations for solving the issues that had arisen due to the aged condition of the roof coverings.The client, satisfied that the solution proposed would provide the lasting peace of mind they were looking for, awarded the contract to Williams Roofing Contractors Ltd to install the Polyroof Protec System.There were many challenges on this project as this was a live ‘Clean Water’ environment site, so all Williams Roofing Contractor staff on the project had to have the EUSR National Water Hygiene Cards and be fully inducted by Southern Water’s high standards. Working within these type of environments brings additional Health & Safety implications as the National Water Hygiene scheme is in place to ensure the protection of public health and promote safe drinking water practices. Further risks had to be considered and covered including the risk of working over open water areas with additional buoyancy aids on site to reduce the risks as described under CDM regulations.Williams Roofing Contractors Ltd had to be especially vigilant providing additional protection to ensure that no potential contamination or spills caused any contaminants to the clean water processes/water courses and environment with additional spill kits on hand. Due to the varying conditions of the roof construction(s)/substrates the preparation had to be thought through thoroughly. Certain roof areas needed to be scarified which would have caused reverberations through the roof/concrete deck. This would have possibly created contaminants by spooling of concrete/debris/dust to within the MF Compound Water Lanes/Tanks.
Rolls Royce - HAG supplies doors for the worlds largest exhaust pipe

Rolls Royce - HAG supplies doors for the worlds largest exhaust pipe

HAG Ltd. - The Door Specialists

2021 sees Rolls Royce unveil Testbed 80, the world’s largest & smartest indoor aerospace testbed, as part of a £90million investment. It has been a hard year for the aerospace industry, with production slowing, and cuts in jobs, however this ground breaking facility shows Rolls Royce’s confidence in the future of aerospace for decades to come.HAG Ltd. have proudly worked alongside Buckingham Group to assist in this ground breaking facility that will not only test propulsion systems of the future, but also secure jobs in Derby, UK for many years to come.HAG Ltd. were tasked with designing & manufacturing a roller shutter for this distinctive & state of the art facility, to enable Rolls Royce to test the largest, smartest and most powerful engines in the world by MDS Aero Support Corporation of Ottawa, Canada.HAG Ltd. designed, manufactured and installed 2 Armourguard F1 insulated roller shutters that were 7.5m by 15m. The F1 model is a high quality insulated security shutters delivering the highest level of security and offering thermal protection. A composite of foam filled sections is encased in a flat double skinned interlocking galvanised steel lath.The project:£90million project3 years of construction7,000 square metres, the same size as a Premier league football groundHouses the world’s largest exhaust pipeContains 3,218 tonnes of steelAnd 27,000 metres3 of concreteEquipped with a 40,000 litre fuel tankCapable of testing engines on Sustainable Aviation FuelThe most capable & complex testbed ever designed & builtWarren East, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce, said: “Testbed 80 is the largest facility of its type in the world. However, it is not only big, it is also smart and features the most advanced testing technology we have ever used. As the new global hub of our testing capability, it will support the next stage of our UltraFan programme as we begin ground testing the first demonstrator in 2022. This incredible piece of infrastructure is a very visible sign of our commitment to this site and secures the future of Derby as the home of large engine development, continuing a history that began in the late 1960s with the RB211.”HAG Ltd. are proud to be part of this monumental development in the aviation industry.
NIBE Ground Source Heat Pump Commercial Installation

NIBE Ground Source Heat Pump Commercial Installation

NIBE Energy Systems Ltd

Teesside-based logistics firm AV Dawson has built a new 130,000m3 warehouse specifically to store £15m-worth steel coils for a nearby international car manufacturer. With the steel at risk of ‘sweating’ and rusting in high humidity levels exceeding 65%, the company was tasked with ensuring a very specific climate for the warehouse (without which the steel would be rendered unusable), while also maintaining low energy costs.The SolutionHoward Tribick, director at local renewable energy specialist and NIBE Pro Installer HT Energy, specified, designed and fitted ten NIBE F1345 ground source heat pumps (GSHPs). Given the site is built on top of an active water table (the River Tees), Howard and the team were able to make the most of the surroundings as a natural energy source. The heat pumps collect heat from 70 bore holes, each 150m deep – a total of 10,500m of active bore hole depth. Each 60kW GSHP is paired with its own ventilating unit and 500L NIBE UKV buffer tank – producing a total output of 600kW. Solar panels on the roof provide an additional 220kW to help meet the warehouse’s electricity needs.ResultsWith the ten GSHPs now fully operational, the results have been even better than expected – with a seasonal performance factor (SPF) of 3.65 and average humidity levels of just 47%. Interconnected with 3km of header pipes, the GSHPs are spaced equidistantly along one side of the 264m-long building. The units are set up as separate systems, so they can work independently of each other or together as required. This provides an added level of security for the customer, ensuring the system can cope at all times and the steel is kept at optimum conditions.Customer Testimonial“This system made perfect commercial sense for us. While the initial outlay was greater than some of the other alternatives, GSHPs provided the most cost-effective solution by far in the long term. In fact, compared to natural gas, we will be making an impressive energy saving of 1.58 million kW/h each year. Our projected payback period is just ten years and we’re also benefiting from Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) payments for each unit of renewable energy we’re generating.”Gary Dawson, managing director, AV Dawson
Springfield University Hospital, UK

Springfield University Hospital, UK


Altro provides durable solution for seclusion room at psychiatric hospitalAltro Zodiac, Altro Aquarius, Altro Whiterock DigicladSpringfield University Hospital is a psychiatric hospital in Tooting, South London and also the headquarters of the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. Springfield University Hospital has been the primary location for mental health services in south west London for over 175 years. The Trust serves 1.1 million people across the London boroughs of Kingston, Merton, Richmond, Sutton and Wandsworth and employ more than 2,000 staff who provide care and treatment to about 20,000 people from south west London and beyond at any given moment.The hospital has a seclusion room with ensuite bathroom facilities for service users. The room was already installed with Altro Zodiac smooth flooring in the room, and Altro Aquarius safety flooring in the bathroom. The Trust added Altro Whiterock Satins and Altro Whiterock Digiclad on the walls to create a fully tanked room with one part joints, making the room resilient and secure. Altro Whiterock was also thermoformed into all the window frame reveals for extra security.The Director of Nursing and Quality commented: “In creating a new seclusion space on the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), we wanted to create a secure but therapeutic environment for our service users. We were able to take advantage of the ability to print a large image across one complete wall. The result is that we have a fantastic soft- focus leaf image with warm autumnal colours, which helps create a sense of calm.”Altro Whiterock Digiclad is created by reproducing a photographic image or vector art onto Altro Whiterock wall sheets, with consistent, photographic quality. Hard-coat technology provides scratch-resistant properties for added surface protection, making Altro Whiterock Digiclad ideal for areas where durability is important. In the seclusion room a calming image of autumn leaves was used to brighten the room and create a visual focal point.Altro Aquarius is a specialist safety flooring developed for use in wet and dry environments, providing optimum slipresistance for shoe and bare foot use for the lifetime of the flooring, and a colour range ideal for creating home from home environments. Combined with Altro Whiterock Satins, it can create an impervious and easy to clean surface from floor to ceiling that meets strict hygiene standards.
Lidl Andover | SMET Bauprotec Render System | B Team Shopfitters

Lidl Andover | SMET Bauprotec Render System | B Team Shopfitters

SMET Building Products Ltd

DescriptionSmet Supported Partner, B Team Shopfitters machine applied the LIDL External Render System onto Poroton blocks externally using as Base Coat: Bauprotec 850 M – Lightweight Lime Cement Render and as Finish Coat; Mineral Finish Coat K.  As Key Coat: Change of substrate concrete/steel pillar/Poroton block or mass concrete and insulated plinths: Bauprotec RHS Multi-Purpose Render with the addition of Bauprotec SLP for plinths.The Internal Render System specification onto Poroton blockwork consists of a base of Coat: Bauprotec 850 M, Lightweight Lime Cement Render, sponge floated in warehouse areas, and skim finished in sales areas. Key Coat: Change of substrate concrete/steel pillar/Poroton block: Bauprotec RHS is used.The LIDL render spec, available from SMET consists of:Bauprotec 850 M is a factory-produced Lightweight Lime Cement Render, specially designed for machine or hand application produced to EN 998-1: 2010 and is CE Marked.Bauprotec RHS is a CE Marked, factory-produced highly polymer-modified render specially designed for hand and machine application produced to EN 998-1: 2010.Mineral Finish Coat – K is a CE marked, factory-produced mineral-based, high-quality finish-coat render, specially designed for hand and machine application to EN 998-1, 2010.Bauprotec SLP is a CE Marked, factory-produced Lightweight Sand & Cement Render specially designed for hand and machine application produced to EN 998-1: 2010.The special render properties; lightweight, low thermal conductivity, high yield, and Smet Supported Partner superior technical backup, are key factors in choosing SMET. SMET is committed to delivering consistently superior quality, German-made Render Systems to Lidl Plastering and rendering/plastering contractors across the UK and ROI.  If you’d like to speak to us about your Lidl job – contact SMET.All LIDL spec SMET Render System products are available directly from Smet Building Products Ltd, which ensures the contractor has a superior level of technical backup in the machine application of the LIDL specification.Related DownloadsTDS CASEA Bauprotec 850 M – Lightweight Lime Cement RenderTDS CASEA Bauprotec RHS – Multi-Purpose RenderTDS CASEA Bauprotec SLP Tanking and Plinth RenderTDS CASEA Mineral Finish Coat – KSMET Render and Plaster Product Selector

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