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wedi Subliner Flex - decoupling membrane

Verified by manufacturer 2 days ago


Wedi Systems (UK) Ltd

Decoupling mat for indoor wall and floor.

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+44 (0)161 864 2336 Website


  • For the decoupling and tension reduction between top coverings of ceramic tiles, slabs and natural stone and the subfloor in indoor applications.
  • For high crack bridging, particularly in renovation and restoration areas with low thickness measurements.
  • For all load-bearing subfloors and mixed subfloors such as cement floors, cement, anhydrite and cast asphalt screeds, old parquet floorings with good adhesion, cement, lime-cement and gypsum plasters.

Laying Surface Requirements

• All surfaces must be firm, load-bearing and even.

• They must be free from dust, dirt, loose components and separating

agents such as oil, grease, wax, varnish and paint coats.

• Wooden floor boards must be firm and stable, and must not

sag. Loose or bouncy boards must be screwed down firmly. The

reliable equilibrium moisture content of the relevant wood type

must be ensured. Old paint coats on wooden floor boards must

be sanded off. Joints and holes must be closed.

• All porous, mineral surfaces must be primed. Smooth or nonporous

surfaces, which cannot be treated with surface treatment

methods such as blasting etc., must also be primed.

• When using heated screeds, the current ZDB data sheets for floor

coverings on heated floor constructions must be adhered to.

• Concrete and lightweight concrete must be at least 3 months old.

• The residual moisture must not exceed the following values:

Cement screeds*: 3.5%

Calcium sulphate screeds: 0.5%

Calcium sulphate screeds, heated: 0.3%

Gypsum bound plasters: 1.0%

(Measurement with CM device)

* Evenness must be guaranteed, no laying on warped surfaces.

• Poured asphalt screeds should be gritted over the whole area,

and must show a minimum hardness class of IC10, IC 15 in accordance with EN 13813.


1. Lay out wedi Subliner Flex and cut to size with cutter knife or


2. Comb thin bed mortar onto prepared surface with 4 or 6 mm


3. Lay the wedi Subliner Flex edge to edge with the printed side

upwards, and press on with rubber roller or wooden board.

4. Remove protruding mortar and air pockets. Cross joints

should be avoided.

5. wedi Subliner Flex should be separated via existing movement

joints, construction separation joints and edge connection

joints. Joints should be taken into the covering congruently.

6. Wall tiles can be applied to the membrane directly after glueing.

On floors, the adhesive must be hardened below the

membrane, as otherwise, unevenness may occur when walking

on them.

7. For tiling, hydraulic setting thin bed mortar is applied to wedi

Subliner Flex, and the tiles are completely embedded in it, as

far as possible.


Crack-bridging decoupling membrane manufactured from a string fabric sheathing, which offers optimum connection to tile laying materials thanks to its dual-sided special fleece lamination.

Features and benefits:

  • Alkaline resistant.
  • Can be used with and under hot water underfloor heating.
  • Easy processing.
  • Flexible and crack bridging.
  • High adhesive effect in combination with wedi laying materials.
  • High tear resistance.
  • Non-ageing and non-decomposable.
  • Waterproof and water vapour retarding.

General information













Manufacturer guidance

30metre roll


30000 mm


1000 mm


0.5 mm

Warranty description

Ten year


Pr_25_57_65_60 Plastics sheetsPrimary


M40/10 Natural stone covering

M40/110 Tiling

M40/115 Natural stone covering

M40/12 Mosaic

M40/120 Mosaic

M40/5 Tiling

SKU Code


Product range

Sealing and Decoupling membranes

Specification data - Plastics sheets


Dual-sided polypropylene fleece with strong fabric sheathing.

Performance characteristics


Fire performance

To DIN 13501-1, E.

Physical properties




Weight (minimum)

220 g/m².



Thickness (minimum)

0.85 mm.

Width (minimum)

1 m.

Roll length (minimum)

30 m.

Temperature limiter

-5°C to +90°C.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture


BIM objects


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2022 wedi World of Systems brochure

2022 wedi World of Systems brochure

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wedi at a glance 2022

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