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webercem advanced precision grout SP

Verified by manufacturer 3 months ago

Saint-Gobain Weber

Shrinkage compensated highly flowable precision grout.

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webercem advanced precision grout SP is a premixed cementitious grout similar to standard webercem advanced precision grout, developed for applications where an economical grout with good flow, retention of flow and higher strengths is required.

webercem advanced precision grout SP is based on specially selected Portland cements, graded aggregates and admixtures.

webercem advanced precision grout SP is designed primarily as a flowing grout but can also be used at a trowellable consistency.

  • Meets Highways England Specification for Highway Works, Vol. 1, Clause 2601. Complies with BS EN 1504-3 and -6.


Shrinkage compensated highly flowable precision grout:

  • High initial and long term strength development
  • Can be pumped, poured or trowelled
  • Ideal for use under machinery, grouting rails and bridge bearings

Features and benefits:

  • Complies with HE Specification Clause 2601.4 at 5°C and 20°C
  • Precision grout suitable for use over a range of temperatures and site conditions
  • Can be pumped, poured or trowelled
  • Thermal expansion similar to that of good quality concrete
  • Excellent flow properties
  • Can be applied in thicknesses from 10mm to 100mm
  • Does not significantly lose workability during pot life
  • High initial and long term strength development

General information





Ss_20_05_80_12 Cementitious grout systemsPrimary
Pr_20_31_53_13 Cementitious grouts


C42/310 Repair mortar

Product range

Construction mortars / Precision grouting

Specification data - Cementitious grout systems

System performance

Meets Highways England Specification for Highway Works, Vol. 1, Clause 2601.


To BS EN 1504-3 and 6.

Minimum compressive strength

To EN 12190, 59.3 MPa.


Portland cements.


Graded aggregates.

Reaction to fire

To EN 13501-1, Class A1.

Sustainability data




webercem advanced precision grout SP - Technical datasheet

webercem advanced precision grout SP - Technical datasheet

Inspiration Guide

Inspiration Guide

Solutions for construction - Introducing Weber

Solutions for construction - Introducing Weber

Marine Infrastructure Guide

Marine Infrastructure Guide

Precision Grouting Guide

Precision Grouting Guide

Guide to renders and
decorative finishes for modern
methods of construction (MMC)

Guide to renders and decorative finishes for modern methods of construction (MMC)

Supply Chain Sustainability School Gold Status

Supply Chain Sustainability School Gold Status

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