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Type L Lintel Stop End

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

Type L

Cavity Trays Ltd Variant:

Lintel and cavity tray stop end.

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+44 (0)1935 474769 Website


For use at the ends of most popular DPC steel lintels/ damp courses/ trays.


Preformed, fixed and variable fit, lintel and cavity tray stop end to prevent volumes of water being directed into the cavity.

Features and benefits:

  • Suits wide range of lintel/ lintel damp proof course/ cavity tray styles and shapes.
  • Polypropylene, colour black.
  • Adjusts to suit different shapes of lintel, DPC or cavity tray.
  • Integral butyl anchoring base.
  • Satisfies NHBC/ LABC requirements.
  • Compatible with Cavity Tray Ltd weep vents.

General information






100 mm


25 mm


70 mm


Pr_25_57_21_66 Preformed cavity traysPrimary


F30/380 Junction cloaks/ stop ends for preformed dpcs/ cavity trays

F30/385 Junction cloaks/ stop ends for preformed dpcs/ cavity trays

F30/58 Preformed dpc/ cavity tray junction cloaks/ stop ends

Specification data - Preformed cavity trays



To fit cavity width

50 mm.
100 mm.
___ mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Cavity widths accommodated between 50mm to 150 mm.


L shape.

Guidance for specification option:

Adjustable to fit a wide range of sloping upstands and cavity widths.


Adjustable – up to 150 mm cavity.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom


Material can be recycled

Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

100 %


Protecting the Building Envelope Volume 28 (cavity tray, damp proofing, ventilation and cavity closers)

Protecting the Building Envelope Volume 28 (cavity tray, damp proofing, ventilation and cavity closers)

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