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Trafficked Deck Movement Joint Sealing System - Emseal SJS System - Deck joint sealing system

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

NCC – Emseal Movement Joints Product certifications:


    Certificate type

The Emseal SJS System is a trafficable high performance, horizontal, watertight, wide and/ or high movement, structural expansion joint sealing system with an integral protective cover plate.

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Emseal SJS System is most commonly used for securely sealing the exposed structural expansion/ movement joints in trafficked areas of multi-story car park decks, including the difficult ramp joints. This includes the top deck joints that are most exposed to the elements and have the highest potential for movement due to the temperature fluctuations with simultaneous dynamic movement from vehicular traffic.

The Emseal SJS system is also particularly suitable for sealing the wide and/ or high movement, structural expansion joints in podium decks and the wide joints in and around stadium bowls etc.


The Emseal SJS System is a trafficable high performance, horizontal, watertight, wide and/ or high movement, structural expansion joint sealing system with an integral protective cover plate.

The Emseal SJS System requires no potentially damaging mechanical fixings into the structure, as it is bonded in position with structural epoxy adhesive. It is installed from one side only e.g. above, which means there is no access required below, as well as no disruption of other trades that may be working below. This makes it the ideal solution for sealing wide and/ or high movement joints in multi-storey car parks and trafficked decks over other areas, such as those over residential and commercial units and storage facilities etc., with access for parking or deliveries, including by HGV's.

The Emseal SJS System will accommodate up to 100% (+/- 50%) joint width movement, and is normally used for joints from 100 to 400 mm wide, though bespoke systems for joints from 50 mm to more than 450 mm have been produced. The Emseal SJS system has often been called the best parking deck movement joint sealing solution for new build car park decks, and the best parking deck movement joint sealing solution for car park deck joint refurbishment works. This is a very unusual accolade as frequently the requirements of new construction and refurbishment projects can seem to be almost diametrically opposed. However, as the end performance and durability requirements are similar, in that the installed joint systems must accommodate the anticipated movement and traffic, whilst maintaining a continuous watertight seal, and meeting any other specific demands on the joints for that project, such as fire resistance for example:

  • In new parking deck construction works, the need to create concrete edge rebates or box-outs around the joints for embedded flanges, as well as the forms or drilling for mechanical fixings, is very time-consuming and expensive, as well as a clear point of potential weakness and for the onset of corrosion in the future.
  • Equally dealing with these aspects for embedded retaining frames and/or cover plate supports in rebates and their necessary mechanical fixings, can be very expensive and time consuming on refurbishment projects. Due to the need to break out and remove whatever remains of the joint system bedding mortar, then to structurally repair, make good and reform these rebated areas.

This is just one of the key reasons that the Emseal SJS Systems are increasingly selected for these demanding car park deck expansion joint sealing applications. The Emseal SJS systems provide unique solutions that are fast and cost effective to install on both new and refurbishment projects, because there are absolutely no expensive box-outs or rebated areas to be formed and no mechanical fixings are required. As a result, during new construction the adjacent reinforced concrete deck slabs can be cast, and both sides made square and level far more easily. In refurbishment situations there are no rebates to be cut into existing and otherwise sound concrete, steel or resin mortar nosings, the joint edges/ arisses, simply need to be made good, all saving very significant time and cost over any other deck expansion joint sealing systems on the market, worldwide.

The Emseal SJS Systems require no potentially damaging mechanical fixings, because they are securely bonded into position with structural epoxy adhesive, then the integral cover plate is mounted in the central spline of the system itself. This innovative design also eliminates any stress transmission to the structure right throughout the long service life of the systems. No mechanical fixings also removes the risk of stress cracking in the concrete substrates, as well as the potential for concrete damage and spalling from the early onset of corrosion.

General information











Manufacturer guidance

The SJS system is a composite material with a central spine embedded in a fire resistant open celled foam, bonded into position with structural epoxy adhesive, edges sealed with silicone and the cover plate attached to the central spline with metal screws to torque (aluminium or stainless steel).







Manufacturer guidance

The Emseal SJS System is produced in sizes to suit the specific joint dimensions and movement capability required. Generally, from 100 to 200 mm wide, (50 to more than 450 mm possible), suitable for up to 100% joint movement capability (+/- 50%).




Pr_25_71_44_64 Plastics compressible joint fillersPrimary


Q21/470 Expansion joints

Q21/470 Expansion joints

Specification data - Plastics compressible joint fillers


The SJS System is two horizontal precompressed foam sealants pre-assembled in parallel adjacent to a heavy-duty extruded aluminum spline.



Manufacturer guidance

Bespoke. For mean-temperature, structural-slab, joint sizes from 50–400 mm. For special conditions or other sizes consult Emseal.

Fire performance


Fire resistance

1 or 2-hour fire rating for joints openings from 50–250 mm with SJS-FR.


Standard coverplate is 10 mm aluminum.

Standard coverplate is 10 mm stainless steel.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United States

Country of product manufacture

United States

BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

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Platform Compatible Version




Product certifications



LEED Rating Emseal SJS Systems


Emseal SJS System technical Data Sheet

Emseal SJS System technical Data Sheet

Emseal SJS System Installation Guide

Emseal SJS System Installation Guide

Emseal SJS Systems - Maintenance Sheet

Emseal SJS Systems - Maintenance Sheet

Case studies

Emseal SJS System to Seal Ramp Joints at Trafford House Car Park, Old Trafford, Manchester

Emseal SJS System to Seal Ramp Joints at Trafford House Car Park, Old Trafford, Manchester

Emseal SJS System solves leaking deck expansion joint problems for the Elmsleigh Shopping Centre at
Staines in Middlesex

Emseal SJS System solves leaking deck expansion joint problems for the Elmsleigh Shopping Centre at Staines in Middlesex

Emseal SJS Selected for Wide Deck Joints at Manchester Airport T-2 Multi-Storey Car Park, Manchester

Emseal SJS Selected for Wide Deck Joints at Manchester Airport T-2 Multi-Storey Car Park, Manchester

Emseal SJS System installed to seal wide seismic movement joints for the main Stadium at Basra Sports City, Basra, Iraq

Emseal SJS System installed to seal wide seismic movement joints for the main Stadium at Basra Sports City, Basra, Iraq

Emseal SJS System Seals the structural deck movement joints on the new White-Link Ferry and Ro-Ro Terminal in Portsmouth

Emseal SJS System Seals the structural deck movement joints on the new White-Link Ferry and Ro-Ro Terminal in Portsmouth

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