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Stravigym HP - Floating Floor System

Verified by manufacturer 13 days ago

Isolated Channel-L

CDM Stravitec Variant:
Product certifications:
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management

    Certificate type

A discrete isolator floating floor system for residential and light commercial gyms.

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+44 1664 482486 Website


  • Free weight areas of residential and light commercial gyms.
  • Gym zones with medium impact energy, like strength or cardio areas.


Stravigym HP is a discrete isolator floating floor system that is performance engineered to control vibrations, minimize low-frequency impact noise and reduce the transmission of audible structure-borne sound.

When configured with Stravigym GympactLayer-45, it offers high mechanical resistance and acoustical performance and is suitable for residential and light commercial gyms (impact energy < 600 N.m).

Stravigym HP with Stravigym GympactLayer-20 is suitable for areas with medium impact energy and low frequency and is compatible with most conventional floor coverings.

Features and benefits:

  • Available with an isolated channel or dBooster® channel.
  • Standard isolated channel system height is 56 mm.
  • Standard dBooster® channel system height is 60 mm.
  • A variety of load distribution components can be used, such as plywood or OSB board.
  • Isolated channel and dBooster® channel steel components are electro-galvanized.
  • Isolated channel and dBooster® channel are available in two standard grades: Channel-M (medium stiffness) and Channel-H (high stiffness).
  • Two impact absorption layers are available: Stravigym GympactLayer-20 and Stravigym GympactLayer-45 (the selection is made depending on the type of gym activities).
  • Floor covering is not included in standard Stravigym solutions but a Stravigym GympactFloor products are available upon request.
  • Stravigym systems are compatible with almost all types of gym floor covering (please check with CDM Stravitec and floor manufacturer prior to installation).
  • Stravigym HP is a lightweight floating floor with reduced/minimal overall thickness (low additional height and weight).
  • Quick and easy to install.
  • If required, Stravigym HP can easily be dismantled and reinstalled.

General information




Mineral wool


Polyurethane (PUR)









Warranty description

Five year


Ss_30_20_10_15 Battened wood-based rigid sheet floating floor systemsPrimary


K11/135 Battened oriented strand board floating floor

K11/15 Battened plywood floating floor

K11/115 Battened plywood floating floor

Specification data - Battened wood-based rigid sheet floating floor systems

System performance

With GympactLayer-20 on 200 mm concrete slab: Ln,w = 29 dB.
With GympactLayer-45 on 200 mm concrete slab: Lnw = 20 dB.

Manufacturer guidance

Calculated according to ISO 717-2, based on ASTM measurement. Non standardized drop weight tests (LA,F,MAX (dBA ref 20 μPa)) available upon request (consult manufacturer's literature and stravi-db.com for detailed information).

Subfloor preparation layer


Manufacturer guidance

Supporting floor should have a tolerance of 0.1% or 1 mm/m for gradient and a maximum of 2 mm for smoothness. Installation area should be watertight and the supporting floor dry and clean prior to installation.

Resilient layer

Pad-L (low stiffness), 30 mm thick.
Pad-L (low stiffness), 50 mm thick.

Secondary supports or spacers

Isolated channel.

Guidance for specification option:

Standard isolated channel system height is 50 mm.

Thermal insulation between battens

Mineral wool insulation.

Guidance for specification option:

Ensure that the thickness of the mineral wool is thinner than the air void.  Insulation material in the void: 40 mm.


Two layers of P5 chipboard with one damping layer.

Guidance for specification option:

P5 chipboard 18 mm + Damping Layer 5 mm + P5 chipboard 18 mm.

Two layers of structural plywood with one damping layer.

Guidance for specification option:

Plywood 18 mm + Damping Layer 5 mm + plywood 18 mm.

Two layers of Class 3 oriented strand board with one damping layer.

Guidance for specification option:

OSB 18 mm + Damping Layer 5 mm + OSB 18 mm.

Manufacturer guidance

Panelized floating floor made with two layers of wooden board layers and one damping layer - constrained-layer damping (CLD) technique. Minimum thickness of 41 mm - to be defined according expected impacts and load conditions as well as deflection criteria and expected floor coverings.



Joint treatment

Resilient layer.

Perimeter seals

10 mm EPDM perimeter strip with self-adhesive surface.

Guidance for specification option:

Resilient strip used to minimize sound transmission between isolated structures and non-isolated structures.

System accessories


Guidance for specification option:

Stravigym HP with Stravigym GympactLayer-20 is suitable for areas with medium impact energy and low frequency and is compatible with most conventional floor coverings.


Guidance for specification option:

Stravigym HP with Stravigym GympactLayer-45 offers high mechanical resistance and acoustical performance and is suitable for residential and light commercial gyms (impact energy < 600 N.m).

Manufacturer guidance

A damping layer is fitted over the first plywood/ OSB layer.



Manufacturer guidance

Consult manufacturer for execution requirements.



Manufacturer guidance

The isolated channels are available in four standard grades (L, M, H and X) and with or without dBooster® technology.

Distance between channels: 500 mm.

Floor finish

Specified separately.

Guidance for specification option:

The manufacturer recommends combining Stravigym HP with either:

  • Stravigym GympactLayer-45 + Stravigym GympactFloor (or other flooring choice).
  • Stravigym GympactLayer-20 + Stravigym GympactFloor (or other flooring choice)

Stravigym systems are compatible with almost all types of gym floor covering (please check with CDM Stravitec and the floor manufacturer prior to installation).

All floor coverings can be considered, depending on type and thickness of impact layer considered. If GympactLayer-45 is being considered, ≥20mm rubber tiles should be considered as floor coverings.

Nominal height

146 mm with GympactLayer-45; 71 mm without impact layer (excluding floor covering).

Guidance for specification option:

Most common total build-up heights.

Nominal weight

146 mm with GympactLayer-45; 77 mm without impact layer (excluding floor covering).

Guidance for specification option:

Weight of most common configuration.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture




BIM objects


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Platform Compatible Version




Product certifications

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001-2015: Quality Management System


Datasheet - Stravigym HP

Datasheet - Stravigym HP

Installation Manual - Stravigym HP & XP

Installation Manual - Stravigym HP & XP

Brochure Stravigym

Brochure Stravigym

Case studies



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