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Strata – Reinforced Bituminous Membrane For Green Roof To Cold Roof – Torch Applied

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

ICB (Waterproofing) Ltd Product certifications:
  • EPD


    Certificate type

Polymer modified bitumen membrane green roofing system.

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Suitable for protective roof gardens, sunken works and gravel covered roofs. It is used in all waterproofing systems in contact with the ground or where there is a risk of the system being attached by roots.


A root resistant waterproofing membrane, The antiroot properties are obtained by adding phenoxifatty acid ester, a specific antiroot agent, to the polymer-bitumen compound. Once applied, it forms a continuous barrier against roots.

As it does not contain film or double-reinforced foils, defend antiroot polyester is more flexible and malleable

during application. The additive has been developed specifically as a root inhibitor, for both hot-laid bitumen

and for torch-laid bitumen membranes, The product comes from thirty years of German experience in the

waterproofing industry.

Manufactured from distilled and selected bitumen for industrial use containing high quantity of

elsatoplatomeric polymers such as to obtain a 'phase inversion' alloy. The continuous phase of this alloy

consists of the polymer in which the bitumen is dispersed, where the characteristics are determined by the

polymer matrix and not by the bitumen, even if it is the largest ingredient. The performance of bitumen is

therefore increased, durability and resistance to high and low temperatures are improved, thus maintaining

the bitumen’s already excellent qualities of adhesion and waterproofing.

The reinforcement of the membrane consists of single strand spunbound non-woven polyester fabric,

with high basic weight (grammage). This fabric is isotopic, rot-proof, thermally-fixed and boasts: high

mechanical resistance, considerable ultimate elongation, excellent resistance to puncturing and laceration.

The membrane has both faces coated with Flamina, the hot-melt film, which stops the rolls of material from

sticking together. The reinforcement and the waterproofing mass are resistant to chemical effects of humic acids and fertilizers.

Features and benefits:

  • Resistant to roots also at the overlaps.
  • It doesn’t disperse dangerous substances in the environment.
  • Puncture resistant.
  • BBA certified (BBA 18/5518).

System Includes:

  • Stratagreen
  • Stratabase SBS
  • Strataprime
  • Deck by others

General information










10000 mm


1000 mm


0.2 mm

Guidance for specification option:



Ss_30_40_30_70 Reinforced bitumen membrane cold roof covering systemsPrimary


J41/110 Built-up reinforced bitumen membrane warm deck roof covering

J41/10 Reinforced bitumen membrane warm deck roof covering

Specification data - Reinforced bitumen membrane cold roof covering systems



Horizontal work


Guidance for specification option:

ICB STRATAPRIME is a black priming solution designed to deeply penetrate and seal porous surfaces to provide a base for bituminous waterproofing and flashing systems.

It contains a wetting agent to enable it to be applied to ‘damp’ as well as dry surfaces.

Skirtings and vertical work


Guidance for specification option:

ICB STRATAPRIME is a black priming solution designed to deeply penetrate and seal porous surfaces to provide a base for bituminous waterproofing and flashing systems.

It contains a wetting agent to enable it to be applied to ‘damp’ as well as dry surfaces.

Waterproof covering


First layer



Stratabase SBS.

Guidance for specification option:

STRATABASE-SBS consist of a special compound based on distilled bitumen modified with selected elastomers and reinforced with a non-woven spunbond polyester reinforcement, which offers good characteristics of mechanical resistance, ultimate elongation and dimensional stability.

Manufacturer guidance

Roll size: 1 x 15 m.

Thickness: 2 mm.



Top layer




Manufacturer guidance

Roll size: 1 x 10 m.

Thickness: 0.2 mm.



Detail work


Welted drips

Contractor to form suitably sized welted drip on site.

System accessories

Ryno GRP Pultruded glass fibre reinforced polyester roof edge trim.

Guidance for specification option:

Installation: RynoTrim is fixed over the first layer of a built-up roofing system. The trim should be fixed at maximum 300 mm centres, using suitable fixings.

Welted Drip.

Guidance for specification option:

Contractor to form suitably sized welted drip on site.

Lead Flashing.

Guidance for specification option:

Created on site using suitable code lead and following the relevant codes of practice.

FPA Profile.

Guidance for specification option:

Mechanically fixed to the wall 150 mm min. above finished roof level. Fixed at 200 mm centres using ICB approved fixings.

Roof Vent.

Guidance for specification option:

Manufacturer: RYNO – Product of ICB (Waterproofing) Ltd. - Product reference: Ryno Breather Vent Diameter: 75 mm.

Ryno Flat Flange Outlets Diameter: 50–150 mm

Guidance for specification option:

Manufacturer: RYNO – Product of ICB (Waterproofing) Ltd. - Product reference: Ryno Flat Flange Outlets Diameter: 50mm-150mm

Ryno Horizontal Outlets Diameter: 65 / 100 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

Product reference: Stratawalk Colour: Red.

Sustainability data

Country of product manufacture




Embodied carbon

A1-A3 (production stage) as defined in BS EN 15804

0.05 kg CO₂ eq/unit

Product certifications


BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

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Platform Compatible Version




Product certifications



Flexible Bitumen Sheets For Roof Waterproofing – sector EPD


ICB Waterproofing Strata Brochure

ICB Waterproofing Strata Brochure

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