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Sopro Rapidur® B5 Rapid Drying Floor Screed Binder

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

SMET Building Products Ltd Product certifications:
  • EPD


    Certificate type

A polymer-modified binder for use in rapid-set cement screeds allowing early flooring installation.

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+44 (0)28 3026 6833 Website


For indoor and outdoor use.


A special polymer-modified binder for use in rapid-set cement screeds allowing early flooring installation, based on DIN 18 560. Low-chromate to Regulation 1907/2006/EC, Annex XVII.

Also part of the Sopro SMART® – Lightweight Flooring Renovation System

Features and benefits:

  • Ready for tiling after only approximately three days.
  • For fast-track or tightly scheduled screed laying.
  • Suitable for floor heating systems.
  • Good workability.
  • Pumpable.
  • Tested to CT-C60-F7 DIN EN 13813.
  • Floor heating system: Suitable (maximum flow temperature: +55°C).

Mixing ratio:

  • 1:4: 25 kg Sopro Rapidur® B5 : 100 kg 0–8 mm screed sand to DIN EN 12 620 (15 shovelfuls) : 7.5–8.5 L water (depending on sand moisture and mortar consistency). w/c ratio 0.30–0.34.
  • 1:5: 25 kg Sopro Rapidur® B5 : 125 kg 0–8 mm screed sand to DIN EN 12 620 (20 shovelfuls) : 9.0–10.0 L water (depending on sand moisture and mortar consistency). w/c ratio 0.36–0.40.

Particle distribution (grading curve) for aggregate (screed sand) shall fall within A8/B8 range under DIN 1045 Part 2, Annex L, Diagram L.1, and shall exhibit an adequate, though not overly high proportion of fine sand; percentage passing a 0.25 mm sieve: approx. 7–10 %.


  • Mixing ratio 1:4: Approximately 4.0 kg/m² per cm thickness.
  • Mixing ratio 1:5: Approximately 3.5 kg/m² per cm thickness.

Strength class:

- Mixing ratio 1:4:

  • CT-C20-F4 after one day.
  • CT-C35-F5 after three days.
  • CT-C45-F5 after five days.
  • CT-C60-F7 after 28 days.

- Mixing ratio 1:5:

  • CT-C16-F3 after one day.
  • CT-C25-F4 after three days.
  • CT-C30-F4 after five days.
  • CT-C45-F7 after 28 days.

General information




Pr_35_31_06_64 Polymer-modified levelling screed mixesPrimary


M10/110 Bonded cement:sand levelling screeds

M10/115 Cement:sand levelling screeds

M10/12 Proprietary polymer modified levelling screeds

M10/130 Proprietary quick drying levelling screeds

M10/140 Proprietary polymer modified levelling screeds

M10/7 Proprietary quick drying levelling screeds

M40/320 Existing concrete/ screeds

Product range

Floor Screeds

Specification data - Polymer-modified levelling screed mixes


Cement grey.


Maximum and minimum screed thickness depends on incorporated aggregate. Screed should be at least three times and at most ten times as thick as maximum particle diameter of aggregate. Recommended grading of screed aggregate 0–8 mm; coat thickness approximately 25–80 mm.

Pot life

2–3 hours (approximately).

Guidance for specification option:

Stiffened mortar must not be retempered by addition of water or fresh mortar to restore workability.

Drying time

Walkable: After 7–8 hours; Ready to receive floor covering: For tiling: after approx. three days; for impervious coverings: after 3–5 days and after achievement of residual moisture content ≤1.8% CM.

Application temperature


Minimum thickness

Floor heating systems, 25 mm pipe cover.

Suitability for castor chairs

Suitable (for castors to DIN 68131).

Manufacturer guidance

(Castor chair resistance)

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin


Country of product manufacture


Manufacturing plant location

A1-A3 (production stage)

Normalised unit

4.9 kg CO₂ eq/kg

Declared unit

4.88 kg CO₂ eq/kg


Product certifications


BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Find out more about the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Platform Compatible Version



Revit 2017


Product certifications



EPD_Sopro Rapidur® B5 Rapid Drying Screed Binder | SMET | 25.09.27


TDS Sopro Rapidur® B5 Rapid Drying Floor Screed Binder

TDS Sopro Rapidur® B5 Rapid Drying Floor Screed Binder

BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing of Products

BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing of Products

BSI Certificate of Registration ISO 14001:2015

BSI Certificate of Registration ISO 14001:2015

BSI Certificate of Registration ISO 45001:2018

BSI Certificate of Registration ISO 45001:2018

BSI Certificate of Registration ISO 9001:2015

BSI Certificate of Registration ISO 9001:2015

Case studies

20,000m2 Rapidur® B5 Binder | B Doherty Screeding Services | National Mental Health Hospital Portrane

20,000m2 Rapidur® B5 Binder | B Doherty Screeding Services | National Mental Health Hospital Portrane

Bray Medical Centre | B Doherty Fast Track Flooring

Bray Medical Centre | B Doherty Fast Track Flooring

B Doherty Fast Track floor | Queen's University Belfast | Sopro Rapidur® B5 Rapid Drying Screed Binder

B Doherty Fast Track floor | Queen's University Belfast | Sopro Rapidur® B5 Rapid Drying Screed Binder