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Rockfon® MediCare® Plus - Healthcare Ceiling Tiles

Verified by manufacturer 9 days ago

MediCare Plus A24 System Maxispan T24A - 1200 x 600 x 20 mm

Rockfon Variant:
Product certifications:
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified

    Cradle to Cradle Certified

    Certificate type

  • EPD


    Certificate type

Ceiling tiles for demanding healthcare applications requiring cleaning using standard detergents and specialist dry steam and high pressure cleaning (compliant with HTM 60 and HTM 10).

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+44 (0)208 2227457 Website


For a variety of specialist healthcare applications.


Designed to provide class leading ceiling solutions for a variety of specialist healthcare applications the product complies with the relevant Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) design considerations, e.g. HTM 60 Ceilings and HTM 2045 Acoustics.

Features and benefits:

  • MediCare Plus is HTM 60 compliant in categories 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • The MediCare range tiles are all resistant to ubiquitous bacteria and fungi, in particular Staphylococcus aureus including its Methicin resistant strain (MRSA).
  • Does not contribute to the growth of MRSA.
  • All MediCare tiles have smooth imperforate aesthetically pleasing surfaces.
  • Low particle emission (Clean Room ISO Class 3).
  • The MediCare range is easy to handle and cut and is available in sizes up to 2.4 m in length to span corridor widths.
  • Installation of the MediCare products in RockLink FasTrac grid system saves both installation time and grid components.
  • For corridors, System MaxiSpan can be used to fasten the ceiling to the walls in stead of the often congested soffit.
  • All MediCare products provide durable ceilings with a good whole life cost.
  • Other configurations may be available – consult manufacturer for details.
  • Rockfon MediCare Plus is Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze.

Fire performance:

Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon® MediCare Plus can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/ or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes fire protecting membrane ceiling (integrity only) in accordance with BS 476 Part 22 – consult manufacturer for details.

Humidity resistance and dimensional stability:

  • Dimensionally stable, even at humidity levels of up to 100% RH.
  • As the humidity inside a building has no influence on Rockfon ceiling tiles, the ceiling can be installed at all temperatures ranging from 0-40ºC. No acclimatization is necessary.
  • Retains superior properties even in infrequently heated and unheated rooms.
  • Precautions should be taken to avoid condensation risks.
  • In accordance with BS EN 13964, predominantly classified as class 1/C/0N. Certain module sizes are class 2/C/0N.

Light reflection:

In accordance with DIN 5036-3, 85% diffuse light reflection.


Rockfon tiles can be demounted.

Clean room classification:

In accordance with ISO 14644-1, classified as ISO 3.


  • Stone wool is an inorganic material which is not attacked by rot, fungi or bacteria. This makes for a cleaner and healthier indoor environment.
  • Resistance to micro-organisms: Inoculated with food bouillon containing pathogenic germs and fungi, and the antibacterial effect was monitored. The tests confirmed that Rockfon products do not support the microbiological growth of the following bacteria and fungi: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseydomouas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus.


Awarded the Finnish M1 emission classification for building materials and the Danish Indoor Climate Label for low VOC emission products.

Compatible edges, grids and systems:

  • A24: Use with Chicago Metallic T24 2890 Click Grid to create Rockfon® System T24 A™ or Chicago Metallic T24 D2890 Click Grid to create Rockfon® System T24 A ECR™.
  • E24: Use with Chicago Metallic T24 2890 Click Grid to create Rockfon® System T24 E™ or Chicago Metallic T24 D2890 Click Grid to create Rockfon® System T24 E ECR™.
  • X: Use with Chicago Metallic T24 2890 Click Grid or Chicago Metallic T24 D2890 Click Grid to create Rockfon® System T24 X™.


  • Easily cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • Can be vacuum cleaned with a soft brush attachment up to 52 times a year.

General information






Stone wool





600 mm

1200 mm

1500 mm

1800 mm

2100 mm

Show more


600 mm


20 mm

22 mm

25 mm


Pr_35_93_13_80 Sound attenuator infill unitsPrimary
Ss_30_25_22_51 Modular suspended ceiling systems


K40/115 Unit/ modular suspended ceiling system

K40/10 Unit/ modular suspended ceilings

K40/265 Infill units

Product range

Modular ceiling tiles

Specification data - Sound attenuator infill units

Third-party certification

Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze.


Infill unit.




Ceiling mounting.


Stone wool.

Acoustic performance




Sound absorption

Class A (to ISO 11654: 1.00 αw).

Fire performance


Reaction to fire

Class A1 (to BS EN 13501-1).



Size (length x width)

1200 x 600 mm.

Thickness (overall)

20 mm.


Geometric profile.



Surface pattern



Visible side: smooth white painted fleece; rear side: back fleece.





Manufacturer guidance

A range of accessories available, please consult manufacturer.

Acoustic fireboxes

Not required.

700 x 700 x 200 mm.

1300 x 700 x 200 mm.


37 W/m·K (K-value, to EN 12667).

Guidance for specification option:

Minimum thickness 30 mm.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of product manufacture



Stone wool

A1-A3 (production stage)

Normalised unit

Declared unit

2.43 kg CO₂ eq/kg


Lower emissions



Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

32 %

Expected Life

60 year

Product certifications


BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

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Platform Compatible Version




Product certifications

Cradle to Cradle Certified

Cradle to Cradle Certified

Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Bronze



EPD Rockfon Medicare


Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard - Bronze

Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard - Bronze

Design for hospital care

Design for hospital care

Case studies

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool

Southmead Hospital, Bristol

Southmead Hospital, Bristol

Morriston Hospital, Swansea

Morriston Hospital, Swansea

Glenfield Hospital, Leicester

Glenfield Hospital, Leicester

Rockfon is the perfect fit throughout Barnsley Blood Centre

Rockfon is the perfect fit throughout Barnsley Blood Centre

Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

Royal Sussex Hospital, Brighton

Royal Sussex Hospital, Brighton

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