Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago
Grass and wildflower seed mix for green roofs.
Suitable for sowing onto engineered substrates of Proteus Pro-Living® green roof schemes.
This British native wildflower meadow seed mixture is suitable for sowing onto engineered substrates of Proteus Pro-Living® green roof schemes. The mix contains 24 wildflower species and 7 grass species including Cowslip, Kidney Vetch and bee friendly plants.
A depth of 75–150 mm or more is best for supporting the widest range of plant species. Shallow depths (less than 75 mm) and extensive growing medium designed for sedums are not usually adequate and will not contain correct moisture or nutrient levels.
Seed is best sown in the autumn or spring but can be sown at other times of the year if there is sufficient warmth and moisture. On shallow growing medium irrigation may be needed to maintain establishment through dry periods.
Color | Other |
Finish | Natural |
Material | Vegetation |
Shape | Formless |
Length | Bespoke |
Width | Bespoke |
Height | Bespoke |
Warranty description | Other |
Uniclass | |
CAWS | Q37/120 Simple intensive green roof Q37/110 Intensive green roof Q30/312 Wildflower seed mixture Q37/130 Extensive green roof Q37/400 Vegetation blanket |
Mix type | Wildflowers and grasses. |
Species | Yarrow, common agrimony, kidney vetch, common knapweed, greater knapweed, wild carrot, viper's buglos, lady's bedstraw, field scabious, rough hawkbit, oxeye daisy, common toadflax, birdsfoot trefoil, musk mallow, ribwort plantain, hoary plantain, cowslip, self heal, meadow buttercup, bulbous buttercup, weld, yellow rattle, bladder campion, dark mullein, browntop bent, crested dogstail, strong creeping red fescue, chewings fescue, slender creeping red fescue, yellow oat grass, sweet vernal grass. Guidance for specification option: 24 wildflower species and 7 grass species including Cowslip, Kidney Vetch and bee friendly plants. |
Origin and provenance | UK native. |
Execution | Manufacturer guidanceConsult manufacturer for execution requirements. |
Contains Red List materials | No |
Country of material origin | United Kingdom |
Country of product manufacture | United Kingdom |
Material | Vegetation |
Recyclability | Fully recyclable |
Recycled contentAs defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021 | 100 % |