Verified by manufacturer 6 months ago
A wildflower vegetation blanket.
For living roofs.
Proteus Pro-Living® Blanket - Wildflower is a vegetation blanket that contains a wide variety of wild flowers, resulting in varied and colourful vegetation on the roof. With an array of environmental benefits such as absorbing rain water, capturing pollutants and atmospheric deposits and providing a natural habitat for local wildlife.
Proteus Pro-Living® Blanket - Wildflower is a soil-free wildflower system developed to reduce irrigation, reduce water run-off, improve insulation and cooling of buildings and thrive in an exposed environment. This blanket is nursery grown to produce a mat of wildflower plants that retains 100% of its root system.
The blanket is made up of UK native wildflowers and grasses, with a minimum of 75% wildflowers although bespoke mixes are produced to order.
The soil-less growing technique uses an inert, pH modified, low nutrient, compost based growing medium that is compatible with all Proteus Waterproofing products.
A fine degradable net is incorporated in the root zone of the blanket to provide stability and strength, whilst maintaining a relatively lightweight roll ranging from 15–20 kg/m² (depending on maturity and moisture content when lifted).
Color | Other |
Finish | Natural |
Material | Vegetation |
Shape | Other |
Length | 640 mm |
Width | 1000 mm |
Height | 30 mm |
Warranty description | Other |
Uniclass | |
CAWS | Q37/120 Simple intensive green roof Q37/110 Intensive green roof Q37/130 Extensive green roof Q37/400 Vegetation blanket |
Dimensions | 0.64 x 1 m. |
Mat materials | |
Embedded mesh | |
Material | Fine degradable net. |
Growing medium | |
Type | Inert, pH modified, low nutrient, compost based. |
Thickness | Nominal 30 mm. |
Plants | |
Mix type | Grass and wildflower mix. Guidance for specification option: 20% Grass and 80% flowers. |
Species | Autumn hawkbi, betony, bird's foot trefoil, black medic, bladder campion, cat's ear, clustered bellflower, common knapweed, common sorrel, common toadflax, common vetch, cowslip, field scabious, hoary plantain, lady's bedstraw, meadow buttercup, meadow cranesbill, meadowsweet, musk mallow, ox eye daisy, perforate St John's wort, ragged robin, red campion, ribwort plantain, rough hawkbit, salad burnet, self-heal, small scabious, thrift, tufted vetch, viper’s bugloss, white campion, wild marjoram, wild red clover, yarrow, sheep's fescue. |
Origin and provenance | UK grown with UK native species. |
Root condition | 100% root retention. |
Vegetation coverage (minimum) | 95%. |
Saturated weight (maximum) | 20 kg/m². |
Contains Red List materials | No |
Country of material origin | United Kingdom |
Country of product manufacture | United Kingdom |
Material | Vegetation |
Recyclability | Fully recyclable |
Recycled contentAs defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021 | 100 % |