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Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive System - Roof Waterproofing

Verified by manufacturer 5 months ago

Proteus Waterproofing

A bituminous roof waterproofing system.

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Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive is satisfactory for use as a fully bonded roof waterproofing and AVCL in a warm roof waterproofing system on flat and pitched roofs with limited access. Where traffic over this is envisaged, such as pedestrian access roofs, additional protection must be provided.


Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive is a roof waterproofing system using a self-adhesive air and vapour control layer (AVCL) which can be safely and securely bonded to any roof deck without the use of a torch. Thermal insulation is then bonded to the AVCL, followed by a polymer-modified, self-adhesive underlay and a cap sheet.

AIRdhesive membrane is a single layer flame free reinforced bitumen membrane that can either be mechanically fixed, or adhered in adhesive.

System components:

  • Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA AVCL Sanded or Proteus Pro-Felt Endura AVCL Sanded.
  • Proteus Pro-Prime SA or Proteus Pro-Prime Bitumen.
  • Proteus Pro-Therm insulation.
  • Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Underlay Sanded.
  • Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral.
  • AIRdhesive Membrane.

Features and benefits:

  • BROOF(t4) can be achieved for certain roof buildups for slopes below 10° - see BBA certificate for details.
  • Under normal service conditions, the system will provide a durable waterproof covering with a service life of at least 35 years.

General information













Warranty description

35 year


Ss_30_40_30_72 Reinforced bitumen membrane warm roof covering systemsPrimary


J41/125 Single-layer reinforced bitumen membrane inverted roof covering

J41/115 Single-layer reinforced bitumen membrane warm deck roof covering

J41/135 Single-layer reinforced bitumen membrane cold deck roof covering

SKU Code


Specification data - Reinforced bitumen membrane warm roof covering systems

System performance


Manufacturer guidance

Refer to BBA certificate 22/6033 for systems that have achieved ROOF(t4) classification to EN 13501-5:2016 for slopes below 10°.



Horizontal work

Proteus Pro-Prime SA.

Guidance for specification option:

A synthetic rubber based primer for bonding Proteus Waterproofing’s range of self-adhesive membranes and vapour control layers to a variety of substrates. Suited for upstands and vertical applications.

Proteus Pro-Prime Bitumen.

Guidance for specification option:

A cold applied bituminous solution designed to prime and seal porous roof surfaces before applying bituminous materials. Promotes the adhesion of bituminous waterproofing systems and sheet coverings. Suitable for concrete, asbestos cement, metals (mild steel, zinc and lead), slate, and lightweight concrete screeds.

Skirtings and vertical work

Proteus Pro-Prime SA.

Guidance for specification option:

A synthetic rubber based primer for bonding Proteus Waterproofing’s range of self-adhesive membranes and vapour control layers to a variety of substrates. Suited for upstands and vertical applications.

Proteus Pro-Prime Bitumen.

Guidance for specification option:

A cold applied bituminous solution designed to prime and seal porous roof surfaces before applying bituminous materials. Promotes the adhesion of bituminous waterproofing systems and sheet coverings. Suitable for concrete, asbestos cement, metals (mild steel, zinc and lead), slate, and lightweight concrete screeds.

Air and vapour control layer



Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA AVCL Sanded.

Guidance for specification option:

A self-adhesive, elastomeric modified bitumen AVCL with a glass fibre/aluminium composite (200 g·m–2) acting as reinforcement. The membrane has a sand finish on the upper surface and a release film on the lower surface.

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura AVCL Sanded.

Guidance for specification option:

A torch-on, elastomeric modified bitumen AVCL with a glass fleece/aluminium composite (60 g·m–2) acting as reinforcement. The membrane has a sand finish on the upper surface and a thermofusible polyethylene film on the lower surface.

1000 Gauge Polythene Membrane.

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for details.



Guidance for specification option:

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA AVCL Sanded substrates, other than timber, by self-adhesion.


Guidance for specification option:

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura AVCL Sanded on all substrates by torch-bonding.

Loose laid with taped joints.

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for details.




Proteus Pro-Therm PIR.
Proteus Pro-Therm HP PIR.
Proteus Pro-Therm HP PIR Plus.
Proteus Pro-Therm Mineral Wool.
Proteus Pro-Therm Cellular Glass.


Polyurethane adhesive.
Mechanically fastened.

Guidance for specification option:

Insert details as required.

Waterproof covering


Top layer



AIRdhesive Membrane.


Mechanically fastened.
Proteus Pro-Membrane Adhesive.

Detail work



Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Underlay Sanded & Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral.
Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Underlay Sanded & Proteus Pro-Felt Endura Mineral.

Skirtings and upstands

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Underlay Sanded & Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral.
Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Underlay Sanded & Proteus Pro-Felt Endura Mineral.

Welted drips

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral and Proteus Pro-Felt Endura Mineral.

Guidance for specification option:

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral is a self-adhesive, elastomeric modified bitumen membrane, reinforced with polyester (280 g·m–2). The membrane has a slate finish on the upper surface and a release film on the lower surface. It is installed in the perimeter zone of the roof for a minimum of 900 mm from any areas of detailing.

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura Mineral is a torch-on, elastomeric modified bitumen membrane, reinforced with polyester (180–200 g·m–2), with a slate finish on the upper surface and a thermofusible polyethylene film on the lower surface.

Cover strips

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral and Proteus Pro-Felt Endura Mineral.

Guidance for specification option:

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura SA Mineral is a self-adhesive, elastomeric modified bitumen membrane, reinforced with polyester (280 g·m–2). The membrane has a slate finish on the upper surface and a release film on the lower surface. It is installed in the perimeter zone of the roof for a minimum of 900 mm from any areas of detailing.

Proteus Pro-Felt Endura Mineral is a torch-on, elastomeric modified bitumen membrane, reinforced with polyester (180–200 g·m–2), with a slate finish on the upper surface and a thermofusible polyethylene film on the lower surface.

Manufacturer guidance

The membranes and AVCLs can accept, without damage, the foot traffic and light concentrated loads associated with installation and maintenance. Where traffic over this is envisaged, such as for maintenance of lift equipment, a walkway must be provided (for example, using concrete slabs supported on bearing pads, or an additional sacrificial layer of capsheet). Reasonable care should be taken to avoid puncture by sharp objects or concentrated loads.

Ancillary items


Manufacturer guidance

Refer to manufacturers guidelines for mechanical fixing detail and vertical work higher than 300 mm, and insert requirements.

Surface protection


Manufacturer guidance

The membranes and AVCLs can accept, without damage, the foot traffic and light concentrated loads associated with installation and maintenance. Where traffic over this is envisaged, such as for maintenance of lift equipment, a walkway must be provided (for example, using concrete slabs supported on bearing pads). Reasonable care should be taken to avoid puncture by sharp objects or concentrated loads.

System accessories

Not required.
Membrane walkways.
Roof membrane perimeter trims.
Termination bars.
Angle fillets.

Manufacturer guidance

Consult manufacturer for further details.



Manufacturer guidance

Consult manufacturer for execution requirements.

System completion


Manufacturer guidance

The NHBC requires that the waterproofing membranes, once installed, are inspected in accordance with NHBC Standards 2022, Chapter 7.1, Clause 7.1.12, and undergo an appropriate integrity test, where required. Any damage to the membrane is repaired in accordance with section 16 of BBA certificate 22/6033 and reinspected.

Sustainability data




Product Data Sheet - Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive

Product Data Sheet - Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive

Safety Data Sheet - Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive

Safety Data Sheet - Proteus Pro-Felt® Endura AIRdhesive

Case studies

Case Study - Proteus Pro-Felt® - CO-OP Wembley

Case Study - Proteus Pro-Felt® - CO-OP Wembley

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