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Helifix ResiTie

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago


A remedial wall tie system, where a resin bond is required to both ends of the tie.

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+44 (0) 114 275 5224 Website


  • For small jobs of two hundred ties or less.
  • Suitable for all applications including those in coastal and marine environments


A remedial wall tie system, using a specialist grade 304 or 316 stainless steel helical rod, where a resin bond is required to both ends of the tie. Supplied in packs of 50.

General information




Stainless steel


Pr_20_85_84_82 Stainless steel resin-bonded tiesPrimary


C46/10 Inserting cavity wall ties

C46/110 Inserting cavity wall ties

Product range

Remedial Wall Ties

Specification data - Stainless steel resin-bonded ties


6 mm.


155 mm.
170 mm.
195 mm.
220 mm.
245 mm.
270 mm.
295 mm.

Product Reference


Bonding agent

PolyPlus polyester resin.

Sustainability data


Stainless steel

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