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EX1 Extensive Green Roof Substrate - Light Weight Substrate

Verified by manufacturer 12 days ago

Boughton Loam

Extensive green roof substrate mixture of virgin 6-14mm crushed brick and PASS 100 certified compost.

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Designed for 'Brown Roof applications and the planting of sedum schemes or other specialized planting, in extensive green roof system. It should be laid at a minimum depth of 80 mm and directly onto a drainage board.


Composed of recycled unused crushed brick and PAS 100 compost. EX1 is designed to be free draining, porous and lightweight. Due to its structure, this substrate is best suited to extensive green roof applications and should be installed at a depth of 80–150 mm. The substrate can be installed at depths greater than 150 mm, but other substrates (IN1) are more suited for this application.

The green roof substrate is especially suited for 'Brown Roof' applications and drought tolerant planting schemes, with Sedum mixes suitable between 80 and 150 mm and wildflower mixes between 120 and 150 mm. Due to its free draining nature, temporary irrigation may be needed to help plants establish during certain times of the year.

Due to the plant communities planted into this substrate, irrigation is generally not required on installations with this substrate. Boughton Loam can provide additional advice if needed on how best to specific and install this substrate.

Typical Features and benefits:

  • Substrate density:
    • Bulk density when oven dried: 0.83 g/cm³.
    • Bulk density at 10% VMC: 0.97 g/cm³.
    • Bulk density at field capacity: 1.26 g/cm³.
    • Particle density: 1.79 g/cm³.
  • Water and air:
    • Field capacity: 37.6% v/v.
    • Total porosity: 46.4%.
    • Porosity at field capacity: 31.3%.
    • Effective porosity: 15.1%.
    • Saturated hydraulic conductivity: 48 mm/min.
  • Chemical:
    • Organic matter: 2.8%.
    • pH: 7.7.
  • Plant available nutrients:
    • Nitrogen: 13.1 mg/L.
    • Phosphate: >165 mg/L.
    • Potassium: >241 mg/L.
  • Particle size distribution:
    • Stones (>8 mm): 61.2%.
    • Coarse gravel (8–4 mm): 28.5%.
    • Fine gravel (4–2 mm): 1.2%.
    • Very coarse sand (2–1 mm): 0.5%.
    • Coarse sand (1.0–0.5 mm): 0.6%.
    • Medium sand (0.5–0.25 mm): 1.3%.
    • Fine sand (0.250–0.125 mm): 1.2%.
    • Very fine sand (0.125–0.050 mm): 0.7%.
    • Silt (0.050–0.002 mm): 2.7%.
    • Clay (<0.002 mm): 2.0%.

General information









Guidance for specification option:





Pr_45_31_89_35 Green roof substratesPrimary
Pr_45_31_89_50 Manufactured growing media
Pr_45_31_89_41 Imported growing media


Q28/125 Green roof growing media system

Q37/130 Extensive green roof

Specification data - Green roof substrates

General requirements

Topsoil, growing medium, subsoil and preparation materials generally.


Boughton Loam.


Manufacturer's standard.

pH (range)


Organic matter content


Percentage of material smaller than 0.063 mm in size (by mass)


Percentage of material greater than 4.0 mm in size (by mass)


Percentage of material greater than 8.0 mm in size (by mass)


Maximum water holding capacity (by volume)

Manufacturer's standard.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Field capacity: 37.6% v/v.
  • Total porosity: 46.4%.
  • Porosity at field capacity: 31.3%.
  • Effective porosity: 15.1%.

Water permeability

48 mm/min.

Guidance for specification option:

Saturated hydraulic conductivity.

Permitted materials for manufactured growing medium


Permitted materials

Recycled unused crushed brick and PAS 100 compost.

Declaration of compliance


Composted materials

In accordance with PAS 100.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

United Kingdom

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom




Guidance for specification option:



Fully Recyclable

Recycled content

As defined in clause 7.8 of BS EN ISO 14021

100 %


Boughton Landscape Product Brochure

Boughton Landscape Product Brochure

EX1 Extensive Green Roof Substrate Spec Sheet

EX1 Extensive Green Roof Substrate Spec Sheet

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